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Everything posted by Mysterioso

  1. This is still chugging along quite nicely. 5 days left. I do wish the extra material option was a little more within reach. I already upped my pledge once but can not justify doing it again even though I'm sure it will be wonderful.
  2. Gugs? http://iwritemonsters.tumblr.com/post/140500919679/gugs-lovecrafts-sideways-smile-i-always-liked
  3. Besides placing the Dark Streets character sheet here and on your site, it would be good to put it on DriveThruRPG. Also you should note on DriveThruRPG that the materials in the smaller PDFs has been incorporated into the new book. I bought them along with the new Dark Streets book only to discover they'd been added after the purchase.
  4. All this, as well as giving support to the sadly neglected C:DA, is why Mythic Iceland V2 should be released for CoC instead of RQ or whatever BRP will be. And, there is already is a campaign that they could apply to it, Oscar Rios' The Ravenar Sagas monograph. So it could be a triple threat right out of the gate, a new rulebook, a new setting, and an upgraded campaign, instead of things spread across different competing Chaosium systems..
  5. Any chance of posting of a separate Dark Streets character sheet PDF? It would be easier to work with than trying to print one page from the whole PDF.
  6. @doomedpc How is the Terror of the Toad campaign for Dark Streets coming? Also, there was mention of another book, Gin and Hellfire. Is that new Dark Streets material too?
  7. Back on topic: This one is very close to unlocking another interesting stretch goal.
  8. If Jazz-age CoC was done up as a TV program, I suspect there'd be even less folks watching but that continues to be the default time period. Granted it is only my experience but people get the idea of the 1890s far better than the 1920s*. Now, if we were talking about the 1930s with the build-up to the Second World War, it would be a completely different situation. *And, BTW, I'm in the US.
  9. Part of the problem is that the connection between the two is not made more concrete. I just watched The Mystery of the Hansom Cab, set in Melbourne, Australia. Pure Gaslight but with so many mentions of up-country it is obvious that folks could get into the wild north rather easily. The best example I can think of in the US is Theodore Roosevelt; in a relatively short time he's in the Dakotas and then Police Commissioner of New York City. The ability to go back and forth between urban and rural has always struck me as the best aspect of Gaslight settings.
  10. Penny Dreadful and Ripper Street do have their US fan bases as do the fairly recent Sherlock Holmes films. CbG done at the same level as Pulp Cthulhu could easily tap into that.
  11. It would be nice if it was. The release right before the upheaval of 7e was unfortunate as it once again made CbG the era that was behind the curve of other eras. I guess CI is in that situation too. But CI has Oscar Rios consistently putting out new content for it so CI gets a lot more attention than CbG. I'm truly hoping that Hudson and Brand will similarly raise interest again in CbG.
  12. I don't know if anything is going to be produced anymore for 1-6e.
  13. With the announcement of the new cartography stretch goal unlocked, I upped my pledge from a black and white book to a color book. Really nothing else will do with what Stygian Fox is planning.
  14. My hope is they're already prepared and just awaiting announcement. If not, then the last option would be very nice.
  15. If interested in Victorian guns, this rather fantastic Kickstarter (which is still running right now) just opened a stretch goal that will feature write-ups of them by the author of the Investigator Guns series.
  16. This has many of the firearms found in the Sharpe novels!
  17. This project looks GREAT! It is about time Cthulhu by Gaslight got some love. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/stephaniemcalea/hudson-and-brand-inquiry-agents-of-the-obscure
  18. http://www.rpgnow.com/product/192842/The-Fenworthy-Inheritance
  19. Of possible interest: https://www.neondystopia.com/cyberpunk-games/a-conversation-with-mike-pondsmith-creator-of-cyberpunk-2020/
  20. Having just watched The Professionals, I'd say a Mexican Revolution setting with various Mexican factions, Texas Rangers, and Black Jack Pershing would be VERY nice and could provide for some amazing adventures. As for it being marketable, there are rumors of an Old West setting for Cthulhu by Gaslight. I suspect there would be quite a few folks who'd be willing to pick-up something that moves the action from Shane (Gaslight) to The Wild Bunch (Jazz Age) but stays within the D100 family enough to cross systems for use.
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