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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Why poor business sense? We have many licensees producing the same sort of thing - e.g. Stygian Fox, Golden Goblin Press and Goodman Games, among a number of others, are all producing Call of Cthulhu supplements under license. Same applies to RQ/Glorantha minies - neither Rapier nor Dash-Dash have an exclusive license to make RQ/Glorantha minies, and both are aware other makers may wish to apply for a license as well.
  2. A lot of refugees ended up in Corflu during the Great Winter, though most didn't stick around. When Sor Eel was recalled back to Dragon Pass most of the hungry army went with him, having requisitioned all the food they could lay their hands on. Count Solanthos rebuffed Sor Eel’s attempts at a levy in Sun County, but most of Pavis County and virtually all of the Grantlands were picked clean, causing great suffering. The Sun Dome Temple was inundated with hungry Grantlanders seeking sanctuary, who by custom could not be turned away, but those refugees who made it to Corflu were bluntly informed by the Lunar garrison they had no food to spare. This forced many in desperation to take passage on Vadeli galleys, the only seafarers able to visit the port during the Windstop. Who knows where they ended up?
  3. By 1627 Haloric Glowbrow has died, an eventual consequence of the heroic personal sacrifices he made during The Great Winter. His daughter Rana Goldenhair now sits on the council, representing Suntown. She is the defacto head of the Eiskolli family in Pavis, and is married to Rurik Runespear. (A Yelmalio convert of modest origins, Rurik was considered an acceptable suitor for Rana only after becoming celebrated and wealthy from his many successful forays into the Pavis Rubble. Rurik disappeared shortly after the wedding, at the time of the Cradle episode, and was eventually declared 'dead'. Rurik returned triumphantly with Argrath Whitebull in 1624, and reclaimed his bride, but spends most of his time away campaigning in Dragon Pass.)
  4. Indeed, there's the People's Democratic Republic of Wexten in Safelster, for example.
  5. More from the Time of Two Counts document: The Fate of the Grantlands Although Nomad outriders swept through the Grantlands on their way to Moonbroth in 1624, Raus of Rone, Duke of Weis Domain, prayed the Lunar forces would be able to defeat them as soundly as they had done fourteen years earlier. These hopes were soundly shattered on news of the Lunar rout. Many of his settlers began fleeing – either upriver to Sun County or downriver to the port of Corflu – even before they had heard Pavis too had fallen. With the Armistice of Prax now broken, the Duke was realistic enough to know that without the Lunar army the Grantlands were completely defenseless. Raus gathered as many of his remaining people together as he could to make their escape before the nomad onslaught. He quickly assembled together a large flotilla, comprising riverboats, barges, newtling rafts (and just about anything else that could float) and set off for Corflu and safety. Behind them, his proud little capital of Ronegarth and the settlements around it burned. Many times the nomads sorely harassed the convoy, but mercifully the river was high and fast at that time of the year. The adroit water skills of their newtling river guides also aided the passage: Raus’s patient fostering of cordial relations with the formerly-hostile Five Eyes Temple proving worthwhile in the end. With better hope of plunder back upriver, the nomad pursuit gradually tapered off. After a final failed assault near Bilos Gap, the flotilla was unmolested for the remainder of the journey. From Corflu, the refugees dispersed. Raus presumably also took ship, for parts unknown (he was certainly not there when the port was sacked by the Wolf Pirates later that year). In mid-1626, Count-in-Exile Belvani sent his Light Captain Dignan Yellowscale to occupy and hold Duke Raus’s former domain. He planned to use the stronghold of Ronegarth as a staging post for retaking Sun County from the south. This scheme came awry when Dignan found the fortifications there had been razed by powerful magic. Any settlers had already either fled with Raus, been carried off by the nomads, or were dead.
  6. *the resourceful Halcyon cunningly switched clothes with a flunky just before the assault, and it was actually the luckless double’s head that got paraded around afterwards, not his. He managed to flee the city and eventually make his way back to the Empire, along with Marusa. Rumor has it they were both among the very few Lunar survivors of the Dragonrise.
  7. Rurik is one of Argrath's boon companions. Rurik was present at the Fall of Pavis. After disappearing, presumed dead following the Cradle incident, Rurik's triumphant return came riding atop the Golden Wyrm that destroyed the Watchdog of Corflu and broke the seige. He led the storming of the Lunar Headquarters, and personally killed the hated lunar governor, who he found hiding in a privy*. During the celebrations that followed, Rurik had time to enact the Three Blows of Anger to reclaim his wife, but was back in Dragon Pass campaigning before the schism erupted in Sun County. He has been back to Pavis but once, only briefly, during the week of the Dragonrise, where was seen taking part in a strange ritual in the Rubble in the company of Argrath. His wife, Rana Goldenhair, belongs to the prominent Eiskolli family. Rurik safeguards the interests of his wife and the kinfolk he married into, making Rana the defacto head of Suntown. She sits as the Suntown representative on the Pavis City Council. The Eiskollis adroitly survived the change from the Lunar occupation to the Argrath as King of Pavis with their prestige and fortune intact, although they have conflicted loyalties in struggle of the two counts. The Eiskollis resident in New Pavis have now tacitly accepted Belvani’s rule, and he in turn has confirmed all their ancestral privileges (except that he has claimed their former palace for his own). In Sun County itself Rana’s cousin Varthanicus claims to be head of the Eiskoilli family. He is fanatically devoted to Countess Vega, and serves as the captain of her Golden Guard and leader of her inquisition. He led the forces that committed the infamous Newtling Massacre at Five Eyes Temple in the panic that followed the Dragonrise.
  8. Although Argrath as King of Pavis might recognize Belvani’s claim as the legitimate count, in reality all of Argrath’s attention and resources are fully focused on conquering Dragon Pass. If Belvani wants to win back Sun County it is entirely up to him. Unfortunately, in return for this recognition, Belvani is obliged to send his best forces campaigning with Argrath in Dragon Pass too. The Sun Dome temple in Suntown is now the center of power for the new Sun Dragon aspect of Yelmalio worship. Out in the Vulture’s Country, the prison and salt mines at Pent Ridge remain under Belvani’s control. This site appears to have some form of ritual significance for the Sun Dragon cult and is secretly provisioned by supporters from the closest Sun County outpost of Wiley’s Well.
  9. An excellent way of putting it! The experimental faction is led by Count Belvani. After his predecessor's death at the Second Battle of Moonbroth, he failed to convince those back at the Sun Dome Temple of his rightful status as Count, though several of the Temple Guardian Spirits came over to him. Belvani set up a rival court at the Old Sun Dome for a while, until driven out. He is now a "count-in-exile" based in New Pavis, though several towns in Sun County openly support his cause. The reactionary faction at the Sun Dome Temple is (somewhat ironically), led by a women, Countess Vega Goldbreath. Her faction also holds the Yelmalio Temple Hill in The Rubble.
  10. We have also just released new Submissions Guidelines for the Chaosium Fiction line (and appointed James Lowder as the Executive Editor) Chaosium was born out of fiction. Greg Stafford discovered Glorantha through his writings which led him to founding the company. Only a few years later, Chaosium turned H.P. Lovecraft’s most famous story of the Cthulhu Mythos into our most award winning RPG game, Call of Cthulhu, written by Sandy Petersen. We have carried on their tradition with our Fiction line. And James Lowder, the Chaosium Fiction Line Editor, has prepared our fiction submission guidelines for both experienced and new writers alike. Do you have a story written? We would love to hear from you. The Mythos was the line’s core when it launched in 1993 and it will be the core of our relaunched line starting in 2018. We may publish other types of work from time to time and may expand the line in the future, but for submission purposes, we’re considering Mythos works. http://www.chaosium.com/fiction-submissions
  11. Apologies, I meant post the New Submissions Guidelines announcement here on BRP Central too, have done so now.
  12. At its heart, Chaosium is a roleplaying game company. Since RuneQuest came out in 1978 and Call of Cthulhu followed in 1981 we've been producing award-winning roleplaying games with artistic integrity. The who's who of RPG writers have all contributed to make our games great. We'd love for you to join our tribe! Do you have a scenario ready to go, or an amazing concept? We would love to hear from you. We are accepting submissions for Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest and more (including BRP) http://www.chaosium.com/blog/new-rpg-submissions-guidelines-released/
  13. At its heart, Chaosium is a roleplaying game company. Since RuneQuest came out in 1978 and Call of Cthulhu followed in 1981 we've been producing award-winning roleplaying games with artistic integrity. The who's who of RPG writers have all contributed to make our games great. We'd love for you to join our tribe! Do you have a scenario ready to go, or an amazing concept? We would love to hear from you. We are accepting submissions for Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest and more. http://www.chaosium.com/blog/new-rpg-submissions-guidelines-released
  14. At its heart, Chaosium is a roleplaying game company. Since RuneQuest came out in 1978 and Call of Cthulhu followed in 1981 we've been producing award-winning roleplaying games with artistic integrity. The who's who of RPG writers have all contributed to make our games great. We'd love for you to join our tribe! Do you have a scenario ready to go, or an amazing concept? We would love to hear from you. We are accepting submissions for Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest and more. http://www.chaosium.com/blog/new-rpg-submissions-guidelines-released
  15. From the Submissions Guidelines: RuneQuest Fantasy Earth We are also looking for supplements set in RuneQuest Fantasy Earth. These use the rules template presented in the new RuneQuest Mythic Iceland. These might be additional adventures set in the North Sea of the 9th or 10th centuries AD, using Icelandic Adventurers along the lines of Egil’s Saga or the Viking Romances. We are also looking for new settings for RuneQuest Fantasy Earth, such as Anglo-Saxon England, Constantinople under the Macedonian Dynasty, the Holy Roman Empire during the Ottonians, Abbasid Baghdad, Heian period Japan, the China of Di Renjie, etc. All RuneQuest Fantasy Earth settings should be set in a specific historical period and culture. Don't try to present everything - focus on a specific city or region. Be historically accurate without being pedantic. A new setting book will need to include a short self-contained rules section that includes creating characters in that setting, the RQ game mechanics and combat system, magic for that setting (which should not be based on Rune spells or sorcery - the Gloranthan Runes are not present in fantasy Earth!).
  16. Jim Lowder has done a sterling job helping us sort out the myriad problems with the Chaosium fiction line over the past 18 months, so we are excited to announce his appointment as Executive Editor for fiction, complete with a new fiction submissions guidelines. In his own words, "Going forward, Chaosium will be a professional market, with pay rates and contracts in line with HWA and SFWA guidelines. More importantly, authors and editors working with the line will find Chaosium a partner interested in helping them get their works out to the widest possible audience, in the best possible form." More details: http://www.chaosium.com/blog/chaosium-appoints-james-lowder-as-new-executive-editor-of-fiction/
  17. Here's some new Gloranthan art we recently shared in a 13th Age in Glorantha Kickstarter update. More details at the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/416625372/13th-age-in-glorantha/posts/1875005 The first piece is a wind lord by Rachel Kahn. The second piece is another of the illuminated runes from Kalin Kadiev. That's Larnste, god of Movement, dancing at the center.
  18. MOB

    Where in Glorantha?

    Bingo! Will try to find something more challenging for next time...
  19. Where in Glorantha? I don't think it will take Glorantha fans long to guess the location from the top half of this almost-completed art by Andrey Fetisov. It's one of the wonderful pieces in the forthcoming 13th Age in Glorantha book.
  20. Chaosium welcomes Rapier Miniatures as our newest licensee! UK-based Rapier have been gaming in Glorantha for 35 years, and now they get to make the figures they've always wanted for this world. More details at the link: http://www.rapierminiatures.co.uk/page/Glorantha/GloranthaHome.html
  21. First rule of Black Fang - no one talks about Black Fang...
  22. And course The Guide has been reprinted, and is also available from Chaosium.com: http://www.chaosium.com/the-guide-to-glorantha-slipcase-set/ (ships from USA, UK and Australia, includes PDF).
  23. Gloranthan Classics are available here: http://www.chaosium.com/glorantha-classics/ Borderlands and Beyond available in PDF and Print (ships from USA, UK and Australia) Cult Compendium is available in PDF and Print (ships from USA) Pavis & Big Rubble and Griffin Mountain are only available in PDF Chaosium also has copies of TotRM #20 (the last issue) available in print: http://www.chaosium.com/tales-20/ (ships from USA) Unfortunately, the other 19 issues are long, long out of print.
  24. Backers, if you didn't receive the Backerkit email, check your spam/junk mail folders in case it ended up there. Otherwise, send us an email at customerservice@chaosium.com and we'll sort it out.
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