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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. I would replace the Beast Rune with the Plant Rune in this case, making the slider Man <-> Plant. This would Matter A Lot!
  2. In Sweden in the 19th century, unmarried men were not allowed to do herding (herding cows was mainly young women's work).
  3. Odayla is also associated with the bow in more than one myth (The Plundering of Aron; Odayla and Gavren).
  4. Will also be mentioned as a subcult in the Cults books, I believe? Until then, you can do it the way it works for a lot of former subcults - just pick Orlanth and learn the sheep-relevant spells, and decide that you go for Voriof in particular.
  5. This merely involves learning the spell, in much the same method as usually (POW sacrifice or pay, at a temple/shrine that teaches the spell). Except that perhaps you will have to prove your worth to that temple first, if it's not merely about a shrine in your home temple, but this goes for in-cult magic at another temple as well. (Also, unlike your regular cult Rune Spells, you may have Rune troubles for spells that don't match up with yours.)
  6. Agree - Orlanth goes and fixes stuff rather than wallows in his sinfulness.
  7. I like mobile temples for Lokarnos (wagons) and River Gods (barges) as well. Probably anything with a Movement rune would work - should Mastakos shrines even be allowed to be stationary? 😉
  8. I think Yelmalio would work a lot better as a cult if its magic supported that, with spells for survivability and steadfastness (that would make the phalanx be more impressive). (The big loss for Yelmalio in RQG was the double punch of Rune Magic becoming very available, that hurt because of how bad Rune Magic is for Yelmalio (adding Shield takes it from appalling to merely mediocre), and skills starting out massively higher (a gift for 90% in your weapon is superb if others start at 30 or 50%, but less impressive if other starting PCs have 90% skills anyway).)
  9. If this was GURPS, there would probably be some way to calculate SIZ from weight using logarithms or something. 🙂
  10. This works for PC races, but essentially, SIZ just simply represents the game-mechanical effect of the size. An elephant weighing 6000 kg doesn’t have SIZ 1000, that would be silly.
  11. There’s a reason the Church eventually cracked down with rules on celibacy, although it probably had as much to do with control of land as priestly qualities.
  12. Agree - a 28 HP Giant falls apart like nothing when PCs are skilled and buffed (I would be shocked if it survived the first round of melee) while 63 HPs means some effort (it might well go down on the first round still, but it takes some work). PCs are scary in fights.
  13. I agree with this - I don’t typically run separate Loyalties for mere Orlanth & Ernalda Clan temples. That’s just clan business.
  14. I’m also wondering… since the Str and Siz depend on the caster’s, could the spell just be that you Heroform the Founder, rather than summoning it externally? In that case, Command isn’t an issue - it’s you, after all, in a way?
  15. Might be tricky when it has POW 100? 🙂 Odds should be decent its objectives aligns with yours, though? If not, you might be having a bad idea?
  16. Isn’t it also going to be hard to become a priest in that situation?
  17. I think it make sense to force the PC to pick up the passion, though - Loyalty(Temple) shouldn’t be overly hard to come by. Do a job for them. Deliberately just offing the mentor to mess with the player seems harsh, but adding the mentor as a possible Target on the roll of Death in yearly events could be fair. They’re not immortal.
  18. It's inconceivable to me that a (non-Morokanth) Founder will not ride, and it's going to be really tricky to find a mount of the right type for a SIZ 150 dude. I would assume they come as a package, although the exact process can be debated (maybe the Founder simply summons his own steed - it's certain to have been an Allied Spirit, after all?).
  19. Agree. I interpret Devotion as being merely about your emotional state - your god doesn’t care about your amount of Devotion, he/she cares about actions, your spiritual POWer, and your emulation of the god (represented, I would say, by your amount of Rune Points). The requirement for Loyalty(Temple) or Devotion is likely worldly and practical - no-one’s going to make you a priest unless you’re either personally holy or in good standing with the temple. If you don’t have either but manage to blackmail your way into it or something, I don’t think your god is bothered (as long as you do the job).
  20. Obviously the founder has to ride, and so he has to come with his steed already in some manner. Presumbly, it’s also Siz x10.
  21. It would be Interesting to hand it out for very high Reputation as well, although since we can’t separate Infamy, it could get iffy.
  22. A Navigation skill (possibly baked into a Sea(s) Lore) is probably necessary, unless you rule that Celestial Lore already does this (I think CL might be insufficient, although an excellent skill to augment with). And I would probably go with Area Lore [per Sea] analoguos to Homeland Lore, rather than introduce a new skill type. If you want to get fancy, create both a Sailor and a Captain profession, with different skills - sailors don’t need the navigation or oratory, but do need crafts, climbing, and the like.
  23. The description of the Dragonkill where barely the ghosts made it back is very effective.
  24. I absolutely love how the HQ clan questionnaire could give you four results: Fear Dragons, Fear Dragons, Fear Dragons, or Hate And Fear Dragons.
  25. Another option could have been to merge them, creating ”Hate and Fear Undead”.
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