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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Also a lot - and I mean a lot - here (make sure to check the links): http://www.soltakss.com/hog1d.html I believe this is the stuff that's going to form the basis for the forthcoming Jonstown Compendium publication?
  2. My reading is that Orlanthi think they already have a goddess of love - Ernalda, for ”socially proper” love, within (or before) the bounds of marriage. But Uleria is love beyond any boundaries or checks - it’s the source of infidelity, it can tear families and societies apart. This is why Uleria is called a demon - Orlanthi know her power and its potential effects and don’t approve. It’s Uleria who creates a Romeo and Juliet tragedy.
  3. Odayla is traditionally associated with the bow, probably more than any other Orlanthi god. I would expect this to hold true for worshipers as well (as was the case in HeroWars).
  4. They manifest during the battle and make a mess of some of the Orlanthi-side spellcasters. I believe they have been there all along but dormant.
  5. It's also known as the Battle of Auroch Hills in 1622 (Earth Season/Disorder Week/Clayday), and listed in the RQG rulebook (p. 40). It breaks the Windstop. The Auroch/Aurochs Hills (spelling differs by product) stand between Sartar and Volsaxiland, NW of Whitewall. The battle is described described in (presumably non-canonical) detail in Orlanth Is Dead. In OiD, 8-foot tall archers of the Fire Tribe manifest on top of the "Aurochs Cones" on the battlefield - I'm assuming this is it?
  6. I would run it that DI can ”interrupt” a fatal event. So after the GM rolls that crit to the head, you can ask for Orlanth’s winds to sweep you away from danger, in which case that happens before the killing blow, so to speak (this is more mythically satisfying than a resurrection, I would say - that’s not a typical power in his repertoire). So I would not require two separate DIs.
  7. Famously defeated the Australian army in the Emu War, as well. ”If we had a military division with the bullet-carrying capacity of these birds it would face any army in the world ... They can face machine guns with the invulnerability of tanks. They are like Zulus whom even dum-dum bullets could not stop” —Major G. P. W. Meredith
  8. I could also see a risk of dodging responsibility here, if your god continuously has to allow or disallow your spellcasting. PC: I don’t know if he deserves it or not, but if not, Orlanth will just withhold the magic *casts Lightning at target* Target: *gets fried to a crisp* PC, sanctimoniously: God wills it!
  9. Yeah, it’s great that unlike in D&D, there aren’t any dump stats. STR and SIZ for non-melee guys is probably what comes closest. And a low:ish POW is usually alright, but only because that means it’s easily raisable.
  10. When players created characters for my campaign, I used: Roll an extra die (D6 for humans, but could be other for non-humans), drop lowest Roll your stats from top to bottom, no switching about You're allowed to re-roll a complete statline that's still below racial average Roll two sets of this, choose one Players do get a chance to argue that something is just too boring, like if you roll all 12s
  11. ”Shock” isn’t really a game term (it occurs in one place for Sorcerers, and as a rule you’re not doing sorcery while berserking). It should probably be regarded as flavor/descriptive text rather than a rules mechanic. Same thing with ”exhaustion”(apart from the exhausted incapacitation a berserker suffers afterwards). Incapacitated typically means that you can’t do anything but you’re still conscious, unlike Unconsciousness.
  12. Speaking of unexpected possible identifications, there’s a Yellow Bear of Jonatela.
  13. And you can't prep the kids too much, I think - that will presumably reduce the value of the ritual. The discovery and understanding is part of the value.
  14. I'm not sure this work - as normally described, this is the adulthood initiation, and you only have the male and female version. Cult initiations come later. And I'm not at all sure you can decide to set up just one version - the kids will drift mythically into the pit that fits them. Which will sometimes (but hopefully rarely) be the Sex Pit. That said, deciding that someone looks like trouble and needs remedial adult schooling first only makes sense.
  15. Surely you can (re)incarnate from the Gods World? That Arkat apotheosized is completely canon. It’s almost immaterial exactly what happened to his body in the process. Did Sartar die? I guess in a way in that his body was consumed by flame, but it doesn’t really matter.
  16. It's not that - you (presumably) get out of your pit whether you succeed or fail. I just posit that no-one succeeds there - there are just degrees of failure.
  17. I can’t imagine that one in six goes into the sex pit - this would have gargantuan social effects. I’m also not sure anyone can really handle it - the participants are still kids at this point, and don’t have the tools for it. It’s just a question of amount of damage. It might be Interesting to see what happens if you HQ it as an adult, though.
  18. One wonders if he had to though - that was apotheosis more than death. He very likely had at the very least heroic immortality?
  19. And perhaps even more closely, Issaries/Etyries, where I think it’s reasonable if you get to switch (or share) your Rune Points pool. I also think it makes sense to be allowed to transfer Rune Points if you go from 7M Collective to individual 7M.
  20. I do run the Yinkin cult as having an unusually relaxed hierarchy. 🙂
  21. I also liked a suggestion in HW that merely being invoked and railed against as an enemy in a religion is enough to pass some spiritual energy towards them, and that this is how purely enemy gods without much in the way of worshipers keep going. (I imagine Iphara isn’t getting much worship either.)
  22. Agree about this. It's the same thing with ZZ and fire - Yelmalio is no longer involved. This though, I don't agree with. It's Ernalda's spell, provided to Orlanth. Ernalda is involved. Example: I would argue that Associated Cult spells from Ernalda and Orlanth stop working even for associated cults during the Windstop.
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