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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Thanks for the post kirinyaga! I was wondering if you wold mind providing a bit of data to go with that wonderful thought? Are there any good ’net resources you take advantage of to help an interested individual learn this stuff? Just created a DIY topic on the tavern sooo, if you got some good answers can we take it there....
  2. See what I mean... I think there is stuff worth discussing here....
  3. Bill that way leads to TLA (three letter acronym) madness, or does it... So, the OGL (Open Gaming Licence) is coming to BRP (Basic Role Playing). Now might be the time to download a cheap PDF and print and bind it yourself rather than awaiting a POD solution...one could write a cheap module and make an inexpensive gift in a word processing doc (WP doc) and creating a PDF out of it for someone for Christmas (Xmas) but all full o love. Hire an artist and get a DTP (ARRGGGHHH!) layout program. Hmm the possibilities are maddening. soooooo rather than risking a SAN roll failure, I thought....
  4. I think it might rank a little better than Ready, Set, Go from the eighties but it does work, My rogues gallery sits at 500 pages in Pages... If we keep this up... we might have. to. start. a ...hobbist forum for the DIY hobbyist... Check the tavern soon I will get on this...
  5. Hmm, time to audition new layout programs (am I old fashioned for hating Adobe ’s subscription model?).
  6. @ochoa is advertising his work around here that he has mad skills (okay, those are my words but I like what I have seen). I have chatted with him and found him very approachable, yet to work with him but maybe one day...
  7. There are some worthy of lending an ear to around here and you are one such, always. Now that van Gogh, fella...
  8. soltakss, you bought the PDF when Swords of Central Genertela was only 10 pages deep. And were trying to sell the rest of us, as well!
  9. Shakes dice, quickly cups them and looks around a little concerned... Oh and congrats @M Helsdon! great work, and it so richly deserve not only a comedy routine (sorry we could not find one but we tried, oh gods we tried) but publication and success!
  10. Actually I was going more for a Joseph Conrad, Francis Coppola vibe more than a Petersen thanks but that should work too.,
  11. I want ta PLAY that game, but I wanna play a duck! A rich one!
  12. Oh gods RUN M Helsdon, run! The grognards are coming...Flee you fool! The horror...
  13. Thanks for the post kirinyaga! I was wondering if you wold mind providing a bit of data to go with that wonderful thought? Are there any good ’net resources you take advantage of to help an interested individual learn this stuff? Cheers
  14. Loud Lilina’s or the Temple for this barbarian... Mind you, if the chantey men are playing somewhere...
  15. Aw, welcome back to tha land o’ tha` living, uh, Phil Ya got a worm or two on ya Good ta see ya! Cheers
  16. Hey follks, I would like to try an X card here. Since they were introduced as a concept I know they are not universally accepted but imagine what ever request you wish for this.. and remember I mean only the best here. After two years about talking about rape, in oh so many ways and in oh so many Fora, the fascination still escapes me. To be honest it makes me sick to my stomach and very bothered to read about it, but there have actually been reasons to bring it up (interesting choice of words). Now for this lengthy time I have said little unless it broke out into a fight and than I usually pointed people toward the tavern (where else should a fight breakout in an RPG forum?)... I suppose I will have to see this topic coming back more times then Asborn Fourborn, but I really I must ask people to consider: 1 Taste and age... taste is self explanatory but do we want our children reading this? There are still children here, no? 2 Is it necessary, or has it already been done, said, beaten to death... I realize that I can and probably will be ignored by many for this but I really REALLY do not want this to instigate a fight argument or even discussion in Pavis, Y’all know where the bar is. Cheers and all the best
  17. Oh gads, more than I can count ( I only gots 10 toes and 9 fingers so at least 17, err no 19...), embiggen, well that is an awful biggen word, so bear with me... er yes the magic 8ball says definitely yes.
  18. Yes, it’s called love and respect!
  19. Spoilers I just remembered for Melisande’s Hand follow, great module so only read if you have played or ran it, really great module No, don’t do it, don’t click on.....
  20. <squints at picture of bridge> Hey, wasn’t this in Brooklyn?
  21. Do you have a review planned for the Rune Blog?
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