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Everything posted by Pentallion

  1. Zistor merely made himself the point of reference. Paradox solved. Everything else became relative to Zistor.
  2. The term "Highway Robberty" was coined to describe unethical merchants. Merchants can and DO rob customers, hence the other term, "Buyer Beware". It's misguided, IMO, for GoG to have verbage inferring that all Issaries merchants deal honorably and honestly. That's not seen anywhere in Glorantha supplements up to now. Just look at the Bandits encounter in Borderlands where they sell fake treasures. And there are plenty more. Lanbril should be listed as an associate cult of Issaries.
  3. That can only happen under extremely rare circumstances. Spirit Combat is an opposed roll. As it says on page 368: So unless both crit at the same time, it's not possible for both sides to reach zero mps simultaneously. In all other cases, either one side or the other loses mps or neither do.
  4. But it also says on that same page: "Maran Gor is the fighting guardian of the Underworld. The pig-dogs do not normally appear with her, but do normally appear in the Underworld." So you may be inferring too much from that reference.
  5. Flanking is an advantage and should be reflected in the rules. I would make a flanking attack impossible to parry if not using a staff. If the defender states he wishes to maneuver so as to parry it, then he can parry the flanking attack but not the attack from the person who initially was not flanking, unless all he does is parry. If he's trying to parry both at the expense of attacking, I'd give him the standard -20%. If using a staff, I rule their is no flanking position.
  6. I never said you couldn't ask, I said you should be asking the other question.
  7. Oh for love of Eurmal you're all going about this backwards. Midieval prices: irrelevant. Bronze age prices: irrelevant. Gloranthan prices in RQG: CANON. Therefore the only question is: why, IN GLORANTHA, are bows so expensive? Not should they be. Why ARE they?
  8. I remember hearing about a plan to give huge amounts of money to trollkin who are sent out to buy farms and start farming. The economy crashes plus trollkin cant farm. Economic collapse coupled with a sudden food shortage presage a troll invasion.
  9. So he holds his sword in the air, shouts "HE-MAN! yada yada" thunder strikes his sword and he goes all epic? Yeah, that's got flavor for sure. Truesword isn't orlanthi, however, so He-Man would have to belong to a cult that worshipped a god that gave Truesword and Thunderbolt.
  10. Really good myth. I would steal it if any of my players ever played a CA. I agree with jeffjerwin. The "aha!" moment is realizing that the real sickness is the need for vengeance. Then healing that. And theres no spell to do that. Its not a mechanical solution. Only roleplaying solves it.
  11. My friend got me to watch this by telling me "It's a gloranthan heroquest. Totally. You have to watch it." So I did and it was. Totally
  12. My ex wife from a 23 year marriage doesn't even recognize her own children half the time. I know the nature of addiction intimately. But we are talking a game here. A fantasy setting in which we ask how the rules mechanics work. That's not a place to get too detailed. Keep it simple.
  13. He said 5E, not 4.0. I bought 13th Age and it is definitely 4.0 which is most unfortunate.
  14. I wasn't blaming anyone. I was simply pointing out the truth. Then came Avalon Hill. Both sides made mistakes, that's not the point. D&D back then was crap. D&D today has improved. And the way it improved itself was by stealing from RQ. If Chaosium had focused on coming out with more content the way TSR did, then we wouldn't be having this conversation today, RQG would have come out 30 years ago and we'd be discussing modern changes to the rules. 5th E would have been decades too late to matter. In the end, it's boring compared to RQ any edition. There's a reason why most TSR products can be had on Ebay for $1 and most RQ products go rapidly up in price. Even the GtG is almost double what it came out for a few years ago. People don't sell copies of RQ products because they treasure the stuff. TSR stuff is mostly hack and slash. Hell, 4.0 was a boardgame, not an rpg.
  15. I'm an old schooler. I remember when D&D was just hack and slash. Runequest from day one was the superior game system. Better mechanics. Better adventures that accentuated incorporating the world the PCs lived in. A classic example was the Dragon magazine, I forget which issue, that came out with reviews for both Chaosiums Borderlands and TSR's D3 Vault of the Drow. D3 got knocked as being nothing but a hack and slash adventure. The reviewer remarked that there was plenty of information given about the different intrigues and factions of the drow in the undercity but that none of it mattered to the PCs who were just killing every drow they saw. It was wasted if you weren't running a drow adventure instead. In other words, Fluff. Borderlands, by comparison, got mad raves as possibly the best rpg supplement to come to print at that time. They went on about how the PCs had to deal with foreign cultures, get acclimated to a new world. Nothing but glowing praise for what was definitely "the future of rpgs". Well, we all know how that turned out unfortunately. cough **Avalon Hill** cough. But I played both systems and the biggest and best reasons to play Runequest was A: Skills. D&D didn't have any. By the time Wilderness Survival Guide and Dungeoneers Survival Guide came out, TSR was desperately playing catch up with Chaosium and introduce "non combat proficiencies". Oh, you mean my character knows how to DO things besides hack and slash? It was a limited list. Runequest, of course, had a huge list of skills a character could implement. B: No character classes. You weren't set in stone. Game play could decide what skills you improved upon and what kind of character you had. None of this D&D nonsense where my 5th level thief picked one lock the entire level and used not a single other thief skill then went up a level and got better at pick pockets, which he'd never once done his entire life. No, I got better at what I DID. And I wasn't locked into being a thief. I could learn to become a warrior, a shaman, a sorcerer. All I had to do was learn it through game play. C : combat. One day a few years ago, my son, who up until then had only played Runequest his entire rpg playing life, sat down with a friend of mine and I and played a game of D&D. I'll never forget the look on his face when my friend rolled a d20 and declared he'd hit my sons character. Several times, my son reached for his own d20 only to be told, no, you don't do anything, you just get hit. "Where?" He'd ask. You just get hit for points. "Everything is 'to the gorp' " he later said. We quit rather quickly. D&D is really boring, was his impression. Why did it become the big hit, that game sucks. I could go on, I should go on, about mythology, about culture, about depth, about roleplay, but I'll let others toss in their own two cents. D&D excels in one area only: volume of adventures.
  16. I think it's an augment to a current skill. Make their genetic memory roll and add a modifier to the skill being used.
  17. I would say that where the spell differs from RAW, the spell wins. So if the spell states mps, then it's mps. If elsewhere the rules say POW, then if not stated otherwise, it's POW.
  18. Thank you David. It's -10% to enter each region the further you get from the Inner. That clears everything up and your fantastic example is an inspiration.
  19. Bad guys are always fun to play. Our recently completed Lunar Diaries campaign was full of very dark, twisted individuals. We had a blast. Last time I played a bad guy, however, was pretty funny. The Ogre saw my vampire had been run through the chest with a spear. So he left me there in the cornfield. "Vampire didn't make it." Was all he told the others. I was like, "you big idiot!" lol. But I agree, Chaosium shouldn't write it into their game.
  20. So can someone explain how the spirit travel modifiers work with an example? Inner to Frontier to Outer and back again? Please.
  21. No, it only proves that someone needed it clarified for them. Sometimes something crystal clear to others is totally mystifying to me. Times like those, someone explaining how it works helps. Doesn't mean the rules need clarifying, just means it wasn't clear to me. that's why we ask questions on forums.
  22. No, I'm absolutely sure Womble and I have spelled it out correctly.
  23. Yes, he would, but then, he might be adivsed by his GM not to take a philosopher if he's that stupid and stick to a scribe
  24. Maybe I'm wrong, that's what I always thought. Seems like too much work to research it on a fine sunny day however
  25. Free INT is only reduced by known spells, not techniques. Your INT limits the number of techniques you can master, but the techniques you have mastered has no affect upon your Free INT.
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