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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. One of my favorites too. I really like the contrast between the Brass Walls and their molten metal and the cold, snow-covered city outside.
  2. During the Avalon Hill era, the western parts of Glorantha took a decided medieval turn which was not, I believe, part of the original conception. So we got saints and knights and churches and other later medieval trappings. The Guide has moved us back away from that view. Of course, Loskalm is still a land dominated by the Invisible God, so clearly an area of monotheism vs. the pantheons of central Genertela. But you could just as readily draw on the monotheistic background of the Old Testament vs. that of medieval Europe. Yes, the isolated Utopia has been shattered, and now it must respond to that outer world.
  3. And another reason to Hate the Lunar Empire. But did the Red Goddess know what she was creating/unleashing upon Glorantha???
  4. Name: Harald Country: USA City: Groveland, MA (the edge of Lovecraft Country) Ran RuneQuest campaigns for many years. Now I largely run PbF on RPGGeek including a session of the new RuneQuest Glorantha Quickstart.
  5. There's a couple myths in the Esrolia book which somewhat equate Harono with the Sun God (including protecting Ernalda's Virtue and getting killed by Orlanth). However, he seems to be more specifically associated now with the Sky rather than the Sun, so I'd go for Light as one rune. His worshippers commune with the Sky and he serves as a Messenger to the Sky World, so I'd likely include Communication (i.e. Issaries/Equal Exchange/Trade) rune as a second one. I think the cult is almost entirely limited to his one major temple in Nochet. Maybe Rhigos has one too. As the temple is within the Sacred City of Nochet, I think the cult's members function as messengers within the Sacred City itself and act at the request of the Queen or other priestesses there. They may go out into Nochet, but only if borne upon a palanquin as their feet cannot touch the Earth (which would sully the Virtue of the Earth goddesses). And they serve as messengers to the Sky for the priestesses - this is a highly ritualized role and always conducted within a ceremonial worship service that bridges to that other world. What messages they deliver or receive is unknown to me at the moment. At the moment, this is the only figure I know of from the Harono Temple: Gramelmo Goldtooth - Sacred City, Harono Priest With his short-cropped hair like stalks of wheat, his leather-worn face, and the notable gold tooth, Gramelmo is a distinct figure, though he rarely leaves the Sacred City except on ritual occasions such as the Blessing of the Sons. When he does leave his temple, he travels by palanquin for he is ritually obligated to never set foot upon the earth. His presence is always striking for he has a commanding figure, a penetrating gaze, and speaks with a tone of command and reverence. He often says that the best way to deal with an enemy is to name the foe. Rumors suggest that he was once the lover of Queen Valinalda, and certainly Valinalda’s son, Haramal, now a young sage at the Temple of Knowledge, bears a striking resemblance to the gold-toothed priest.
  6. @metcalph is correct that this is the temple to Harono. Harono the Sky King has a temple within the Sacred City. He is King of the Messengers and Voice of the Sky, and is used primarily to send messages and offerings to the distant stars. This is the largest temple to the sky beings in the city. In the lowest levels live the servants of Harono, known as the Salinelor after their famed ancestor. Above them live the Blessed of the Ono who dwellings are enriched and protected by the statues of the winged guardians.
  7. The Griffin Mountain pack was the starting point for my original long-term RQ campaign and led to the New Lolon Gospel fanzine as well. My players trekked across this land to go to and from Gonn Orta's castle to recover the Sandals of the Earthwielder. They may have even stood upon Gonn Orta's knee, IIRC. The second campaign led to settlement along the Elf Sea and interactions with the local spirits - including a 'marriage' to the river nymph which left a child among them. So this chapter is sort of a homecoming. One 'misleading' bit when looking at the two-page map spread in the book is that you don't immediately realize that there should be an offset between the two maps. It was good to see a couple sites in Garsting noted including the Sun Dome temple of Serene Victory. I wonder if this location is a source of some of the folk of the Balazaring citadels? A bit surprised that the two western rivers flowing into the Elf Sea weren't named on the map given they appear in the original source (the West and the Morande). I liked the Firshala picture - the top down view with Firshala arching backwards was an unexpected and different perspective.
  8. Places of interest - not really sure which thread this should go to, so decided the collective thread made the most sense. Love the detailed hex maps that we begin to see here. p.180 is one of the best views we've had to date of western Dragon Pass (often forgotten about, or just on the edge of view). Would be interesting to understand more the symbolism of the runes atop the great mountains. Beast Valley - "dance amid the standing stones of Wild Temple in a bloody and spectacular affair." - What is this event like? Are there sacrifices (and if so, of whom)? I picture some sort of 'Dionysian' revel with Wild Women and other Beast Men letting 'captured' humans, trolls, or others of the Man Rune 'free' and chasing them down and tearing them apart in some sort of Wild Hunt. Pity the unfortunate adventurers who don't know better. Black Eel River - "The lower reaches of this tributary of the Oslir River were haunted by a monstrous Black Eel." Clearly the Black Eel must return at some point during the Hero Wars. Probably requires that someone break the 'chain' (i.e. the Crystal Bridge) across the river. Borni's Landing - nothing like having a giant walktapus chained nearby. One wonders what they use for chains... Cliffhome (troll city): "A graceful complex of towers tops the tallest peak of the Black Dragon Mountains" - it would be interesting to see these in an illustration some day. Did Cragspider have the trolls fashion them? Or did the Black Dragon and the dragonewts make them? Or giants? And then there are the "Miles and miles of pictoglyphs" - what can be learned?? Dragonewt Roads - nice to see the map of these. Dryad Woods - one of those sites in western Dragon Pass that we really didn't know of before. With its Wild Immortals and rites of ecstasy, it sounds like another place to be leery of entering. Dunstop - a "rough and martial" city - good place it seems for exiles and mercenaries to hang out. Falling Ruins - "Within the ruins lives Elemenoria, the Great Temptress, who can grant wishes for a terrible price." - someone else who I know nothing about. Who is she? What wishes does she grant, and at what price? Somebody must want to go there and needs adventurers to accompany them. Forest of Wondrous Beasts: "... famed far beyond Dragon Pass for the many magical animals that reside within its boundaries. It is ruled by a wise Stag Monarch." - another previously unknown place. Beyond Black Horse County, which undoubtedly discourages access. If you want an Orlanthi quest to find the Lady of the Wilds, this seems like the place to go. Grizzly Peak - interesting to learn the God Time history with the slaying of the Sky Bear. Indigo Mountains - "At the north end of the range lies Sentry Mountain, where stands a 400-foot-tall statue of Karrg, the troll Sentinel, and his Petrified Army" - might have been in Trollpak but I don't recall it. Will the Petrified Army return in the Hero Wars? And then there's also the question of how they were petrified in the first place - an elven or dwarven curse? the light of the Rising Sun at the Dawn? Marof's House - "Earth-king Marofdul, who can be consulted here for oracles" - good to know you don't have to trek to Ezel to find an oracle. Quintus' Vale - farther west and deeper into Tarsh than I expected, especially given this note: "a fierce nomad army led by the Opili tribe moved towards Tarsh" and the text in the Redline History noting they came through Garsting and along the Elf Sea and "they penetrated to Imther before being met in pitched battle." Blame it on different scribes - perhaps the Lunar ones tried to hide the fact that the Opili tribe penetrated further than they did. Also, given the location in western Tarsh, why were the horse nomads there (bypassing what certainly would be the rich cities)? The vale leads towards the Sun Wheel Ruins, suggesting the nomads may have hoped to find more valuable treasure or relics there (such as inanimate Gold Wheel Dancers). Red Dragon Vale - "The First Age Hero Eringulf Vanak Spear lived here until his death at the Battle of Night and Day, and is still worshiped by the local Orlanthi" - for anyone wishing to learn more of Eringulf, this seems like the place to visit. Royal Roads of Sartar - I like seeing the connections between the roads of Sartar and other strategic roads. Also, "The roads run in straight sections, with no curves" - very dwarven, just go over or cut through whatever is in the way. What got overlaid in the process? Runegate - "magical stone lintel the city founders brought from the Holy Country" - hadn't really though about it before, but this could be an important piece in a quest to restore the God-king of the Holy Country. Traveling Stone: - "This magical altar to Larnste, the God of Movement, is usually found..." - but implied is the "not always". I wonder how far it may travel to? Does it go as far as Larnste's Table to visit there?
  9. Xarjang Vash: "...Xarjang Vash always hated elves, who call him Tree Chopper. He is noted as a poet among his kind as well." Don't recall his name either, but clearly he knows the Tree Chopping Song. You can just imagine the inspired poetry that goes with such work: Uz is hungry, [grunt], uz must chop [grunt] Bellies empty, [grunt], trees must drop [grunt] Elves are pesky, [grunt], uz must stop [grunt] Uz wield axes, [grunt], uz must crop [grunt] Trees are tasty, [grunt], elves go pop [grunt] Uz is happy, [belch], uz is full [yawn-burp].
  10. The Defeat of Starbrow's Rebellion - a very strong image. Kallyr looking away in seeming loathing of the whole event. Hofstaring surrendering the sword, presumably moments before his hands are taken. Fazzur's almost casual disdain for the rebels. The Feathered Horse Queen - calm, and you wonder what she's plotting (plus a great headdress!). And then sinister Lunar wizards - you can picture one of these advising Kangharl or other Lunar lackeys in your own game. "Even the Lunars do not dare to interfere with some of the entities of the Pass, such as the Red Dragon or Ethilrist, Lord of the Black Horse Troop, and persons living within the domains of these entities are free to prepare for war if they choose." - hadn't really thought before about living in the shadow, so to speak, of the Red Dragon, but Ormsgone Vale is quite large. Suggests there's a few remote corners of Dragon Pass that haven't really been expanded on. Feathered Horse Queen - one of the first places to really emphasize that she is both a powerful Earth priestess and a living spirit of Ernalda. Surely this must put her in some level of conflict with the Earth Queens of Esrolia. That she holds the sovereignty of Dragon Pass (from Kero Fin) and not the priestesses of the Shaker Temple, also suggests something of her key position. Is Single Matron Woman the Cersei Lannister of Dragon Pass? Serternas the Bright - first place that I think the current count of Vanntar is named. About what you'd expect for a mercenary commander. Kings of Dragon Pass - there aren't many. Therefore, the marriage contest to woo the Feathered Horse Queen cannot be an easy route. We know a bit about what was required for Sartar to win her hand. But what will Argrath's Quests be, and how will your heroes aid in those? Nice picture of Ethilrist. The Black Horses are not something you want to run across! (Like their animal skin blankets, too.)
  11. No. It's a different world mindset. But there is the Devotion(deity) passion which can be used to augment or inspire a character.
  12. And from the design notes, that is what I believe is the intent and what I've seen come across in the RQG QuickStart.
  13. That's a reasonable approach. I'd probably allow for sons of Genert and Land Goddesses to also be consorts of the lesser Land Goddesses - and such descent should lead to the varied nymphs of meadows, hills, vales, etc.
  14. Yes, hopefully this type of material will eventually be covered in a Gods of Glorantha book. Right now it's somewhat scattered and only fragments are in the Guide.
  15. GRoY p.42: Yelm is the One, the Light, the Lord of Day, the Enthroned One, the Giver of Live and Death, the Attended One, ... the Reborn One, the Eternal Witness, ... the Victor over the Dark Way, the Shining Overhead, the Blazing One, the Thousand Beams of Light, ... the Opener of the East, the Self-born Father, ... the Sacrificed, the Self-resurrected, the Arisen, the Receiver of Sacrifice, the Resurrector,... GRoY p.32: Second, Yelm conquered the Rebels. While doing nothing except praying, his power extended itself over the Rebels so that they died and surrendered to him. Third, Yelm conquered the Underworld. This realm had formerly been lost, and Yelm redeemed it by bringing salvation, light, and rebirth to the Land of Darkness. Most importantly, Yelm was Illuminated. He experienced the impossible. Yelm experienced being one of the Many while he was nameless and faceless. He had no contact with the One. He at last knew the Other. As far back as the cult writeup of Yelm in Cults Compendium, you will find that Yelm has the Resurrection spell. Yelm is Illuminated, just as the Red Goddess - that's a core reason he can hold both runes. He rules both the Sky World and the Underworld. He resurrects himself each day (and does not require Chalana Arroy to do so for him).
  16. Except that Yelm mastered the powers of Life and Death and he reveals this each day by rising from/overcoming Death and then bringing Life again to the world. He also is the Emperor, hence maintains order (e.g. Stasis), but from Jeff's note it sounds like the emphasis in RQG is again on the Life/Death/Fire powers.
  17. I think given Orendara, the Queen "daughter" of Ernalda, (a composite of "Oren" and feminine form of "Dar"), Oren would most likely mean "Earth".
  18. Don't forget Pelora, who may not be the same as Pela. ;-) And then in the Saird region, there was Riyesta who you'll find noted on p.335 (one of my contributions) an Earth Mother who married Kemar the Seed Father (and noted as commonly associated with Ernalda and Flamal, though may be part of something older). Or a bit further east bordering Balazar there was Balurga, a local earth goddess, with her husband/son Verhil as noted on p.711. (I had a whole varied Sairdic myth cycle built up for my Verenmars Saga)
  19. Cthulhu waits in the west for those who stumble upon his trails... I have seen the evidence... Now they just need to find the trail again...
  20. And generally why the land goddesses are distinct (and older) than the grain goddesses who manifest the Plant Rune upon the Earth. Quite true. I think in the case of Grain Goddesses doubling as Land Goddess it is likely that something has happened with the original Land Goddess.
  21. And for heroic quests and myths in general. Sometimes the trickster is the foe to overcome (trick the Trickster), sometimes the trickster is externalized (Orlanth bringing Eurmal on the LBQ), but in many cases it is the hero who must learn of and perform the deed.
  22. Something else to consider is the ancient war of the Giants and the Dragons, which we know almost nothing about. Was the eastern male Earth actually a dragon??? Was the western male Earth hidden within the Earth or in the Black Camp, or was he dismembered by dragons and 'stitched' back together in a new form by Mostal,...? All entirely speculative, of course.
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