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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Great news indeed, MOB Thank you! Ran out of likes so imagine me clicking a thank you. Nice day for BRP when that happens...
  2. Might this be wild rice like found in Minnesota, Manitoba or Ontario natively?
  3. I have had the chance to examine life near troll realms in my game and wonder... You know that Argan Argar has a reverent following in the trollin who see him as a helper against those in power. Kind of a promethean role. no. Might be that the trickster role itself is a bit of a trickster... a chameleon or even a Rorschach test. Different groups see different tricksters in different dieties; to some AA others ZZ or XU.
  4. It’s been a while since I've had to say this... “Bad joke, bad! To your dungeon, right now little denizen, and no lady fingers for desert tonight, either!” Monsters these days... (sigh)
  5. No, so far—with a lot of drift—we have handled this to a greater degree for ourselves, you got the drift when I mentioned it... others of the community have stepped up and said in very polite tone, uhh guys drifting... There have been a few knuckle draggers that could not figure this out (like me, is this a bit of drift?... oops, shit, oops) but the moderators have snuck in and asked them to “knock it off” so... Always worth mentioning, when someone says "time for a change” and even if everyone agrees, It will still take a few posts to filter down through the email response hierarchy. It could be woise! —Miracle Max
  6. I would imagine the former, but did AH actually get on board with that one. I guess they must have commissioned it Ironically , neither of those made it to print. making it the red shirt of the series... ETA Ah ya beat me to it...
  7. Love that series: the companion and its predecessor, Sartar Kingdom of Heroes, so cool!
  8. See, ˆ tol’ ya someone would have a more functional brain than me today, I think a ground slug might have a more functional brain than I today. Does that help extrapolate some meaning from the pudding of an explanation I tried earlier. I wonder if this will change with the GM book... @Kloster touches on some that I liked from the day just above this post, Seems fair when you put it that way, once again, sorry @weasel fierce! Indeed! That was one of the things that sold me on RQ 3 over RQ 2 Interesting. That will require a bit o’ thought.
  9. Did I lie, <grin> Just got off work, so after I wake up I will try again... Unless someone with a better grip on it has beat me to it (hint, hint). True.
  10. Thanks for the reply... alas, this is the only thing that I do not like, the SR system. Oh well...
  11. Well, technically melee and ranged are separate uses of SR that coexist and on occasion interact in RQ G and do not mesh together as well as RQ 3’s melee and ranged combat which are pretty much the same and use the SR system seamlessly together. I know this is not a very good explanation and I have to blame the poor way that RQ G currently handles ranged and melee combat as two separate things in some way and one thing in other ways. I believer this is what BWP is referring to. Currently this is a very strong point in preferring RQ 3 to RQ G. In many ways the combat is superior and in the current state of SRs, I would think far superior. I believe that RQ G will catch up myself, but BWP has entered a negative vote on that score.
  12. I have a feeling after having read your stuff as long as I have that I will never have a reason to "push back on it" with you! Love your stuff and incredibly friendly manner so really hope you saw no malice, yet still I must sincerely apologies for having a chuckle but please no, it was not at your expense but out of love for what you have brought to the community. If it gave you a smile my work here is done (poor trade for you, a smile and a chuckle for years of great yeoman service, but it’s the best I can do!). Really, @scott-martin my first response minus joke was to say that I agreed with your idea of the merchant requiring little more than the beads, shingle, RPs and someone to trade with and something to trade. Cheers
  13. All joking aside... I dare ya ta say that to a Eurmali, I dare ya! Anywho, simply do what chico does, set up beside the track... Ice cream! Getcher tootsie frootsie ice cream!
  14. Not that an Issaries travelling merchant would find such a task to be onerous or a chore. That’s the meat and taters of yer itinerant trader, surely. Finding another individual with something one wants and trying to figure out what to trade to get it. And if a market is required to get it, why waste a perfectly good opportunity...
  15. Do I know my community or what, the topic has barely opened it’s doors (so to speak) and... wow! Top notch stuff, ya bunch of budding Break ’n' Enter artists and scallywags!. Well a quick boo down this rabbit hole tells me that the ancient folk about 3,000 years ago in the area of Persia used qanats () there are qanat that date from antiquity that are still in use today. Well, this will work for Prax, I think, so further down the hole to find somewhere (somewhen) more temperate in clime to dig a well a well. And nothing so far... (waugh). Of course, our so-called experts from Wikipedia are wrong, what individual who knows an Ernaldan god talker would dig a well when a gnome would do it ever so much better and easier... Any others from the Halstat or La Tene area @Joerg? Religious festivals, odd scenes just at the edge of comprehension, noise, strange music (i assume there would be music this would be strange to a barbarian ear if not all ears) that brings to mind little jimmie bond sashaying his way through a New Orleans madras gras parade all while trying not to be killed by mysterious pursuers... Yes, it is not a chase until someone upends a fruit cart or vegetable table (or both)! Nice point about being in the know, to escape well it pays to know ones possible routes... Now those are Gloranthan solutions! Boldhome would have boltholes up the wazoo being a vast metropolis of 10,000 souls, Rooftops and rain spouts for rascally lovers to climb seeking trysts or while fleeing from vengeful husbands or wives. Thieves using blind alleys, abandoned boxes to hide in or behind, throngs to melt into... all to avoid pursuit by righteous thanes and their harried carls. Hell, just imagine a trollkin thief getting into the caves behind the city under the cliffs as a bolthole (gone), but will our deputized adventures follow into the gloom, or perhaps they are the trollkin thief panting his way to the grotto, thinking, ‘a few more pace yep a few more pace <pant, pant>... and then darkness once again shelter me an mine...yes <gasp> we are all uz!" of course... an ol’ standard but still golden! Never gets too old. ...Nice, now add a largish and strong water elemental for the full speedboat effect, white plumes of foam flying in the boat’s wake, and yippie kai yay, ride ‘em jimmie!Image not actual size
  16. Slight Old Movie Spoilers ahead but nothing egregious (sorry PhilHibbs). So, I'm watching Yojimbo and our hero makes an escape at one point in the adventure by (Nah, not gonna tell why should I ruin a fantastic movie to make a point says I. See it and then think escape and tie it back to this topic). Now, escaping is a fantastic trope that we all love and adore Don’t think I am giving anything away by saying that John McClane or Tom Farrell used ducts and vents to flee, Lancelot hid behind tapestries, under large hoop dresses or hung from parapets, or snorkelled in moats with reed straws to get away. Jimmie Bond (that’s James to you) used his wiles to walk by guards on the arm of beautiful Russian spys, Beretta pointed at their all too perfect breasts, and Jedi’s, well a little handwaving a few Jedi mind tricks and Obi Wan's your uncle. Now, my mind flashes to Gloranthan escapes. And promptly goes blank (insert dig at stupid barbarians here). Oh hold on, Pavis .... I can see running the rooftop and on Cyclopean walls twixt Old and New Pavis, through the shanties of Oldtown trailing drying clothes, jumping from boat to boat by the quays of Riverside a la Aladdin in Pavis. Pavis I get... Sartar? I can perhaps see getting your Orlanthi Guards drunk and stealing the key to your shackles, I can see Eurmali misdirects, but lacking a really good vision of Clearwine streets, Alda-chur glass towers, the winding and impossible streets in Tink near the Dragonnewt's inhuman city., I am having a hard time envisioning escapes well enough to run them for my table. So who has tales of their escapes they want to share...or anything else that would make for a great escape vignettes for the poor GMs that lack escape fu. You know dashing one’s way through the cities, sewers, rooftops and streets of Dragon Pass on two clacks a day. Cheers and thanx in advance!
  17. You sir are the epitome of tolerance. How do you bear it man?
  18. There have been some brilliant malapropisms (wrong word, experts what is the misspelling versions of this?) like gregnant for pregnant. And don’t get me started about that dam splchkn` demonic spawn of a degenerate godlearn’n'... So tell me how ya really feel, bill? <pant, pant, pant>...
  19. Shit, it’s obvious! Iggy Pop! Circa: early 70’s China Girl era!
  20. Johnny Winter’s being dead, that is a hard one. I would put money on him being just about perfect in look back in his youth, lose the redneck tees, jeans and cowboy hat and he's all sinewy chewy tuff ol’ boy muscles, but alas and alack, the moment he opens his mouth to proclaim "Y’all better fear me and my ruined blade!” the illusion would burst! What else, drugs... check! Jaded and royalty... he was a rock star, check. Decadent, well one might be better off with the twin, Edgar, for that... Cheers
  21. Nice way to put it, (conceptually made sense, but)... You nailed it. Now, the idea of a solution to the fatigue question sounds good to me, I love the idea of saying to the honourable and noble (and rich, don’t forget rich) SIZ 5 druluz warrior with the formidable STR of 11, that while he might wish to have a keyboarded/stringed instrument with a large sounding cavity (a gloranthan well-tempered clavier perhaps.... in other words—a friggin’ piano) play him into combat (okay grognards, down! I realize we have a slight inconsistency with time, an anachronism, bear with me.), he may not be the one to carry it to said battle, due to the carrying capacity of a rucksack, and... well, er, perhaps the number of, well let’s say—things perhaps, he is able to carry before peeing him or herself. As you say for it to work and have people actually use it requires something simple with minimum paperwork There is enough chatter in the forums on the topic to indicates that folk are interested, at the least, in a good easy system Hell, me, I'm salivating to see one in action Elegance, simplicity and grace wrapped into one beautiful rule has long been the essence of Chaosium's systems, To give an example, I adore how the chance of gaining in a skill is intrinsically linked to the ability to use that skill, ( the easier the skill to use, the harder to gain experience from its use and vice versa, luv it!) . You can see the framework of this concept in RQ 2’s and RQ G’s use of “things” as a measurement of ENC. I wonder what it is that prevents this system from seeing more use. It is simple and the bookkeeping does’t seem onerous. As simple a concept as it is, I must say it does lack grace. Is that it, the lack of grace dooms this wallflower to never dance in the show...I guess it is just not evocative. Yes, this is one thing I have long wished to see happen in “our" game: an elegant fatigue system to go with "our elegant game™". Optional, of course! Cheers
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