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Everything posted by MOB

  1. MOB [wearing contributor hat here] Inconsistencies, self-contradictions and logical fallacies are a time-honoured and expected part of mythological/theological aetiology in the RW. Same applies to Glorantha...
  2. MOB [wearing moderator hat here] I don't think anyone has crossed a line in this very interesting thread yet, but let's keep it that way! Jeff has provided a canon response from the perspective of the publisher, and that stands for all material to be published with Chaosium/MD's approval. Fortunately, going a long way back Greg generously propounded "YGMV" as a principle for Gloranthan fandom that continues to apply now and going forward.
  3. Thanks everyone - I have fixed the URL in the link above. But here it is here again: http://bit.ly/khanofkhanspp And here is a picture of a grateful Morokanth
  4. Our Reiner Knizia card game KHAN OF KHANS, set in Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha, is coming to Kickstarter on Jan 10. But in the meantime, you can download the full game for free and try it out with our PRINT & PLAY version! Download it here and give it a go: http://bit.ly/khanofkhanspp
  5. and I would say for resurrection to be successful both conditions must be countered by healing (or, the case of wounds, at least stabilized: presumably you could still resurrect someone who died after losing a limb, even if you don't have the limb). Also, if the person died of disease, that would have to be cured too, otherwise they'd just succumb again to the illness.
  6. [MOB wearing Moderator hat here] This thread has diverged a --long-- way from its original topic. Can we split this into three or maybe four topics - Questions on the history of Balazar - keep going here Merits or lack thereof of the Moongoose RQ stuff - can someone start a new topic? What happens when you're dead - can someone start a new topic please? Thieves cults - can someone start a new topic please (if that has not already played out)?
  7. Does the map include the extensive dungeon complex in the sewers and below?
  8. The marauding Bolo Lizard Folk are a stretch goal in the forthcoming Khan of Khans. Their description is as follows: The Bolo Lizard Folk The Bolo Lizard folk are nomadic hunters renowned for their spinning weapon, the bolas - useful in war and hunting. They ride nimble two-legged lizards, and attack in a swarm. The artwork is really nice. The lizard has some feathers.
  9. Check out this new Kickstarter project from our Call of Cthulhu licensee Darker Hue Studios - HARLEM UNBOUND is a unique RPG sourcebook that takes players into the exciting world of the Harlem Renaissance at its height, to face terrifying horrors from the Lovecraftian Mythos. Chris Spivey has done a wonderful job flipping Lovecraft's views on race on their head and letting us experience the Mythos from the perspective of the residents of Harlem. Well worth your support! http://kck.st/2hIz7Oh
  10. Now available from our AUSTRALIAN warehouse too! Australian customers: order by Friday December 16 for pre-Christmas delivery! New Zealanders - get your order in TODAY (Dec 13) for pre-Christmas delivery! http://bit.ly/HPLTCoC
  11. HP Lovecraft's THE CALL OF CTHULHU (for beginning readers) is available NOW from our UK warehouse! UK customers: order by Friday December 16 for pre-Christmas delivery!
  12. Mike Mason discusses what Pulp Cthulhu is all about in this informative Q&A from The Hardboiled GMshoe: https://gmshoe.wordpress.com/2016/11/30/qa-mike-mason-pulp-cthulhu
  13. We've just announced a new 20th scenario for Horror on the Orient Express! And, to signal the end of the Kickstarter fulfilment and as a gesture of thanks for their patience and endurance, all backers will receive a free PDF copy. Details here: http://www.chaosium.com/blog/new-20th-scenario-for-horror-on-the-orient-express
  14. US and Canadian customers: order by Dec 5 for pre-Christmas delivery http://bit.ly/HPLTCoC (UK and European customers - copies will be available from our UK warehouse soon, and you'll have more time to get your order in for Christmas delivery)
  15. The stars are right—HP Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu (for beginning readers) is available now from Chaosium's US warehouse!* Glorious, full color 102 page hardback, with PDF included. Order it here: http://www.chaosium.com/hpls-call-of-cthulhu-for-beginning-readers/ (*will be available soon in UK and Australian warehouses too)
  16. HEROQUEST GLORANTHA at Dragonmeet! If you're attending Dragonmeet in London next weekend and would like to play HeroQuest Glorantha, GMed by Ian Cooper, author of The Coming Storm:, sign up now and reserve a slot for these sessions now at Warhorn: (There's also a playtest demo of the new RuneQuest - "Ears of the Bull", GMed by Andrew Bean) https://warhorn.net/events/dragonmeet/schedule/2016/12
  17. NEW RUNEQUEST at Dragonmeet! If you're attending Dragonmeet in London next weekend and would like to play a playtest demo of the new RuneQuest - "Ears of the Bull", GMed by Andrew Bean, sign up now and reserve a slot for these sessions now at Warhorn. Slots for HeroQuest Glorantha available too, GMed by Ian Cooper, author of The Coming Storm: https://warhorn.net/events/dragonmeet/schedule/2016/12
  18. More info about Chaosium.com is offering here:
  19. More info about Chaosium.com is offering here:
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