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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Allied spirits are Initiates though, and it seems like splitting hairs if an Allied Spirit alynx can be an initiate but an Awakened alynx can’t. And some cults are explicitly open for awakened animals, like Zola Fel. At the very least, the Awakened alynx can join Yinkin, surely? I seem to recall that one of the few rules about getting to join the cult of Orlanth is that you breathe.
  2. This is fair. Your players game a few hours per week - the PCs are themselves all the time. The situation isn’t comparable. That said, they should learn to take notes…
  3. "No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style."
  4. Bought us quite a bit of time for being grossly outnumbered, actually. 🙂
  5. This was a real question in a recent game where the players played their shadowcats instead. My ruling was that each fore claw had to be buffed separately, but that you only needed one for the Rake (despite technically both rear claws being involved).
  6. HeroWars definitely supported this notion. Murni is a mouser, Gavren is a large hunting cat that can bring down a roe deer.
  7. I love this stuff - myths and fairy tales don’t seem intent on giving the protagonist a balanced challenge, it is rather about having the tools to overcome it. If a player can completely short-circuit an encounter, awesome. My personal favorite, from Scion: We’re about to enter the Labyrinth on Crete, and some us feel uncertain about navigating it. That’s when one player says ”I have the Ariadne’s Thread artifact, that should work, right?” (She had bought it at chargen and never used it yet.) (Similarly, my character could summon a bunch of Spartans, so when we were attacked by Persian Immortals…)
  8. Mad, bad, and dangerous to know.
  9. Kyger Litor is your friend, Citizen. Trust Kyger Litor. (Of course, you are secretly a Lunar Mutant Traitor.)
  10. That's an interesting angle. I tend to see him as an understanding of a Unified Orlanth (or perhaps even unified Storm Gods - it's "Tar-Umath", after all) derived through Nysaloreanism.
  11. I agree that Vinga and Nandan aren't symmetrical in this regard.
  12. Ah, here: "Are Vingans men? Of course not. So, no, they don't undergo the mans' initiation. They undergo various Orlanth ritres, of course." https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/HeroQuestRPG/30593.html Obviously though, no quote by Greg should ever be considered the final word. 🙂
  13. Old mailing list posting that I can't find right now (I was looking for something else when I came across it). I think it makes some sense, too - by what we know, boys can wait for a couple of years for adulthood initiation if they have to, no biggie, but a girl reaching menarche has to have an adulthood initiation right now, because that's not the kind of thing you can leave hanging around for a while. On the other hand, I could very easily see the adulthood then veer off in some different direction for would-be Vingans.
  14. Greg was explicit that this doesn't happen, though. That adulthood rites are about sex, not gender. This does not answer the original poster's question though, as those issues are about sex. I would expect that "Nones" are overwhelmingly eunuchs, which isn't normally going to happen to the youngsters in Orlanthi society?
  15. I managed to save us from a random Allosaurus encounter with a one-use Mindblast.
  16. Yeah, we knew it’s with a D20 even before this.
  17. I like me a good encounter table. Not necessarily because I need to roll and use the result (although that can be good too), but because it’s compact, efficient worldbuilding. What kinds of stuff would you meet on a trade road as opposed to trying to cross the Upland Marsh? When they say this place is dangerous, just how dangerous? What’s the density of bandits in this area?
  18. I can't remember where I heard/read the sentence "the Welsh were fighting their traditional enemies, the Welsh". Although it does sound like Blackadder.
  19. If you're in Dorastor and something doesn't look dangerous, that just means it's even more dangerous. It probably has the Appears Harmless Chaos gift!
  20. If you can find it, The Broken Council Guidebook, I would think (I don't have it).
  21. Very few details yet - I expect we will get a lot more info after it’s demo’ed at the Medieval Week festival in Visby soon.
  22. It’s BRP with a D20 (like Pendragon in that respect). We know it’s losing SIZ as a stat, though. The D20 took over in Swedish BRP design in 1985. 🙂
  23. We learned only an hour ago that Free League's new edition of the first (and in its time, huge) Nordic "generic fantasy RPG" Drakar och Demoner (originally a licensed translation of Magic World) will be translated into English as well. I have very high hopes for this - Free League know their stuff! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1192053011/drakar-och-demoner-dragonbane
  24. Dorastor: Land of Doom is very clear that the faultlines between appeasers and traditionalists run within the tribe (and very likely with in the clans as well). I also really liked how Red Cow pushed the in-clan factionalism.
  25. Unless there’s a specific reason for having the elements, Honor for Just would also make sense to me.
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