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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. This is a fine idea, I think.
  2. I know it isn't in the rules, but is it gone from the setting altogether?
  3. Another example where this would make sense is joining CA or Humakt to handle Re-Life Sickness post-resurrection. The system in place makes changing cults absolutely crippling.
  4. Never thought of how it's fine to heal the Humakti, as long as he or she doesn't accept the healing and you just blast through with POW vs. POW. 🙂 (Not sure what happens if you forcibly bathe a Yelmalian, though.)
  5. I mean, I can see it, but I wish rules for this would have been provided. What does Odayla-as-subcult give you, and how is it less than full Odayla worship?
  6. I think it depends on the nature of the immortality. Illumination clearly allows you to break the rules without anyone getting to punish you - spirits of reprisal or whatever enforces geases can't touch you. So if caste immortality is "be a good boy or I will take your immortality away", then Illumination should definitely work. But I think it's probably more like a law of nature - if you do this you get to be immortal, but it's not because anyone is there to take it away otherwise. You don't get to disobey gravity just because you're Illuminated, and caste immortality may well be more like that.
  7. I would say so, yes. What I'm not sure about is whether an Illuminated Brithini breaking the Caste rules would retain immortality (or an Illuminated Broken Dwarf, for that matter).
  8. Yes, because this is something that does make sense by the rules as written. Obviously it doesn’t apply if the GM decides against using the written rules (which is of course fine - I have house-ruled more than my share), but that’s hardly a counter-argument to the point that this is case where boosting healing magic can be productive?
  9. Then you’ll like the new system - you decide what matters for Humanity in your campaign (with some example setups), and then use the same kind of engine for it. But anyway, off-topic!
  10. Long term, I could imagine rule over Far Point might be a bone of contention? I think the Exiles have more immediate issues, though.
  11. Personally, think a significant part of MGF is having things make internal sense and be consistent. And yes, this includes the conscious risk you take when you cast a big Shield on yourself - you can still be saved by first aid or someone punching through a big Heal. If I merely go with GM Fiat per individual case, how could the players understand how anything works? Especially if the ruling flatly contradicts the rulebook. I can’t speak for anyone else, of course. But I think it might not be wise to put forward your individual MGF interpretation as an objective fact in a discussion about the rules. By the rulebook, boosting a healing spell can often make sense.
  12. V5 has a much better Humanity system. I never liked how Humanity = Judeo-Christian Ethics.
  13. I think -50/-20/20/30/50 is good range. I believe Sandy Petersen said not to even bother with small modifiers.
  14. Everything's allowed and nothing is forbidden if you're Illuminated. Illumination is mandatory for any true munchkin . Personally I do run it per cult and not per theoretical transcendent deity (there may well be grey areas here), so I would rule it that way. I believe canon is that it works, though. (I would not allow someone to regain their YHWH Rune Points in temples to El or Enlil, in a mosque, or in a Mormon temple.)
  15. And Countermagic explicitly stops healing. Countermagic, RQG: "This defensive spell protects the target it is cast upon against any other incoming spell, including those such as Detection, Protection, and even Healing spells" Woad specifically says it does only stop "hostile spells", unlike Countermagic.
  16. Does that mean that Shield doesn't protect you from enemy Touch spells? This should probably be mentioned in the rules, in that case.
  17. Agree - this is standard spell timing. It's also theoretically possible to have something silly like a Heal 14 spell that can't be cast in one round, but I have yet to see that in practice (although it could certainly happen with a Heal Wound).
  18. I don’t think it’s even RAW - it seems to be written as a general explanation that you can cast multiple heals, but as so often in the RQG rules, the wording just serves to confuse matters. For instance: ”If the location is not fully restored, Heal can be used again in subsequent melee rounds.” But what if it is fully restored, does that mean that you’re no longer allowed to cast a Heal on other injured body parts? Surely not, that would be completely absurd. If the body part is fully restored, you should go back to basic rules, which allow casting multiple spells. But what kind of sense does it make if your ability to Heal an arm is dependent on whether you fully healed a leg? And further, by the most precise RAW reading, the text merely allows, rather than forbidding anything, in which case you need to go back to standard rules again. And finally, if you add an actual rules complication, it needs to serve some purpose, and what possible purpose could be served here? It doesn’t actually limit healing in any sensible way, it just adds meaningless complication. I think the much more sensible interpretation is that the rule just says you can keep casting Heal on a limb until it’s fully healed (the way you cannot do with First Aid, for instance). Then it’s just been worded poorly, not taking into account that there are several ways to cast multiple spells in a round. If it wanted to forbid something, it should have said so. (Also note how it doesn't at all work like suggested in the Starter Set rules, which seem to be some kind of "1.1" ruleset in many cases.)
  19. Per caster? Per target? Per limb? Also, what possible design goal could this accomplish? If you want to limit healing (as RQ2 in fact does), then it should probably be per recipient, and per amount of healing. Not per caster per limb.
  20. It seems reasonable to me that you could screw it up at any point in the casting process, and also that you might realize that you’re doing it. Since getting hit can interrupt your spellcasting at any SR until it’s cast, failure at any point seems explicit. Diegetically, perhaps you can feel yourself starting to lose control though, and only at the moment of casting can you tell if you managed to get it back? That would fit with the depiction in the rules, too. I’m less sure how to treat casting failure due to being hit. Abort the casting at that SR, and allow the PC to change intent if desired? And I’m not completely clear on what you do when you fail with a Spirit Magic spell. Fail to open up a connection to the spirits? Fail your concentration? Fail to handle the magical energies? That you retain the MPs perhaps suggests the first?
  21. Surely yes? Backtracking SRs doesn’t seem doable. Another situation: what happens if you’re hit with a Slow between declaring and executing an action? Do you recalculate SR? I’m leaning towards ”yes”.
  22. I can’t see where it says that, though: ”This spell repairs damage done to hit points. The part of the body being healed must be touched. Each point of Heal repairs 1 hit point in a designated location. The effect is immediate. If the location is not fully restored, Heal can be used again in subsequent melee rounds. Heal cannot raise an adventurer from the dead. However, 2 points of Heal will cauterize any wound or severed limb, and 6 points of Heal will restore a severed limb to the body if both parts are available.” Where’s the ”per round” thing people are talking about? Is it ”subsequent melee rounds”? This is surely just poor phrasing - if the spell could only be cast once per round (unlike essentially every other Spirit Magic spell and standard rules for spellcasting), surely it would say so? EDIT: Compare with general rule - ”If the caster is unsuccessful, no magic points are expended, and they may try again in the next melee round”. I for one don’t read this as forbidding repeated casting in a round after failure - it’s just dubious writing.
  23. Punching through friendly Countermagic (typically in the form of Shield) on a KO’d ally is the obvious use. Since this is expensive, we like to say that this situation is one of the main uses for First Aid (the other is saving MPs more generally).
  24. Once you’re tracking SRs, you can do what you have time for. With Dex SR 2, you can cast two Heal 2 in a round (2+1+5+2+1 = 11 SR). If you have Dex SR 3, you can stil cast Heal 2 + Heal 1 in a round, as per the original question.
  25. Wouldn't he have had to have sex for that to happen? 😉
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