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Everything posted by JonL

  1. The reason Chaos got out of hand was that Bjiff's entry into the Underworld drove so many Uz to the surface that the few that remained in Wonderhome could not eat the output of the Chaosium fast enough to maintain the world's proper balance. Also, the roles of Argin Terror and his Mother are both performed by Tyler Perry.
  2. It's just "harsh ax," like "wicked blade" or "dead eye."
  3. Consider how Sorcery works: Close the Seas: Seperate Communication/Trade from Water. Open the Seas: Combine Communication/Trade with Water. The Open the Seas spell is exactly the opposite of Zzabur's spell, just on a smaller scale, for though Dormal may have learned Combine arts at the knee of perhaps the greatest master thereof, he was still no Zzabur. Neither is the magical support of one's crew on the same magnitude as the magical resources of Brithos. For one ship and one voyage though, they don't have to be. They just need to get a conversation going, and provide a bit of propitiation in equal exchange for their passage. If there's a trick, it's starting the conversation in the first place. Once you get the ear of the Closed Sea and tell it who you are and where you'd like to go, Communication is there, and negotiation can ensue.
  4. Good summary. Valley of Plenty is a good example here. It uses the Glorantha IP under the JC terms and targets the QWSRD 0.1 as its reference rules (the version still hewing very close to HQG) - but it doesn't reprint the SRD text or present hacked rules such that the QWSRD license would rear its head. It includes the JC credits & legal page, rather than the QWSRD license text. Where it gets goofy is if you wanted to do some rules-modding. Say you want to write a QW supplement that expands and elaborates rules for package keywords (similar, though not identical to HQ1/Mythic Russia). The QWSRD license permits and encourages such rules-modding, and as long as you use all original cultures in any examples (dodging for the moment the Schroedinggers Cat question of whether the QWSRD license language prohibits real-world proper-nouns that appear in works on the prohibited list), you can release your supplement under the SRD license terms, and other authors could use your keyword-building rules in their own games, mod them further, etc. However, submitting that supplement or others based on it for publication through JC likely runs afowl of incompatible license terms. You (or anyone, really) might possibly publish Glorantha cultural package keywords in the model of your new QW rules via JC, but only if you were very careful to not include any of the new QWSRD-licensed content in the work itself - much like how Valley of Plenty implements rules from the QWSRD but does not state them. Otherwise the terms would contradict (and Chaos would creep into the world...). Of course, they might reject it anyway and say that when JC talks about "QuestWorlds" they are only referring to rules in the SRD itself (the JC guidelines sometimes say "QuestWorlds SRD", and sometimes "QuestWorlds rules"), or that your submission (without the off-limits rules text) is indistinguishable from a HQ1 supplement, which is also not allowed. Hard to say. I'm not aware of anyone having tried such a thing.
  5. Beast Valley is populated by Muppets. Only the Puppeteer Troupe understands.
  6. Maybe so. The now-deleted q&a thread on the BRP version suggested otherwise. I try not to think about it much, as the license situation dealt a deep wound to my enthusiasm for a dear to my heart project that has still not healed.
  7. The Johnstown Compendium terms permit use of the Glorantha IP, if you're publishing through there, that's how its permitted. Of course the QW SRD license has a no-other-legal-restrictions term, which complicates the picture. I doubt they've thought that through all the way.
  8. It's a torus. Magasta's Pool is the hole.
  9. Belintar was not a time traveler, but he did have a sports almanac from the year 1985.
  10. The Five Returning Arkats are all fakes. The scorpion-armed Broo Ralzakark is the real Arkat.
  11. The steeds of the Ostrich Riders are completely invulnerable when they stick their heads in the sand. Just the mounts though, not the riders.
  12. Someone is kidnapping spies from various Safelstrian city states and trapping them on a pleasant yet disturbing island where no one has names.
  13. Tweaking/Pruning/Tuning the skill list is a great way to communicate to your players what the game is about. Modern GURPS has a lot of good advice about how you're explicitly not supposed to use ALL those different skills, and that granularity should be dialed up or down to suit the game at hand. (RoleMaster could stand to learn a thing or two there.)
  14. The Sharp Abiding Book is so called because Rokar created it by using a Sharpie to redact all the passages in a complete Abiding Book he deemed suspect.
  15. Well, sort-of. Ideally the current trademark holder and going concern for over a decade would have been "HeroQuest" while the defunct-for-20-years entity would have been "HeroQuest_(board_game)." Not that it matters now.
  16. He posted on the event a little bit ago. All is well, thanks.
  17. Hey, @Todd@Chaosium, we're less than 24 hours out from go time, and there's no platform/connection info up yet for Wyrmghost Ruins, at least not that I can see. https://warhorn.net/events/chaosium-online-gaming-at-pax-online/schedule/sessions/c368f30f-b407-49a1-b4e3-ae263ace2c35 Do you have any info, or a way to contact Manuel Molinier (GM) besides commenting on the event? Thanks.
  18. There's also an abundance of "You're doing Arkat WRONG!"
  19. The truly righteous will behave righteously after Illumination much as they did before, though perhaps with a broader perspective. If they were only behaving righteously before because of social expectations, laws, or fear of punishment - their morality was only skin-deep all along. The righteous Illuminate may see that the distinction between suffering and bliss is an illusion, yet still chose to strive for a world where none suffer needlessly, to choose compassion over cruelty, out of kindness to the other who is also the self. If one must be a world at all, it is better to be a kind one until the world is ready to be done with being.
  20. Don't sell yourself short, they're solidly deuterocannonical in my book.
  21. What level of commitment is required before one gets to learn the secret of "appearing in vs originating in" re all the real world proper nouns in four decades worth of CoC books? Does someone seriously need to write a monograph adventure about a high-school road trip in the 90's to get confirmation as to whether or not "Ford Escort" is prohibited content because it's a trademark and proper name on the equipment list in CoC 5th?
  22. Gah, I lost a big post here. Yes, I have a sketch of using fluctuating personal resource style abilities and flaws to create CofD-esque tensions, using Classical Greek drama terms for maximum pretension. Watch this space.
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