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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. I agree with this. The Red Goddess 100% has the Chaos rune, for instance. Ralzakark really is Chaotic.
  2. I'm fairly sure it needs a "physical substrate", such as an item (it does say "item") or a tattoo (which isn't listed but makes sense to me).
  3. You would presumably also have Noble occupation and SoL just from being a youngster in a Noble family, even if you don't run five hides of land yourself?
  4. What makes for efficient Wyter-casting is totally different from what’s efficient use of regular Rune Magic - it’s all about that multi-targeting, which in turn means that buffs, heals and the like are the strong powers for a wyter. If your Wyter has some resurrect spell (one-use is fine), it can chain-resurrect dozens of people after a fight for a very reasonable cost. Extension is incredibly boss as it doesn’t care about the regular lock-up of RPs - while 15 POW is a large investment, it allows for a Shield 5 + Extension 5 cast on 26 clan warriors, for a year-long Shield 5 effect, something that should be very useful in a war, for the rather moderate cost of maybe 2% of adult clan members having to sacrifice a point of POW to fix the Wyter up afterwards. So yes, that Detect Enemies use works along the same lines.
  5. Agree, but the question is what matters - the character or the deity (or potentially both). We can deduce that it’s not merely the character, or you could use Extension from another cult’s RP.
  6. I think it is connected, because it needs to be replenished in the temple, much like Worship.
  7. Ought to work. Also in reverse, if you place Extension in a matrix.
  8. Same here, and I would probably do the same for a complex Illusion involving multiple Illusion spells, although it could be argued that it will be funny if some parts fail, so that you get a disembodied but Substantial smell moving around, or an Illusory weapon that can’t be moved.
  9. This sounds very high for a Bronze Age barbarian society. I tend to see these numbers for the late Roman Empire.
  10. I’m always amused by how Lunars attempt propaganda targeted towards Storm Bulls. In writing.
  11. The brightness of the snow-capped mountain peaks is already an effect of Inora picking up Light from Yelmalio, I believe?
  12. I mean, the Lunars don’t even think the Chaos-tainted need redemption, although the liberation and potential self-control offered is an upside of Illumination. Orlanthi are not likely to think it’s a good thing if someone moves from regular Chaos to Undetectable Chaos, and are super unlikely to go with the argument ”he used to be Chaotic but the Lunars fixed him, honest!” Although who can tell what desperate parents will be willing to try…
  13. I completely agree about this. The "official" Fourth Age may be what results from the "official" HeroWars outcome, but you don't have to play that out. Y4AWV.
  14. On the other hand, Wyters are described in many places as being able to detect intruders, so this could be coded as a "natural" (or at least non-Rune Magic) ability (although perhaps also fallibly, because that makes for much better RP).
  15. It's also likely about some fairly immediate harmful intent - if you run into a bunch of secret Ogres who are still trying to decide whether to attack you or ignore you (perhaps they don't like how heavily armed you are), they are not yet enemies for the purpose of the spell.
  16. This sounds completely reasonable, especially with Inora (and agree about a Storm daddy, as frost comes from the intersection of Cold and Air). Farmers are bound to be unhappy about the frost, but others might think it’s so pretty (again, works with Inora). I could see the idea that she needs to be delayed until the harvest is secure. Her cultist are never bothered about the cold, anyway (let the storm rage on)?
  17. You can HeroQuest into a past myth (even mostly within time) - this isn’t actually time travel, since it’s essentially subjective. So I think you probably could HeroQuest into a prophecy - it’s just that once again, it isn’t time travel (your subjective experience doesn’t define the future). You heard someone say something, but is it actually true? Who can tell? Some prophecies might actually be what a heroquester bring back from a wild trip.
  18. I like this a ton! Fifth Age seems like awesome gaming material! Can you HeroQuest into the future the way you can into the past?
  19. More if you delve too greedily and too deep.
  20. I would suspect Ralzakark here as well, with the proviso that he also has multiple (frequently quarrelling) incarnations at the same time. It would certainly explain how he gets killed by Oddi the Keen ("final death" even, Lords of Terror) but still turns up as the Monster Emperor later. Do we know it's the same Unicorn Broo body? What's the mechanic of Arkat Reborn?
  21. I wonder where the Lunars plan to insert their new Moon Season. It would balance the year up a bit.
  22. And with Celestial Lore, you might remember that it disappeared as part of Closing, and now that it’s back…
  23. It might or it might not, but if you divine from celestial phenomona, I would certainly allow you to augment your casting of a Diviniation spell with your Celestial Lore (and maybe even get better information that way). Less useful if you work with intestines or scapulas.
  24. Something that can be fun to do is "Forced Augment" - when you're in a situation where a secondary skill is unavoidable, the player must make an Augment roll (such as moving both unseen and silently, or in this case, a Forced Augment with Drive Chariot). This can also be useful in a group situation - you're sneaking up on something, and you have the sneaky guy in charge of it, but everyone else has to see if they're a help or a hindrance by using a Forced Augment. For the chariot, I would likely only call for this if the situation is particularly interesting, difficult or problematic.
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