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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. A lot of historical big-game hunting is wounding the animal and then tracking/chasing it down afterwards, so you wouldn't have to get an outright kill.
  2. Loose thoughts: 1. If you're at least a Lay Member of a cult running the market, perhaps any market fees may go towards your cult cost percentage, and hence don't need to be tracked separately from cult expenditure? (Note that the 20% land cost to temple for farms does count towards Orlanth/Ernalda cult expenditures.) 2. Possibly market fees only need to be tracked separately from tolls when it's not inside a walled town or city where you pay the tolls instead and then have market access? 3. If neither, perhaps 1% of goods brought? Although it seems that this gets negotiated on a per-case basis - the market would be ruled by supply and demand the same way anything else is. Almost full already? Expect that last spot to cost you!
  3. Perhaps another (weak, admittedly) reasoning by analogy - if you run a farm, you owe 20% of income to Orlanth & Ernalda (assuming Dragon Pass Orlanthi). Perhaps 20% of income to the City God and city leadership (probably much the same thing) in the case of commercial housing? This would be a combination of general city tax and the cost of the land, but maybe one can be sorted out from the other in some other way?
  4. I read one source claiming that cost of housing made up 5-10% of cost of living in Roman antiquity for a ”respectable worker”, but presumably this varies by a lot (and is on an individual level, so likely more for a family). (’Allen, ‘How prosperous’, 5. For the cost of housing, see ibid. (5-10 percent of household spending in later periods); Drexhage, Preise, 78-91, 450-2 (14 to 25 days’ worth of wages sufficient to rent a home for a year).’)
  5. Perhaps as a guesstimate through analogy then, in order to make a Free standard of living as a landlord, you would need housing worth 500L to 1000L?
  6. I think this is reasonable (and you can probably say that the cost of the house and the land comes out as 500L in total, if you want to abstract things). It’s worth noting that the 40L income from a tenant farm valued at 500L comes out as 8% ROI, which seems like it’s in the right range.
  7. This was my reading as well. Note that it's a brand-new user, quite probably from this thread.
  8. In the Feng Shui RPG, a hand-grenade kills mooks, hurts “lieutenants”, and makes bosses just fly through the air a bit.
  9. This is likely one reason why the RQG rules are pretty lenient about adventuring time, allowing you to spend 3/8ths of your time adventuring without it cutting into income from your regular job at all - they don't want to discourage adventuring.
  10. This makes a lot of sense to me. The Ring is unlikely to just a build a house and present it to you, but it may tell some people to help out with materials and work. If the Ring isn't interested even in this, but you're in decent standing, your neighbors will probably help out. In the town, pay in cash (or rent). The theoretical price of a farm with 80 acres is 500L, so compare the city house against that.
  11. Charles XI of Sweden is said to have attempted moose cavalry. Apparently they are peaceful, gun-shy, and susceptible to diseases when kept in flocks. Moose-pulled sledges are a thing, though.
  12. Yinkin is a small cult, but overrepresented among herders.
  13. I think hunters do their variant - it's not about correct slaughtering, but about respecting the beast, thanking the animal's spirit for its sacrifice (or apologizing to it) and so on. Plus Peaceful Cut doubles as a butchery skill, and hunters definitely need that. (I did kinda prefer the RQ3 solution with a Butchery skill and a Peaceful Cut spell, though.)
  14. It's said of Marcion of Sinope (condemned as a heretic by the Catholic church) that he "edited with a scalpel", cutting away everything in the holy texts he didn't like.
  15. Sufficient time (or money) is certainly a resource - given time, you can also have all the POW you want, yet people seem to consider them a resource... Those are just the Thunderous-specific ones. Apart from those, you have the rest of Orlanth Rune spells, any other Orlanth subcults, any associated cult, and so on. You will not run out.
  16. Snake Daughter says "They can be summoned as Cult Spirits by various Earth Cults such as Ernalda and Maran Gor, requiring at least 4 Rune points." This doesn't even indicate a separate spell (except for 4 points being more than the baseline spell allows, but at this point I'm reading that as just a suggestion). The "at least" part is intersting, though - presumably it means that the statblock in the Bestiary is for the 4-point variant but that there are bigger ones yet for a higher cost?
  17. I think it makes sense that a certain Cult spirit could only be available to a particular subcult (the same way only Thunderous gets bigger elementals, and Adventurous can’t even Command them). I did have the same thought you did here, especially as Summon Cult Spirit only goes to 3 as listed, but it also says it’s a Summon Cult Spirit spell, and the theoretical specialist spell doesn’t actually exist anywhere. I think it’s also MGF if it doesn’t require a known spell slot - how often are you going to make this particular summons, after all? Would you really commit a slot to it?
  18. Not sure though - you can Summon something as hefty as a Thunder Brother with just a big Summon Cult Spirit. Fairly few spirits have dedicated spells for them.
  19. There could be a lot of fun stories here - "Vargast was so dedicated to his plowing that after he died at his favorite plough before the season's plowing was complete, his spirit took up residence in the plough so that he could finish the job and then do it forever. Remember to paint the eyes on it every season, so that it can see where it's going. You have to be of his kin in order to use it, though - Ashart the Orlkarling tried to anyway, and it turned on him and almost cut his foot off!"
  20. This would essentially be an Allied Spirit, housed in the plow?
  21. That would be helpful - I still don't understand this properly. Asked in the Q&A thread.
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