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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Although at least he has the occasional friend. Argrath doesn't have friends - he has tools.
  2. Book of Heortling Mythology is your best source, but she’s in King of Sartar as well.
  3. Wilderness Goddess of Dragon Pass (where she is known as Velhara) and Balazar, at the very least. Sometimes identified with Orogeria, although this always strikes me as a bit odd. Mother of Odayla and Ormalaya (Orlanth the Hunter), although myths seem to sometimes differ. It stands to reason that she’s in some way associated with Ladies of the Wild (Bestiary).
  4. For wild nature specifically, there's the Lady of the Wild. But that's still just a subset.
  5. The most clear-cut nature spirits in Glorantha are nymphs of various kinds, and also landscape spirits. And while nymphs are female, there's no reason to think landscape spirits would all be, I think.
  6. Yes, there’s this tension in the rules that’s not really resolved - by rights, a ”Passion” should be all about your own state of mind, but it also doubles as a relationship or social status meter. I don’t like it - it makes it quite unclear exactly what it’s supposed to be. If Stickpicker Vargast is fanatically loyal to his clan but widely disparaged and disliked, doesn’t he still have a sky-high Loyalty without being able to get anything done politically?
  7. Giants have the same skin as humans (presumably), but it’s thicker because they’re bigger. Same thing ought to hold for tuskers vs. boars.
  8. Almost always, you should be able to just erase any passion that goes below 50% - it no longer really does anything. But keeping it for flavor purposes is fine, too. Honor might be an exception, as if you want to raise it in the future, you might have to dig yourself out of a bad score first.
  9. This seems like an oversight in the design, agree.
  10. Or she is, and… PCs: ”Kallyr Starbrow! We have heroquested far and wide to find the Pole Star and return you to life to save Sartar!” Kallyr: ”Again, for those ingrates? I’ll just stay here with my boyfriend. He’s… stellar.”
  11. Although remember that this only works if AA is an established husband-protector there.
  12. Normally, the PCs will start off with all their Rune Points just from their regular by-the-book Worship. But sometimes someone might have an obscure cult they have problems with replenishing from, or they have a huge pool in one cult that doesn’t always fil up from one Holy Day’s worth of Worship, or they have to do multiple things in a season. I find the standard rules to do a good job here. My house rule instead is to remove RP regain from minor holy days worship, because that causes enormous amounts of it and a lot of rolls and tracking.
  13. Or given the body count among his followers, unlucky. You are, after all, completely expendable.
  14. To be fair, this is in the original. ”If you believe in fairies, wave your handkerchiefs and clap your hands.” 🙂
  15. Not belief, practice. Gloranthan gods don’t care about belief. The focus on faith and belief is a very Christian one that even most other world religions don’t replicate (you’re a believing Christian, but a practicing Muslim, or an observant Jew).
  16. They started out as (mostly) Yggites, but the Wolf Pirates have recruited people from all over the place, and the original Yggites have become a minority. So the second. You can likely find completely oddball cults among the Wolf Pirates.
  17. One possibly meaningful differentiation is whether you HeroQuest in the past or HeroQuest in a myth of the past. The latter seems completely reasonable to me - any myth can presumably be heroquested (even demonstrably factually false ones), so if it reached mythic status (which is a safe bet for the siege of the Clanking City), this strikes me as entirely reasonable.
  18. Beast people in the same ways Broos are and aren’t, I would say?
  19. My players are looking to pick it up purely to counter demoralization - no-one actually wants the fanatic state.
  20. Since we don’t have an official ruling, every GM will have to decide whether ”defensive” means ”provides defence” or ”non-offensive”. This will make a significant difference.
  21. This issue is inherent in combining looks & personality with potential for divine and spiritual connection. It's not obvious why the Bloody Tusk would care about your CHA, unless these two factors are metaphysically linked somehow.
  22. Mounted Praxian action-RPG seems like it might work.
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