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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. If even Earth Shield isn’t a defensive spell, then it doesn’t matter in this particular context at least.
  2. I don't think this would be an unreasonable rule or ruling, but it's not in the rules text.
  3. Let's assume (as I think is reasonable but not obvious) that the Extension spell is cast on the shield (it could conceivably be cast on the Earthshield spell instead and be only secondarily connected to the physical shield). At this point, "Dispel first destroys defensive spells, beginning with the most powerful spell that it can affect." Earthshield is clearly a defensive spell. Is Extension? I would argue that it's not inherently a defensive spell, but that it makes sense to treat it as one when it extends a defensive spell. So: Is Extension cast on the actual shield? If not, Earthshield gets targeted (if the dispel is big enough). Assuming point 1, is Extension a defensive spell in this context? If not, Earthshield gets targeted (if the dispel is big enough). Assuming points 1 and 2, the dispel now goes for the larger out of Earthshield and Extension that it can affect (Extension might or might not be larger than Earth shield, depending). If the caster wants to be tricky, MP boosting can be used to manipulate the defensive strength of each or both spells.
  4. If we believe in the QA thread, repeating crossbows are impressively advanced. I always pictured them like the Chinese type, with a top-loaded gravity-feeding magazine that you need to insert bolts into one at a time by hand, but according to Scotty, they are loaded with actual bolt-clips into an internal magazine mechanism, en bloc or even stripper-clip style. If we go by this reasoning, dwarves ought to be more than capable of creating, say, a belt-fed and waterwheel-powered fully automatic crossbow as well (although this would by necessity be a static installation).
  5. Agree, it's just a case of watching. You can probably see auras and runes, and connect them to spells.
  6. However, an amount of consistency is still required. If bronze has very different material properties in one context than in another, things start to get weird, and players may feel that becomes disconnected from a feeling of reality. It doesn't seem reasonable that Gloranthan bronze would be better than medieval weapons-grade steel, for instance, and if it is, that opens up a huge can of worms. Further, once bronze starts to not behave like bronze, or perhaps a slightly better Gloranthan bronze, what can we even tell about it any longer? Meanwhile, if bronze is at least mostly bronze, we can apply our real-world ideas to it - it has to be cast, it has to be handled the way real-world bronze weapons are, we can assume it gets hammer-tempered, and so on. If it gets too disconnected, we can only know what the game tells us. At that point, why even call it bronze in the first place, if all it does is mislead?
  7. Oooh, I'm intrigued - tell me more? Did you roll for armor absorption each time instead of having a fixed value?
  8. Also, it must be noted, by accidental experience (again, Oddi, and possibly even Argrath).
  9. I think vertical windmills make a kind of sense - they're vastly simpler than Dutch windmills. And Old Wind canonically has sacred windmills, I think?
  10. My reading of Oddi's illumination is that he becomes intellectually convinced of the tenets of Illumination, but dislikes it and tries to reject it in his personal life, much like people who have been intellectually convinced of something they find unpleasant - like that we don't have free will or that life has no meaning - may still do their best to reject it and live their lives as if it exists. But at the same time, you can't go back to your old way of thinking - Oddi might be an enemy of Ralzakark and the Lunars, but he can't do it in the old, thoughtless, unconsidered way, and Illumination ought to really mess with your ability to hate and fear in the same way as you used to, because those are exactly the emotions it tries to do something about. So Oddi wishes he had his old life back, and tries his best to work up his old feelings about Chaos and Lunars (but I repeat myself), but he can't quite do it any longer. It still doesn't stop him from pursuing and enacting a powerful plot against them.
  11. Sure, but lay membership is uninteristing when it comes to magic and tends to have a limited impact on PCs. The game barely bothers to track which cults you're a lay member of (even if it has a social impact in the case of Rex).
  12. Does Glorantha have what used to be called blue-green algae? Presumably it does? In that case, we would seem to have a slam dunk for (the Gloranthan equivalent of) prokaryotes and bacteria.
  13. How do things work for the Kralorelan Emperors?
  14. Mine have only seen Oddi and Hahlgrim at a distance so far, but that will likely change in the future.
  15. Bacteria are prokaryotes, so at least we dodge that issue here.
  16. It presumably also triggers the release of the Cradle, now that the giants think the have a shot at it (and may even be crucial in the conception), which may be the bigger favor for the giants.
  17. Orlanth’s HHD in 1620. You can see Elusu, at least. Is it Yazurkial with the blue face? Some Yelmalian, Rurik supposedly? Word of God says the final one is Jarang. Myth: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/the-drinking-giants-cauldron/ . Main participants are Orlanth and Daliath. Pretty sure Gonn Orta is encountered in the mundane world.
  18. Allfather was not very Rex - it was Everyman Orlanth, really. Rex is limited to top political positions that PCs are fairly unlikely to sit on (even if for no other reason than lack of time).
  19. It’s not even an Old World/New World thing - Glorantha has chilli peppers, tomatoes, and yes, corn. Are there turkeys in Glorantha?
  20. I like this a lot - it would make your living Elf Implement almost something like an Allied Spirit (although a lot less impressive, at least to start with), and an obvious object both for a future actual allied spirit as well as a target for enchantments.
  21. Note that every single Ernalda initiate receives Ignite for free, so firestarting will often be easy.
  22. Definitely agree about this.
  23. I hadn't heard this - I knew they were used in (at least late) Medieval Scandinavia. Note the lovely horse-snowshoes! There are also really old - 4th millennium BCE - finds in Europe.
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