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Everything posted by Mysterioso

  1. Ahh! The combining of skills I do get. I do like broad skills with the player then stating how he/she will use them. OTOH, it seems far more difficult to strip out rules. Combat in particular seems this way.
  2. This seems backwards. Making simple more complicated is far easier than making complicated simpler. So wouldn't it make sense to start out simple for a generic D100 Space rule set and then allow people to bolt on the extra D100 rules as they want?
  3. This seems the best way to go. That said, a set of D100 Space rules regardless of the base, would be quite welcome.
  4. Hope you keep working on this!
  5. Jovian Nightmares is an expansion to Cthulhu Rising. IIRC all monographs were abandoned so I don't think these are available. Truly would love to see Cthulhu Rising redone as a new book that has everything in it (as opposed to one that has people flipping between core rules for the 1920s and the supplement).
  6. Do you envision another 7E preorder situation wherein one can also order Pulp Cthulhu? Real life got in the way of being able to preorder 7E and now this comes along too.
  7. For the US, it would be fair to say that the Militia Movement and other far-right manifestations that started to emerge in the late 1980s and have flared up ever since started to ferment in the 1970s as a reaction to both the liberal America of JFK and LBJ and far-left counterculture America of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Inserting occult or Cthulhu Mythos elements into such things should not be all that difficult; indeed Delta Green may have already done some of the work for you.
  8. Not much help to you but what you've done sounds like it would be VERY fun to play.
  9. Having a university (Duke?) where there are a cohort of academics trying to figure out what has happened and how to turn things around might be a good scenario, especially if that enclave is threatened once the characters get there. (Duke also has a lemur center in a different area of NC that could be used for some rather creepy zombie lemurs; "They're in the trees!") There is also good material to be mined from the Walking Dead episode with the Hispanic Vatos gang that had banded together to protect elderly in their community. Not sure of my North Carolina geography in relation to where the characters are starting but maybe this could be redone with a part of the Cherokee reservation?
  10. To play with the idea of good water being difficult to find, it could be a water tower.
  11. Encounters: Feral animals. (Dogs are obvious but feral pigs could be more horrifying and dangerous. Rat swarms should work well too.) Also, if you're going with Triffids, do something along the lines of The Ruins with rapidly growing, partially sentient Kudzu. For simple narration: Thousands upon thousands of bodies in the heat of North Carolina would produce something almost too vile to describe; even if reanimated, the dead would rot to almost melting quickly in the humid heat. Besides disgusting atmosphere, it would very much impact water supplies Chemical plants, etc. that have leaks, coal mines with fires, etc. due to not being maintained should provide some grim challenges. For basic descriptions of infrastructure decaying, Google up pictures of abandoned sites within Eastern Europe for inspiration.
  12. I'm thinning my collection and have the following items for sale. PM if interested. (FYI I'm in the US) James Bond 007 Box Set (Victory Games) (with a copy of Ian Fleming's Thrilling Cities) Bushido Box Set (FGU) (also included is the separately published Valley of the Mists adventure book) Deadlands/Savage Worlds items that I'm looking to sell as a lot. Deadlands: The Weird West Marshal's Handbook Marshal Law & GM Screen River o' Blood Box Set Dime Novel: Worms! Dime Novel: Skinners Dime Novel: Adios, A-Mi-Go! (which contains conversion notes for Deadlands to CoC 1-6E) Savage Worlds: Explorer's Edition
  13. Jae: This might be of interest for developing a light D100. I personally liked his approach to clumping skills rather than splitting and splitting again. YMMV. https://rpgplotter.wordpress.com/2010/12/11/call-of-cthulhu-redux-a-cutdown-charactersheet/ https://rpgplotter.wordpress.com/2011/02/03/cthulhu-lite-modern-and-gaslight/
  14. Isn't there a no bells and whistles version of Renaissance available?
  15. Choose Your Own Adventure books are still around too to help with the reading. We were lucky that the public library had a bunch of them.
  16. If you're comfortable converting D&D creatures (Flumph, Adherer, Grell, various Fungus, Xag-Ya, Xill, various Oozes) there is a free one-page adventure called "Dungeon from a Distant Star" by Stuart Robinson that looks like it would be great fun. (Googling it will get you to it easy.) Having never played D&D, I wouldn't know where to start with the conversions. If you do convert the assorted creatures to OQ or MW, I'm sure people would be very happy to see them saved in a file here; maybe with the dungeon itself, as it is free and posted as such.
  17. One rolls for characteristics in BRP, no? I think it is just a difference in degree. With T&T, if one wants to pick a lock, saving roll against DEX or LK depending on the situation. In BRP, it would be roll under your Pick Lock skill. I just see BRP as things being more defined, which I don't know is the best situation with kids. * * * But, the question is moot, as Jae is leaning somewhere else with his choice.
  18. To be honest, I see this the other way. I like the simplicity of the saving roll for most everything for a game with children. With what I see with son and his friends, if they would be ready for a RPG with skills, I'd probably not use T&T/MS&PE and would go straight to a Call of Cthulhu level of D100 (For fantasy, it sounds like from other posters' comments that would be OpenQuest).
  19. The Road works just as well. (BTW, I'd recommend The Book of Eli.) As I'm thinking of a game rather close to the end with the characters being in a National Guard unit, this sounds like it might be a good set of modern rules to use. Thanks.
  20. How do you think these rules work for a post-apocalyptic game? Something more along the Book of Eli than Mad Max.
  21. We'll have to agree to disagree. I think you're being way too hard on a nice simple system that can be played by kids in late elementary school and can be put together pretty quickly if needs be for said kids. The beer and pretzels tag is one that kept the ever more complicated D&D on top when T&T was by far the easier (and with one rule book much cheaper) system. The system by no means has to be a meat-grinder if one does not want it to be. The basic T&T rules are available for free on DriveThruRPG. They're also very easy to mod to say Redwall or Mouseguard type fantasy by simply switching the fantasy races for various woodland animals. The monster rating system is simplicity itself and if there are hits the monster declines; don't run any boss monsters with full blown stats if worried about overpowering. And, if the monster is too powerful, make a roll against Dex: if successful, then run like the dickens; if not, fight another round, and then try the Dex roll again.
  22. If outclassed, run. (But I'd think that would be the same in most systems.)
  23. Perhaps with the solo dungeons as there are only the two or three selections available. With a DM there would be more flexibility.
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