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Jason D

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Everything posted by Jason D

  1. Sorry you had that experience, but I'm not sure if you read the same thread I did ("Chaosium and You"). The one I read was full of people talking about bringing back previous game lines and increasing support for existing product lines. I'm talking about posts 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, etc... right up to the 118th post, the last one so far. Each of those was fairly positive about Chaosium, Call of Cthulhu, BRP, etc. and was suggesting new licenses, expanding existing lines, and getting new writers and licensees in the fold. People talking about changing the rules systems were in a distinct (and to be honest, put-upon) minority. There were snarky folks, and people with crap attitudes, but no more so than any message forum usually provides.
  2. There's a new BRP thread on rpg net... one of those "What are you doing with it?" threads. Basic Roleplaying- what are you doing with it? - RPGnet Forums If you feel inclined to post anything, I'm sure it would be appreciated by the original poster.
  3. I think that was the plan all along - the monograph release format was solely as a means of getting early copies for Origins and Tentacles.
  4. Any chance of some giant mecha who sort of resemble the Shogun Warriors? I hope that the book has a section covering giant monsters, to give the mecha something to fight other than each other.
  5. I've gotten approval from Steve Perrin (author of the articles) to post scans of the two I have... the Teen Titans and the DNAgents, so as soon as I'm able, I'll get those posted in the downloads section.
  6. It's very cool, very evocative stuff. I can't wait to see more!
  7. It just got passed over. The rules didn't get written... someone on the forums said "what about ripostes?" and I thought "Drat it!" Rodney's rules above look fine. I'm including 'em in Interplanetary's fencing system, as well.
  8. I am very tempted to put together rules for character generation for a BRP version of Amber, but don't want to take time away from Interplanetary just now. I am a huge fan of Amber Diceless Roleplaying and the Amber setting (I even wrote part of Shadow Knight and all of the unpublished Rebma sourcebook), but I don't see any reason that an Amber-set game must by default be diceless.
  9. That was my thought, as well, especially considering that I think there's talk of that setting being revisited for Savage Worlds and apparently is also in development for a film. How about just The New World?
  10. Simple oversight. I thought they were in there.
  11. Treat every race like a superhero type. Assume that every character, no matter what race, gets the same characteristic rolls. Give every race a block of X character points to build super powers. Spend those on improved characteristics, bonus skills, "super powers", etc. and add any disadvantages or failings as appropriate. Your best judgment will have to play a part, as well. Is a bonus of +2 POW equivalent to +2 APP in your game world? Is taking increased damage from cold iron more detrimental than the same damage but vs. holy weapons? Is a night-vision power balanced against resistance to disease, or a +20% in one skill? Perfect balance, in most cases, is an elusive target. Without GM discretion, it's close to impossible. D&D 4th edition is one of the most carefully-balanced games on the market, but they've done so only by balancing every character in the same situation... encounter-style battles. Unless your game will consist primarily of those, game balance is going to have to be like spinning a plate on a stick on your nose... something you work at constantly and adjust continually to keep from spinning out of control.
  12. Congrats, Rodney! That's very awesome to hear. I loved reading what you sent me, and can't wait to see the finished product.
  13. I deeply apologize for my contribution in this thread's derailment.
  14. I remember that book for two things: 1) Even when I was around 15, the notion of a bear shapeshifter named Beorn seemed a terrible, terrible idea. 2) Isn't there a scene where the protagonist... um... pleasures himself thinking about some female sorceress? I don't know if I found it objectionable--any teenage male reader shocked by such behavior is likely an alien or hypocrite--but I remember thinking "I don't believe I just read that!"
  15. For the second time in the last six months, Basic Roleplaying has gotten some nice coverage (a full-page article) in Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine #152, in their 'Web Scryer' column by Kenneth Newquist. This forum and basicroleplaying.net were discussed. Very nice attention from a great magazine!
  16. True... though I wonder if anything's actively being done with it, given how busy GMS seems to be these days. Right before that in the announcement: ... which points to a literary source. Oh well.. I'm just sort of fascinated to see so much recent activity around Call of Cthulhu and BRP, even if it is through partnerships.
  17. I'm hoping it's Tales of New Crobuzon, the game based on China Mieville's Bas-Lag novels (Perdido Street Station, The Scar, Iron Council). Adamant Entertainment has the rights to the game. Adamant is Gareth Michael-Skarka. Gareth now works for Cubicle 7, and Adamant has so partnered with them. Mieville has said himself in the past that his game of choice was Call of Cthulhu, so it would be a natural fit.
  18. I ran a Star Wars campaign using BRP long ago. You can find the handouts and rules modifications (those that still exist) in the downloads section, here.
  19. Another quick update: Fencing schools have been added (to provide a context for the training human heroes may have had back on Earth) Wrote mutations: Radioactive, Toxic Blood, Unnatural Appetite, and Unusual Skin (the latter two each have 8 and 10 varieties) More work on Vehicular Combat If anyone is wondering why I'm spending so much time on Mutations, it's because my hope is that it will become a default alien toolkit... so a GM can simply say "All of [insert name of species] have Hands, Natural Weapons, and Increased Characteristic (DEX)", for example.
  20. This is absolutely correct. Wounds should be tracked separately and First Aid applied individually.
  21. It is a how-to genre book with setting-specific material.
  22. And just as an update, this holiday weekend saw a lot of progress on the manuscript, with more on vehicular combat, a new revision of the fencing rules based on playtest feedback, and the writing of the mutations Immortal, Incomplete, Independent Appendages, and Infested. (Mutations are a big part of the weird science aspect of the book... an unfortunate byproduct of imperfect means of creating life.)
  23. That is exactly what was done. I* wrestled back and forth about rebalancing all of the random values, but since they were mutually incompatible and had never mapped particularly well to equivalent fixed armor values, I left them more-or-less as is. * Sam had walked away from the project more than two years ago at that point.
  24. Umm... this should be in the playtest forum, not the general forum.
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