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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. In my Glorantha, I tend to apply the reasoning that while there are many more tools available, there are also a lot more problems to handle, so that a lot of stuff just evens out. Glorantha still has infant mortality and people dying from diseases, despite magics that are considerably better than modern hospital care (at least as modeled in RQ). Various blessings and magics improve some things, but malign magics equally causes problems. Problems with infestation might even extend to minor spirits accumulating over time!
  2. For one thing, they grow increasingly infested with pests over time, until at one point the best you can do is burn the place down and build a new one.
  3. Good way to show the difference between her and Argrath.
  4. The GM will have to decide what "defensive" means - it could be just "non-offensive" in which case a lot of spells will work, or it could mean literally defensive, in which case Charisma wouldn't count. I would probably say "non-offensive".
  5. I believe so. The system is taken from Pendragon, where this is explicitly the case. Knights like their bling.
  6. Social consequences are large - you lose your right to vote, you may be reassigned as a cottar (which is super bad for your kids with the absolutely enormous child mortality), it’s a huge drop in status, and so on.
  7. There’s probably a problem that if you keep slipping, you might lose your Free status for good, but since (oddly!) Poor people can save a lot more money, you shouldn’t get more than the occasional Poor year.
  8. I kinda like the idea that the locals realize it’s different but don’t really have the conceptual framework to do much with it. Sorcery is incredibly underdeveloped in Sartar, so hardly anyone would even understand it. A sorcerer probably would, but would you really allow a soulless atheist do important stuff to your local flow of water? Nothing good can come of it, surely!
  9. Inviolate and Peace are self-targeting (or in the case of Peace, possibly area-targeting - it's not clear whether it's focused on the caster or on the initial point of casting). Reproduce, Accelerate Growth, Bear Fruit, Healing Trance and Regrow Limb don't gain any effect (I think?) from a different duration. Arouse Passion is an excellent catch - it's correctly targetable, benefits from the duration, and makes sense in the context. It should probably be limited in what passions can be inflamed - Honor, Love or Loyalty make sense, while Hate is perhaps no longer defensive in nature?
  10. The link points back to this post - I'm thinking it was supposed to go to DriveThruRPG?
  11. All Command spells affect the caster though, and hence can’t be used with Bless Champion? (Also not confident that I think mind-controlling someone counts as "defensive", but that's more of a semantic question.)
  12. If you’re buffing someone with Bless Champion, this is also the perfect time to use the Spell Traded spells you saved up for just this opportunity…
  13. Good question! Hard to say, really. I think the closest reading of RAW is that the spell that’s cast on someone with Bless Champion gains a one-day duration that’s part of that spell, so that dispelling Bless Champion doesn’t affect the spell’s duration because the increased duration is a one-time effect. A reasonable option might be to say that if Bless Champion is dispelled, then the spells cast will start to run out their normal durations from that moment.
  14. Yeah, you’re right, I just saw ”ranged” and forgot it’s effect area and not ranged targeting. The same would go for your suggestion of Peace, I believe?
  15. Hmm… most professions have some leeway, though. The archetypical farmer earns 80L and needs to pay 60L for SoL, and with 20% temple tax starts ahead by 4L. At 80% Farming, you’re ahead (you can fail, but you can also roll special). And Farmers in particular benefit massively from the easily available and shockingly powerful Bless Crops, that upend the entire calculus (I would let herders and ranchers gain a similar benefit from Bless Animals, even though it’s not explicit). Augmentation matters quite a bit here, too.
  16. Shield, Vigor, Spirit Screen/Block. And Earth Shield is clearly intended even though RAW doesn’t allow it.
  17. I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an Arroin to the knee?
  18. I'm thinking of expanding the system to handle this in my campaign, but for the moment I simply force everyone beside the main roller to make an Augment to the Income roll, and then they get a joint income or loss (in both cases based on Free standard of living even though the party includes herders and hunters). This isn't ideal, but I haven't come up with any non-clunky solution yet. And modifying the income roll with +/- 20% feels a bit weak when the Bless Crops spell already pushed Farming up to 260% or so... One thing I've considered is to have one roll for actual income, and then someone else roll Manage Household to modify expenses.
  19. And I imagine the idea is that some years, things will suck a bit. That year with the summer hailstorm and awful harvest? A lot of people will have to survive at a lower than regular standard of living. This will probably be the year you lose a child.
  20. ”During most of the Third Age heroquesting was considered evil, because the God Learners were so enthusiastic about it.” Presumably this only applies to experimental or exploratory heroquesting, not the regular kinds done at Sacred Time?
  21. I'm thinking a "credit rating" system will work best for when your flow of income is mostly the regular kind - it establishes your typical amount of resources, and when your barn is burned down or you gain cattle from a raid, you adjust the credit rating down or up to reflect the new circumstances. If the campaign centers around running a farm for instance, a credit rating system will likely work a lot better than trying to balance accounts in Lunars. Your credit rating here will essentially be your standard of living as well as your "reserves" from your standing in the community (it has been noted that peasants with surplus often found that the best way of "investing" it was to throw a party or help struggling neighbors, thereby establishing a system of obligations that will save you in bad time - saved funds can be stolen, but debts can't). Meanwhile, a Lunar-counting system will work best when the PCs are more of the "adventurers" type, where they either live fully off of their adventuring, or at least where the income from adventuring makes up a large part of their economy. Regular costs of living, as well as shopping for improved arms and armor, new spirit magic, and training will consume the strictly limited money, and force them into new adventures. (By the way, this answers the question of why training is so incredibly expensive in RQ - it's supposed to be a money sink!)
  22. The point is that this was quickly errata:ed into training instead being a side activity that you could perform apart from full-time work and part-time adventuring (and cult time), merely consuming your remaining free time, so the question in the OP is ”but what if I actually train full time rather than just in my free time?”
  23. This should work, but the tricky bit is how to convert looted treasure into ”credit rating” values. Although I’m sure there are solutions out there already - for instance, if you earn loot, you could either spend it for some expensive one-off item(s), or invest/convert into a stronger base economy, i.e. the credit rating (if the loot is cattle, the only thing you have to do is keep them).
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