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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Disruption spam is nice as well, as even one point of damage requires a concentration check.
  2. One thing I love about Borderlands is the passage where one PC might end up as guard captain for Duke Raus and get retired, and this is presented as a total character win - now you don't have to be a crummy adventurer any longer, because who wants that if it can be avoided!
  3. One of the dirty GM secrets here is that when you have an entire group and call for a Spot or Listen roll, it's very likely that someone will succeed. Often the more important thing is who succeeds, as this will keep guiding the story. So as long as total failure doesn't wreck the plot completely, you are safe to call for these rolls. And my default position is that players enjoy rolling, so it shouldn't be taken away from them unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Lokarnos merchants are, as they say, "wheeling and dealing".
  5. In W&E, unenchanted does as well, but weighs x1.5 (that enchanted doesn't).
  6. I mean, not only is nepotism surely rampant, it’s likely considered both natural and unproblematic. Not looking after your kin is what would be unseemly!
  7. I doubt the issue would even arise with Tusk Riders - it’s a no quarters fight, and no-one is going to either ask for or give it.
  8. Edit: Yes, basically this. Pays off less well than several other enchantment kinds, as trolls tend to be strong enough anyway. Uncertain from the text whether you get +2 damage from unenchanted lead? It seems like it would be overpowered, perhaps especially for slings.
  9. I tend to land at maybe 1.5 happenings (not necessarily proper adventures) per season, and at that point seasonal resolution doesn’t matter so much. Having the occasional double adventure is just something that happens (and since some players have second character or decide to run a character from a pool of common NPCs when their regular one doesn’t fit, it doubles up even less). Some amount of ”inefficient experience” is part of the game. At some point, it might make sense to allow resolving the checks at downtime after an individual adventure, though. Perhaps have a mid-season checkpoint, or just hand one out to the players when it feels called-for? It won’t unbalance the game, merely speed up progression.
  10. This depends on what you mean. If you used to have weekly adventures and weekly experience checks, and now have seasonal adventures and seasonal experience checks, not much changes (except that the PCs slowly age). That is, they get the same amount of experience per play time, but not per in-game year. The game will feel and behave much the same, experience-wise. If you play weekly adventures with seasonal experience checks, then this changes dramatically, and likely not for the better. In this case, it makes sense to give the PCs experience checks when they manage to get some downtime instead, like several days’ R&R. They probably shouldn’t get any additional experience for profession and cult if they are this busy.
  11. Seasonal experience really helps as well, especially for skills you may not roll so often when adventuring.
  12. I didn't do all the math. I think some but not all now work.
  13. In the updated costs, the road now makes excellent economical sense, assuming you either control the hides along it or can share the cost of the road with others. 5 km of road should be able to connect dozens of hides of land (unless they're severely spread out), and the dirt road doesn't even have a maintenance cost.
  14. I got an update on mine, and it still says version 1.0.1 but also January like yours. Is there some particular fix we should look for, in case it just didn’t roll up the version? EDIT: Verified that it included at least one fix (Wing of Mercy), so this seems to indeed be an updated version.
  15. Would an illusion of an iron Greatsword work as an iron one would? That is, is it "real" enough to do additional harm to elves and trolls? Could an illusion (with enough Substance) of a barrel of gunpowder explode?
  16. It’s a nice game, and comes with a lot more mystery to its magic than the well-defined RuneQuest does. There’s a lot of ”maybe that’s a spirit, and we don’t know how to handle it”.
  17. Yes, but you will have to decide what they answer, which might defeat the purpose. Ah, but you can create a huge illusion and then only give it a little substance, I would say. I think it only exists for you, but your stuff counts as part of you. It gets odd when you want to carry someone across your hallucinary bridge, though - does this work?
  18. I think the point is that the Illusions you create for yourself don't even exist for anyone or anything else. So you can't parry with a hallucinary sword. Some odd situations might turn up, though. I'm sure we agree that an illusionary roc could pick you up and fly away with you, but what if you have tied another person to yourself with ropes? Do you get lifted up and carry the other person with you (cheapest Fly spell!) , or does it fail to work because the hallucinary roc can't in any way affect the other person?
  19. Gotta say though, Hallucinate is one heck of an incentive! As is Lie.
  20. I was thinking of sharing it with only one or a couple of people.
  21. There may be situations where it’s useful that your Hallucination cannot move unless you do it deliberately. A ladder can point straight upwards without support, for instance. You can hang things in the air.
  22. Note that there are rules (under Taste) for the POT of an illusionary poison. I can completely support that your illusory antivenom becomes restricted by how many points of the Hallucinate you put into it. But since you get 12 points per Rune Point, you have a lot to spend.
  23. Anti-venom seems to take immediate effect, so I think you should be fine? Since you can explicitly poison people with illusions, this seems symmetrical. For other things, Extension might be called for. You can bandage yourself with hallucinary bandages, but 15 minutes will likely not be enough.
  24. Telmor Eats the Sun? Telmor fights Yinkin? Reasonably, there’s a Sofali HeroQuest where Sofala carries the Lightbringers…
  25. Agree. The shaman can also go on quests in the Spirit World, but that’s not the same thing. Although it might not matter much in practice.
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