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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. So it doesn't inherit anything from a playthrough of the first one?
  2. Will this work as in-app purchase, then?
  3. One feature about Orlanth is that winter stops because he blows it away (this is how you get Storm Season, the one that doesn’t have an Earth analogue). Without it, winter just doesn’t end. Also, I don’t think all Storm gods are affected - it’s just Orlanth.
  4. This is the dark secret about how they make herd-men. All the normal explanations are bollocks - their Mind-Flayer eats the minds of regular people, leaving mind-drained herd-men. Everything else is a cover-up.
  5. Premise: Storm Bull is depicted as a person with the head of your people's male herd beast. Conclusion: Therefore Morokanth Storm Bull ("Storm Bloke"?) has the body of a Morokanth and the head of a male herd-man.
  6. Same way as parrying with your hand, so yes. Personally, I also give everyone the Dex x 2 Dodge if unlisted.
  7. The mythic Green Age and what the Praxians call the pre-Chaos Green Age aren't necessarily the same thing? Genert's Garden (the Praxian idea of a green age) is at least substantially a Golden Age phenomenon - it's even there into the Storm Age/Lesser Darkness and only destroyed when fighting Chaos. So any Pavisite "Green Age" projects aren't actually "the" Green Age, but likely Golden Age and/or Storm Age?
  8. One of my favorite things with a "Green Age" feel is a "heroquest" you can do in Ars Magica, where you visit the Garden of Eden. In order to do that, you first need to fully impersonate an animal (trivial for Bjornaer, demanding for everyone else). Then you can hang around there (in Ars Magica terms, it's a really deep Regio) and do your stuff (the best use is likely learning the Adamic language). However, at some point Adam and Eve get booted out, and then you're detected and thrown out as well (do not try to fight the angel with the burning sword). The really Green Age thing about this is that now whatever kind of animal you took the shape of is considered just as fallen as the serpent. And those animals know it, and they know it's your fault and they hate you for it.
  9. Would symmetry suggest that O&E cultists could use spells from Associated Cults during the Windstop, in that case?
  10. Agree completely about this - my setup was more in order to illustrate the conceptual discussion.
  11. So when it comes to Ancestor worship, who exactly counts? Does it have to be someone you're a direct descendant of (this would be the most immediate interpretation)? Or is it wider, such as (for instance) having access to "in-law" Ancestors of your wife or other family members? Do you have access to "cultural" Ancestors, such as tribal Ancestors that you might in fact not be a direct descendant of, or Ancestors of a clan you were adopted by or married into? If you yourself were adopted as a child, do you have access to the Ancestors of your adopted family? Only of your adopted family? Essentially, can you "pick up" (or possibly even lose) new Ancestors through social and cultural means, or are they a fixed matter of descent? Also, when do you not have access to someone who would otherwise count as an Ancestor? Heroes don't count for Ancestor spells, and presumably being devoured by the Bat would also make it... void. What about restrictive afterlives, like hells? In fact, what part(s) of the soul make up an Ancestor? If you summon an Ancestor who did well, do they come from the Underworld or from whatever nice afterlife they picked up? Does an Ancestor become unavailable if current reincarnated (presumably not?). If currently summoned by someone else (presumably yes?)? Can an Ancestor be summoned if it's also busy being a ghost (no, I think?)?
  12. I'm not sure why you want so very few Rune spells - even small cults have a good deal more than that! That said: * Cult * Summon Small Fire Elemental, Cloud Clear, Sunbright, Sunripen. I would also create a Rune Magic spell for endurance/survival/steadfastness, the way I think Yelmalio ought to have as well. * Associated Cults * Orlanth provides: Shield Redalda provides: Speak With Horse Ernalda (technically Esrola, but the rules don't tend to break her out): provides Bless Animals Subcults: Rigsdal (Night Watchman, gain Catseye), Redalda (entrance for women, the way Vinga is for Orlanth)
  13. Yeah, Elmal is clearly the XO, not the NCO - the trusted second-in-command. This also works well with the horse thing - Elmal leads the away party on horseback.
  14. Is there a source for this, or is it your interpretation?
  15. I like the compromise position that Yelm is the sun disk and Elmal transports it (by horse or cart).
  16. See Yelmalio, who is remarkably ineffectual and even provides geases that make the recipients suck at their job.
  17. Not everyone, but for PCs, it’s (unfortunately) something of a no-brainer - it gives you stuff (or at least access to stuff) for free. The GM should probably make sure to create some hassle for PCs when they overdo it, like having subcult leaders call on them to do particularly annoying jobs for them.
  18. Some of these may even be restricted in various ways - while the spells of the Four Weapons are fully integrated into Orlanth Adventurous in Sartar, in other places you would have to join the right subcult before you could even access them (and they could potentially be stingy with memberships if so inclined).
  19. That makes every kind of sense, thanks!
  20. What’s the in-world explanation for Hazia being so widely illegal? Wars on Drugs are hardly Ancient World phenomena, are they? I can easily see puritanical Sun County having an Opinion, but why do the rest of them, especially the Lunars, bother?
  21. One interpretation would be that Wakboth is trapped under the Block. But because he was killed, he went to the Underworld next, because that's what you do.
  22. Personally, I do see the Darkness rune as associated with decay, and it's hardly coincidental that Malia packs the Darkness rune.
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