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M Helsdon

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Everything posted by M Helsdon

  1. Page 6: Other (such as Dormal -> Others (such as Dormal Page 7: Chapter @ -> Chapter starting on page 135 Page 15: army in one bit -> army in one bite Page 15: until he found reached -> until he reached Page 25: She is a wife of the Sun – Prosopaedia says Solf, but discrepancy may be intentional? Page 79: and Xenth -> and Xentha Page 85: Stela Corpora – might be - Stella Corpora Page 91: beat down – might be – beaten down Page 102: debouched Artmali -> debauched Artmali
  2. Page 123: Zaranstangi should be Zaranistangi - the spelling in the Guide.
  3. V3.0 just uploaded to DriveThruRPG: two images by Mark Smylie included.
  4. Well, now you have an oceanic supplement. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/452062/Ships--Shores-of-Southern-Genertela?
  5. Not as simple as that, I'm afraid. The duration of a voyage depends on the prevailing winds, which vary by season. In Summer you could sail from Rome to Alexandria in ten to fourteen days, but sailing from Alexandria to Rome could take months. The Etesian winds in the eastern Mediterranean were a major factor in trade and war, they would, very approximately, help you sail south, but sailing north was slow and difficult. Much the same will be true in Genertela where the prevailing wind for the sailing season will be from the west and southwest. Sailing from Seshnela to Choralinthor Bay might take a week or so, but sailing back the other way, tacking using the daily winds blowing on and offshore will take much much longer, and you'll be sailing against the cold current from the Neleomi. Even in the Mirrorsea, the winds, even though fairly calm, will have an impact, and make the use of merchant galleys more popular, but will be more expensive because you need to pay the rowers.
  6. In Glorantha, despoiling shrines would be quite hazardous due to temple guardian spirits. Even the Lunars seem to have tended to close temples rather than wreck them, with some obvious exceptions. Unless a shrine or temple is very rich, whilst a cultic statue might have some precious decoration, most will be of wood, stone, or terracotta, and a rural shrine in Heortland won't be very rich. The results would very likely be similar to what happened to Brennus when he attempted loot the rich treasury of the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi, but worse. This is the Aeolian depiction of the Invisible God.
  7. I mention that some places, particularly Esrolia, export their excess harvest. At this time the grain trade by sea is small and local in extent - or so I have understood from previous posts by Jeff. So far as I am aware, there is no trade in grain in Glorantha equivalent to Athens' reliance on the grain from Greek Crimea or Sicily, or on Rome's from Egypt.
  8. And thereby incites much of the population of his 'kingdom' against him, given that in the local culture the Invisible God is depicted as a crowned god with thirteen heads. Of the heads, Lhankor Mhy is represented among the eight Powers, and Orlanth (deemed His most imperative emanation) and Ernalda among the four Elements. [Picture by Katrin Dirim from my latest JC book.]
  9. There are speculations about Rikard's fate (only a sentence or so) in my latest Jonstown Compendium book.
  10. This wasn't so much about adultery, but the breach of xenia (xenwia in Linear B), of the custom of guest-friendship, the rules of hospitality, an illegal and impious act in the shared culture of the eastern Mediterranean, of both Greece and Troy. Paris had accepted guest-friendship from Menelaus, and then abducted his wife. Whether Helen consented or not would have been irrelevant to Homer's audience. Zeus being the patron and protector of strangers, Menelaus was duty-bound as a religious duty to avenge the violation of xenia whether he wanted Helen back or not. Whilst Menelaus might have been angry and vowed revenge if Paris had sneaked into the palace and taken Helen as a captive, it was so much much worse to come as a guest, exchange gifts, and then break the sacred bonds of xenia. Aphrodite might have promised Helen to Paris, but the way he took her broke the sacred laws of hospitality, and offended the King of the Gods. [Add in the Oath of Tyndareus, and you have a full mobilization of the Achaeans to punish the transgression.] The effects of xenia, and the breaking of its obligations, are a common theme in Greek myths. The Iliad isn't just about the men of course. Whilst it is set in a male dominated society, there are numerous women who play a greater or lesser role, ranging from the battle prize Briseus being unwillingly taken from Achilles (whose own honor is harmed, and who later says he loves her) to Hector's wife Andromache. I imagine that there is a similar custom to xenia among the Orlanthi.
  11. Gift exchange is most common between great nobles and high priests, with greeting gifts often conveyed by merchants to garner goodwill and support between rulers. Merchants may also give such princely gifts to obtain permission to trade within their jurisdiction. The main purpose of gift exchange is social gain, to create stable social relationships and recognition. It isn't a form of barter, and unless the recipient and the giver are equals, there won't be a reciprocation of gifts of equal worth, but the giver gains the benefit of being noted, and potentially a supplicant, who may be deserving of favor. However, giving an inappropriate gift or one unworthy of the recipient and you may gain their disfavor.
  12. M Helsdon


    Lutrai isn't a name for the Giant Otters of the New Fens. Handra has no history in the Guide to Glorantha with having a 'rough time' with Ramalia.
  13. M Helsdon


    A wide tract of marsh filled with large and/or hungry dinosaurs, on the sea the Ramalians fear.
  14. Now out! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/452062/Ships--Shores-of-Southern-Genertela
  15. elvish - or - elfish - both used in the document. Suspect elvish is preferred? Page 36: Undead - might be - Undeath
  16. True, but not in the genealogy shown in the book. The Six Sisters are not mentioned in the book.
  17. Page 20: Genertela custom -> Genertelan custom Page 20: turned from his feasts -> turned away from his feasts Page 21: provides his aunt -> provides his cousin Page 22: Brew - the levels of quality partially differ from those in the Craft (Brewing) text box on page 23. Excellent seems to equate to Magical, and Superb even better, but with undefined qualities. Perhaps Excellent and Superb equate to levels of Magical? Ditto Brew on Page 94. Page 25: who married the Only Old One and who was the son of Argan Argar -> who married the Only Old One, the son of Argan Argar Page 25: countless oreads -> countless oreads (mountain nymphs) [Suggestion only - defined on page 26] Page 26: sight of Kero Fin, -> sight of Kero Fin. [comma instead of fullstop] Page 26: admit identity -> admit a common identity [other possibilities for wording]
  18. I have a four hundred page WiP coming out in the next very few weeks, profusely illustrated by Katrin Dirim and Mark Smylie.... Laughs manically and capers about.
  19. Page 130: such as in the rural hamlet of Dragon Pass -> such as in the rural hamlet of Apple Lane in Dragon Pass Page 130: or the famed temple deep in the Rockwoods - not mentioned in the Guide. Wondered if this should be Zoria in Fronela, or perhaps is an undocumented Zoria? End of first pass.
  20. I knew they were in Slon but had forgotten the others.
  21. There's quite a bit about Ralios and Safelster in..... https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/325525/Men-of-the-West?
  22. Page 97: Due to her boisterous nature - should be indented as start of a paragraph. Page 101: Miscellaneous Notes - it might be useful to mention the names and locations of volcanoes in Dragon Pass? Page 111: The Decamony does not official condemn -> The Decamony does not officially condemn Page 112: After long conflict -> After a long conflict Page 115: gray age -> Grey Age [?] General: savanna or savannah? Savannas and savannah both used here. Page 117: The Arbennan people of the Pamaltelan savannah worship Pamalt as is common throughout Dragon Pass - suggest: The Arbennan people of the Pamaltelan savannah worship Pamalt as the people of Dragon Pass worship their gods. Page 122: and associated with his household -> and associated his household Page 124: The dead remained to the Underworld -> The dead remained in the Underworld Page 127: The Earthshaker provides her niece with Blast Earth -> The Earthshaker provides her aunt with Blast Earth.
  23. Page 77: The women ensure that the blood pours onto the grave to the accompanying Earth rites -> The women ensure that the blood pours onto the grave in the accompanying Earth rites. Page 80: They are however, treated as Herd Priestesses by the Storm Bull cult. [Not sure what this implies as this is in the Herd Priestess section. Am wondering if this should be in the Herd Sister section] Page 89: Langiappe -> Lagniappe
  24. Page 51: her escort/lover -> her escort-lover Page 56: the call kinship -> the call of kinship
  25. Combat is never predictable. Kopis are used by most Lunar soldiers.
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