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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Liked it, as always. I read a horror novel based in New Orleans, where a detective was trying to solve a series of Voodo ritual-killings of children and a cult was trying to kill 12 children to avert a disaster. The detective solves the puzzle and saves the last child, escaping to a farm in the mid-west. The book ends with him sat on his porch, looking over the plains, when he sees the mushroom clouds appearing in the distance. By the way, the film they made of it skipped the last scene, which spoiled it slightly. That fits in with your moral dilemmas theme, doing the right thing that turns into the wrong thing.
  2. Oh, that's good, very simple too. You might exceed your number of Messages, but you would have to write a lot of notes to do that.
  3. Ernaldala was the land south of Kethaela and Mavorela was the land between Ernaldela and The Spike, both now flooded. Not that I am aware of. Heler might have been involved. The myth I have seen has the following participants: Worcha, Three Brothers (Undertow, Press Down and Dizzy), Four Companions (Thundering Wave, Walking Shark, Poison Surf and Slashing Coral), Many Servants (Waertagi, Voti, Helerings in Boats, Helering Greatship Benkaros, Orafoda's Troll Fleet, Dog-headed Tribe). So, it looks like a concerted invasion of the land. Heler isn't really a fighting deity, unless you include Helemakt as Heler. Worcha was a more powerful deity than Heler, he was given the power to destroy Ernalda and managed to destroy Mavora, the Land Goddess of the first land the Orlanthi settled. I don't think the sea Gods knew of Wachaza back then, I think he was a fairly late deity. The Worcha myth sees Helerings as a sea-going people, in Boats and with a Greatship, maybe something akin to a Waertagi Dragonship. The Helerings associated with the Vingkotlings are land-based, without that seagoing side to them.
  4. In Russia, they are saying that it was planted by US Troops. When I told my wife that there weren't any US Troops in China, she said "Well, that's what I've heard". It's unlikely. An engineered virus would have a higher fatality rate, unless they were sneaky and engineered it to have a lower fatality rate so it would appear not to be engineered. Hmmm, bio-engineers are crafty.
  5. Maybe have a Private Blog and update it? If that is possible. You could have a Thread entitled "Private Notes on Users - Nobody Read!" and put your comments in Spoilers, with white text on a white background. Alternatively, ask Triff to set you up a Private Forum for you to post in and don't give anyone the Password. Although, best share it with me, just in case you forget it, I could do with a laugh.
  6. Cold and Stasis is fine for the blanket of snow left after a snowstorm, but for the storm itself Cold and Air/storm makes sense.
  7. I cancelled tonight's session, as I am working from home due to a cough, as a precaution. So, yes, it has affected our gaming schedule. Fortunately, we play every Monday, so can pick up again next week. The cough has almost cleared up, so probably wasn't Covid-19.
  8. What is more terrifying? Cthulhu or Cthulhu taking a dump?
  9. I'm not sure about Illumination, but something turned people into monsters in this thread.
  10. There used to be an Ice Rune, owned by Valind, but I am not sure if that is used any more. A snowstorm should probably have Air/Storm and Cold.
  11. RQSciFi combines RQMI with Traveller, so might be useful.
  12. The trouble with adapting particular TV Series, Films or Books is that most of the technology is the same, so you can use any old stuff from other supplements. What is special about The Expanse? The Ship Drives are unusual and allow for rapid travel between planets, so you just describe them and how fast they can travel. People have High-G Protector Technology, so that can be included to assist with the super-fast drives. Apart from that, you can just use normal SciFi equipment. I suppose you could go through every episode of The Expanse and detail what technology was used, but I can't see the point of that, really.
  13. 100% agree. I think that Illumination helped them by removing the fear of what they were doing.
  14. Indeed it did. Congratulations on funding in under 24 hours.
  15. I did wonder about that, I thought you were in your late teens, so might have only just been able to legally watch some of the films based on his works. By the way, I didn't mean to offend, I just thought it was surprising that someone with such an interest in horror hadn't read or seen anything by Stephen King.
  16. But supposedly these 6 goddesses were only revealed AFTER Belintar's rituals, so long after the places had common names. Are the names of the sixths the same as the names of the original lands? I doubt it very much. I would expect the Sixths to have special names.
  17. Pledged! There is no link in the OP, so have a look here.
  18. Yes, I work in IT, I should know. Bunch of clowns if ever I saw them.
  19. Popular fiction that had a lot of films and TV Series made. OK, so Dethstrok9 was born a lot later than I was, so would have missed out on the 70s and 80, where you couldn't move without a Stephen King adaptation. But, even in recent times you have had Under the Dome and a remake of IT. Also, with streaming, a lot of the older films are available in different genres. I was just surprised.
  20. Huh! 🤐 No sulky face icon. That's exactly the kind of thing that PCs should be. None of this "I was a poor farmer's son when nasty broos carried off my livestock" business. Allegedly. I am waiting for the "This year" announcement. As Hercules strangled snakes in the cradle. Demigods are not to be trifled with.
  21. We stretched the rules a little, then took them to the limit, then jumped over the limit and pulled it as far as we could without everythign breaking. It was fun. Mello Yello used Yelm's Mirror to do that in our campaign. Who needs Harrek when you have a painted baboon with a mirror on a cart?
  22. Chaosium post the same post in multiple threads, as does Pookie and other people. The more threads the better the coverage and these deserve to be watched/listened to.
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