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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Possibly more, depending on just what beasts the Lost Tribes had.
  2. What would be some other lost/extinct animals? The Lopers are a Big Deal, there are the animals of the Lost Tribes of Prax like the Long-Noses (and if the HeroWars aren’t the time for one of them to return, I don’t know what is), the Imperial Gazellet (I never understood that myth), the Ordeeds, most of the 40 Ancient Beasts of Danmalastan…
  3. Shield means you don’t have to look for any other Rune Magic. As always, it’s outrageously good.
  4. Argan Argar had it as well. Guide p. 150 (as well as Troll Gods and Gods of Glorantha).
  5. Fighting with combs and scissors sounds great to me! To quote Edmund Blackadder, "It was a viciously sharp slice of mango, wasn’t it, sir…"
  6. This sounds great, and covers an area of the HeroWars that is at the same time very important and covered very little as yet.
  7. In the HQ era, a big deal was made of the notion that gods can't really see the actions of individuals, so they have to punish whole communities for the sins of individuals and the people on the ground have to catch the specific offender. I don't think this suggestion remains in RQG, though.
  8. And Shadow, to complete the set (IIRC).
  9. RQG tried to streamline the runes, so the ones outside the basic structure (apart from Chaos) didn't get a place. You can see this in Lhankor Mhy as well, going from Law to Stasis as second rune. You could easily chose to retain these runes in your own publications, although some boxed text on how to pick them up (including in chargen) would probably be helpful, then (or PCs might end up with no way to cast their rune spells, which would be bad).
  10. Don’t forget that if the resurrection is important enough (and finding a secret murderer is important!), then cults like Ernalda and Daka Fal can do it as well, merely costlier.
  11. While this kinda works, if you’re already doing resurrection, finding someone to Dismiss that Spirit Block shouldn’t be too hard.
  12. We played a D&D murder mystery once, that clearly anticipated how the PCs would all break out Speak With Dead and stuff, but the perpetrator was Doppleganger, so...
  13. The LM spell Knowledge is another potentially instant mystery-wrecker, provided you count a corpse as an "item" (and even if not, just use it on the shirt with the hole from the knife in it).
  14. See Scotty's quote above (it's the same in King of Sartar). Not sure why the rulebook has a different kind of description. I'm unsure whether there would be any fundamental difference between the dead in this state - a ghost is a spirit that doesn't leave when it's supposed to.
  15. The spirit hangs around their body for seven days (which is also why Resurrection is limited to that). After that they typically depart to the afterworld. If you have read the RQ QuickStart, this is what happens with the shaman and the slain enemy tribeswoman.
  16. Mutilation is a common way to make resurrection more difficult in Gloranthan texts. Be aware that various ways of speaking with the dead or divination also make for complications in investigative stories. Anyone who could be resurrected could also be spoken to by a Shaman, for instance.
  17. Instead, you can be all Man and all Beast, now that it doesn't have to sum up to 100!
  18. I actually prefer to reason from what mortals can experience and know, and then a number of questions become impossible to resolve. There is no way for people to tell whether what you describe here or the official story is the truth, except perhaps to ask the few people claiming to have been there before time, and can you really trust them, especially when time wasn't supposed to exist? Similarly, did the gods exist before people and create them, or are the Gods generated through belief and worship? Even if this has an objective answer, it's not like anyone within the world would be able to tell through any experiences.
  19. I'm not sure this is true - Glorantha doesn't run on the Laws of Thermodynamics, and in particular, creative Chaotic energy seeps in through the Chaosium but is then "laundered" during the Sacred Time rituals, keeping the whole thing going. Although it seems that this does build up some kind of magical instability that is then resolved by the end of an Age.
  20. Glorantha has surprisingly little dream magic, I would say, especially for a world where some dreams can manifest as actual dragons. It's interesting to speculate whether you can in fact visit some Otherworld in your dreams. Shamans at the very least? The prospect of bringing stuff out of you dreams, of dream-questing, and so on, seems fertile.
  21. I vaguely recall seeing 1% for the Red Goddess in cult distribution numbers (which puts a floor on the percentage of Illuminates), but I could easily be mistaken here. Also curious how high the percentage of Illuminated would go in Glamour itself.
  22. This might vary by place. The Lunar Heartlands might have as much as 1% of the population Illuminated (I believe?), and there's no way they could have 1% Thanatari.
  23. Good plot hook too, when your Ancestors demand that you go free the spirit of the deceased.
  24. In general, yes, but you're looking for the exceptions. I wouldn't argue that they do. A Thanatar cult is bound to be a pit of vipers and treachery. Infighting probably does more to keep them in check than any outside policing.
  25. I agree about this. What would it even mean to have your third arm concealed through Illumination?
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