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Everything posted by Pentallion

  1. Don't you have to figure out which Gloranthan custom of treasure distribution your group uses? Kinda makes a designated party leader mandatory.
  2. I like Womble's math. 4 get through. First gift doubles the damage so 8 get through, second gift simultaneously doubles the 4 damage to now 12 got through, etc. I hadn't thought of it like that but that's how I'm going to rule it.
  3. Sorry, my bad for not being more clear. The Gift #9: Would Crimson Bat be a "foe species"? Or Undead? Undead aren't really a species. Neither are just zombies. Broos are a species, but are they a foe?
  4. If my players Humakt rune lord takes geas do double damage and geas do double damage to dragons and geas do double damage to headdoes that do 8 times damage to a dragons head?
  5. The words foe and species both throw me off. Humakt hates chaos. Humakt dislikes other death cults. Help. EDIT: I'm referring to the Humakt Gift #9: Bless specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) against a given foe species.
  6. You forget the armoring enchantments cast upon the chariot which protect the rider, making him harder to hit, especially from below.
  7. Well, sorry I shouldn't have said that. You guys both bring a lot of good knowledge. It's just that one of you is obviously Irrippi Ontor and the other Lhankor Mhy and you always disagree and when that happens it seldom stays on topic. Let's get back to the topic: Obviously there is enough proof that yes, barding IS a thing in RQG. What can we infer then about its cost and weight and now that we know there is a STR and SIZ limit for carrying heavily armored riders, how much should barding add to the minimum stats necessary to carry an armored rider AND wear barding? How many "things" is barding? Well, first off, I'm guessing the SIZE of the rider is added to his "things" and this must be the what forms the basis of the average size and Str of the horse that's needed to carry a rider. I"m basing this on a warhorse needing an average STR and SIZ of 26. Average human size is 13. Average armor "things" for plate armor is 11 and with leather under and quilted 13. Total 26. So how many 'things' does each piece of armor contribute to a horse? I would guess the same as it does to a human. For a human, carrying the horses armor would be really hard, but it's meant to spread the weight around a horse so plate shin guards would be 2 "things" for hind legs and two "things" for forelegs and so forth. These "things" then increase the necessary average STR and SIZE needed for the warhorse. How much does it cost? An average horse is about twice the size of an average human. So a quick off the cuff estimate is twice the cost of the equivalent human armor. However, I could - and just did - whip out my RQ 3 books and compare barding to human armor. Doing so, I see it varies but a simple rule of thumb would be that a horses armor cost 50% more than human armor of the same type. So I guess I unofficially answered my own question. That is, unless someone spots the answer somewhere in the new rules and I just missed it. Thanks for playing Pin the Breastplate on the Goldeneye.
  8. I'm sure that goes into the evolutionary factors of it lol 😀
  9. None of which has anything to do with my original question, but glad to know I can start yet another debate between Metcalph and Jeorg. We don't get enough of those. 🙄
  10. Survivability Tip: Runequest is a dangerous game. To avoid an unlucky dice roll prematurely ending a PCs career, it is best to quickly introduce into your campaign a means to resurrect characters. A magic item that can be recharged is best. Constant death turns players off. Death must always be an option, however. Keep the tension great enough that they are always on the edge of their seats. Characters who have survived by the skin of their teeth are more memorable.
  11. The job isnt worth keeping and the subsequent lawsuit for them firing you over art most definitely needs to happen.
  12. Personally, I really hate the 10%/mp bonus. I will probably change it to 1%.
  13. And the concern trolling continues... Defintion:
  14. The pushback needs to happen in court. Suing the employer for harrassment over art and claiming it is creating its own "hostile work environment".
  15. In RQ3 there was armor for the horse. Not sure if there still is in RQG. Can't find any reference to it or how much it would cost.
  16. Yeah, makes me not believe a word from this poster. As I said before, this guy is trolling all of you.
  17. Exactly. Another thread that smacks of concern trolling.
  18. Thanks. Maybe we can make this thread the place to post fan scenarios?
  19. No, Detect Bob example is not at all how CM works. CM does NOTHING to prevent a person who has detect YOU from detecting you. The misunderstanding here is thinking of the detection spell as an "incoming spell". It is not. Yes. What the rules description is saying and it really shouldn't have to be rewritten it seems perfectly clear, is that if you have CM up you can't cast Detect, protection or even healing on yourself.
  20. Look up the difference between a fact and a factoid. The latter was coined ladt century.
  21. You know what this premise of this thread looks like to me? Concern trolling.
  22. Soooo we are all killer hobos? Youre spouting factoids now.
  23. I didnt "assume" anything.RQG starts family history at 1582. Go back 12 years from 1625 to 1613 then the starting history becomes 1570. Dealing with anything more complex than that is too minutia for 99.99% of all players.
  24. No, telling misogynistic stories teaches us about misogyny.
  25. I just was doing the math. If the PC is 21 in 1613, then the campaign starts 12 years earlier. That means the first event that can affect the grandparents after giving birth to the parents is in 1570. None of the stuff that happened before that matters, unless you're rolling up Great Grandparents. The date is also perfect for the Borderlands campaign. Can you guys do the Praxian events and events that would affect Lunars who came with Duke Raus?
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