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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Shargash - of all gods! - is (I think) the only one getting two True Weapons.
  2. Since most weapons are hafted (swords and daggers are the exception, not the rule), you could easily rule that you only need half the Enc of metal for those weapons (this obviously differs wildly even among hafted weapons, but you have to draw the line somewhere), but they don’t get extra HP, but they can also be repaired without re-enchanting and using only Woodworking if they break.
  3. I think it has to be run this latter way, or the above 100% reduction doesn’t work out. I believe rules also explicitly call for this?
  4. Possibly the Gambling Sticks for Kolat and Chalk Man.
  5. You can always skip parries. In some situations, this can be sensible.
  6. These attacks will arrive and get resolved one at a time, so adjust them per attack. The first attack gets -20, but for the second and third attacks, you’re already down to 100% or lower with the parry, so those attacks don’t get modified. So the exchanges become (in order) 60/100, 80/100, 80/80.
  7. Are you sure about Revenant? Bestiary: "This ritual binds the soul of a departed Zorak Zoran Death Lord back into their specially prepared body". So there's a soul, and they have access to Rune Magic and Sorcery. This seems fundamentally different from zombies and skeletons.
  8. One possible option (depending on your needs) might be to simply have a thieves' guild or gang, that maybe has some sideline in worship (shades of Santa Muerte) without being a full-blown big-C cult. Most criminals will likely be regular Orlanth-worshipers. RQG is pushing guilds a bit in general these days.
  9. About 500 people in all of Genertela? That seems... kinda low? I mean, most everyone in Pavis would know it for starters, I'm thinking? Along with everyone with an even semi-decent Elder Race Lore (Mostali) skill? It's bound to be mentioned in the first Dwarves 101 lecture at the Lhankor Mhy temple.
  10. To a point, but games also support different play styles. For instance, when this is your gaming agenda, RQ is preferable to HQ, as this is the style it supports best.
  11. Agree, but you could probably make a game that feels and plays more like RQ1, and then you would have the BRP version of an OSR game.
  12. I don’t see that aspect at all. The game RQG looks most like is Pendragon, and that is an extremely Trad game.
  13. I would say almost completely Traditional - it’s one of the games that defines Traditional. It also doesn’t have the rules features of Neotrad.
  14. Huh, missed that, thanks! In that case, I guess they're not automata, and you can Spirit Combat them. Replace with Skeletons for the same effect, instead. (Actually, why are zombies and skeletons fundamentally different? Aren't they just both animated corpses running on a program?)
  15. This makes sense to me. Vampires yes, zombies no.
  16. Depends on your ancestors, though? 🙂
  17. I get the impression that there's something about it that means it can't just be brutally, violently suppressed - the Lunar Empire are employing some more indirect means, like having Jar-eel debate them and merely banishing the adherents to the outskirts of the empire (like the Grantlands). Something about how either because of the Lunar connections or its pacifist nature, mere brutality seems like it wouldn't work out? The kind of cult that thrives on martyrdom?
  18. ”Is Illumination stronger?” ”No, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.”
  19. I think both of these happen. You can ask a pre-existing entity to adopt you (after all, you will keep feeding it POW and MPs, so it can be a pretty sweet deal), or you can "find" your Wyter by heroquesting for it (and at this point, there will be no difference between "finding" and "creating" it). Your wyter may have its own personality in either case.
  20. I think this is a good call. Honestly, a lot of the things you would do to get HQ/QW to work are good to include anyway in RQ.
  21. HQ/QW is a bit odd here - the only things you need to stat at all (and "stat" mostly just means "include keywords to pick from") are stuff like professions and cults/magic, and maybe the occasional difficulty number. The tricky part is that since those are narrative games, adventures need to be constructed in certain ways to work for the style. It's technically super simple to convert anything to HQ/QW - as it doesn't even really use stats for the opposition - but if the original scenario isn't crafted in a way that fits narrative play, it won't be very satisfying. For instance, you can have good fun just bashing skeletons in a tomb and looting the treasure for a session in RQ, but that kind of thing tends to feel lacking in HQ/QW, the same way an episode of just clearing out the tomb wouldn't be very good tv in itself (but might be turned into it by adding interpersonal drama and character development).
  22. I have memorized the way I have decided that it works. I'm a lot less sure about what today's ruling on it is.
  23. Time to get creative! Moments before impact: "I call on Humakt to shatter the sword of this unworthy wielder of the Power of Death!" 🙂 Although DI to slay your killer makes Humakti even more terrifying to fight!
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