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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. One house-rule that could be applied is that each season gets semi-capped, so that you cannot regain more Rune Points in total for a cult than your best roll in it. For instance, if you get 4 RPs from one Worship ceremony, and then roll an 11 for another that season, you would only gain 7 more. This would create a more predictable RP economy. It’s kinda crazy the hundreds of Rune Points an Ernaldan could potentially spend in a year. How is not every field, every animal and every pregnancy blessed with the right spell for 3+ points?
  2. Yes. I picture it as joining in in the role of the associated deity. There’s an Orlanth worship ceremony going on, and you do the Yinkin part in it, earning Yinkin Rune Points. For a lot of smaller cults, this might be your primary way of getting your Rune Points back - temples to Yinkin are not exactly common.
  3. I personally don't require Sanctify for the weekly mandatory MP sacrifice, though, only for actual Rune Points regain holy days. Otherwise travelling or adventuring becomes very demanding.
  4. Per associated cult. Which Orlanth and Ernalda have tons of.
  5. Depends - it could be a large shadow. And ranged combat should be little problem even with limited shadows. It would make sense to pack Extinguish for nighttime fights.
  6. Orlanth Adventurous can be pretty sneaky. Dark Walk is The Sandals of Darkness, specifically obtained (i.e. stolen) by Orlanth as Desemborth, Orlanth the Thief.
  7. Dark Walk is fantastic - yes, it’s conditional, but those are conditions that obtain at least half the time (more, really - shadows aren’t exactly a rarity), and when they do, it’s cheaper and better than Invisibility.
  8. I’m not sure I see the sex angle specifically, to be honest. I picture that it looks like The Arming of Orlanth when done for an Orlanth worshiper. Frequently your wife helping you getting kitted up for battle to protect her and the community. Orlanth wields a sword, Ernalda wields a husband or three.
  9. Correct. Flamal will often be in, but can be a less than optimal protector, one imagines. 🙂 Not known for fighting prowess.
  10. One of the odd things about the Worship skill is that it barely matters. You will typically have solid bonuses from both temple and day, and the cost of 1 MP for +10% chance of success is trivial. So no-one really needs a good Worship skill for anything but qualifying for Rune Levels, but because they will keep succeeding at Worship at say 95% modified skill all the time, it will rise really quickly anyway.
  11. Every holy day (minor, major, high, sacred time) for your cult or an associated cult. For some cults, this means a lot. Personally, I think weekly holy days for the cults that have those are completely excessive.
  12. As in The Eleven Lights, for instance.
  13. I don't think Lay Members of CA are supposed to fight either.
  14. I would say that Vinga (especially), Barntar, Voriof and Mastakos count as "Orlanth" for these purposes.
  15. If you're going to put resources into a cover, the first volume is the one to go for - after that, people will probably buy other volumes based on vol. 1 rather than on the cover.
  16. Also, and this is something of asking you to do a lot of work just for me (and I will get the book either way, so...), but if it's possible and reasonable, I always massively appreciate it when a game book comes in ePub as well as PDF (Pelgrane Press are amazing at this).
  17. You could make up a plotline to make this work, I think. Argrath would very much like the farming colonies to stay in place as a source of produce, but he knows his Praxians and realizes it will be an absolute mess of massacres and enslavement once they hit the Grantlands, which will be a bad look, and worse, remove the workforce. So you could have a set-up where he contacts a Pol-Joni chief to secure the area and try to hold on to the farmers, and said chief hurries to pick up the adventurers as extra muscle. Then you could either have them arriving in a somewhat Borderlands:y situation where a new Pol-Joni leader has already been installed in Fort Raus, or even have the adventurers be part of the complicated initial situation (there are bunches of angry Praxians there expecting loot and revenge - how do you handle that? has Fort Raus even been taken yet?).
  18. One way to handle this could be to say that while he’s from the Lunar Empire, he’s not a practitioner of the hated Lunar religion, and he’s also somewhat disgraced, I think? Also, a pretty solid guy. If you have placed the time at 1625-27 already, his presence would be weird, though. Maybe Argrath decided that a farming base would be a good idea and installed his own guy with a similar function, equally in need of troubleshooters? If you care about a modicum of game balance, yes - RQG starting characters are extremely strong compared with RQ2 ones. Also, some of the magic may make a mess of a scenario - Fly will make the Condor Crags play out very differently, for instance.
  19. I love the Green Age stuff. It makes so much sense with the "elemental" mix-up of the place.
  20. This makes sense to me. They worship their primary great spirit, but are aware of the ones belonging to other Hsunchen peoples, and may even have ways to interact with them.
  21. I personally have the thought that in RQG terms, Draconism means that you would replace your Beast rune with a Dragon rune, so that you now have a Man/Dragon duality instead.
  22. Mongoose RQ1 Cults of Glorantha, volume 1, and (longer) in Mongoose RQ2 Cults of Glorantha.
  23. If you have the ENC to spare, carrying around that new huge shield from W&E just to close on missile opponents seems like the best way for a Humakti to use a shield. (I did this in Battle Brothers with my two-hander guys, and it's basically BRP.)
  24. Also, even several of my group’s non-Humakti PCs prefer parrying with their swords. It’s a significant source of damage against certain opponents. Just get yourself an iron greatsword with the nice gifts on it, it’s shockingly good even before you start using rune magic.
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