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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. A;right. I’ll bite, exactly what was it that Sandy and Greg were calling the ancient airstrips Sir SDLeary, hmm? Curious minds and all that.
  2. Although it’s not on offer, I suppose I could be talked in a weekly series with the Eternal Champion (all of ‘em) at its core. A trip to Granbrittan one week, then a sequel to swinging london, followed by a sojourn in Tanelorn... I’m hip!
  3. Alas... and in honesty if only we were arguing how to get this horrible act out of the real world instead of a fictional one where it belongs behind veils and doors and definitely at the behest of x-cards (or what ever you prefer) at least and within ours... never.
  4. Rest in peace, Mr Wilson and thank you ever so much for all the laughs (decades worth of laughs, I am sure I was 5 when I first saw his stuff in Mad and a few years later in Playboy). Well, his humour could have been called sick rather than funny so ... My fave G Wilson cartoon of all time was from the 70s and featured a bunch of detectives gathered around a meat grinder still pouring out hamburger (way too much hamburger) from its maw, but where one feeds in the whole meat to be ground is a hand reaching out of the opening to hold the crank. The caption...
  5. Being a long time volunteer in an industry in which I am also a member of a professional union I have definite sympathy for both ideas. I love to volunteer but the context of what I am volunteering for is important, Love the points that brother g33k (shh... ixnay on the ultcay alktay) made on the subject.
  6. ...and what were the lineups like at security. Oh, the questions that could be asked.
  7. You rock, I would not even have noticed since the title of the blog gives it away that spoilers were coming.
  8. I’ll take two, don’t bother wrapping them... I’ll play ‘em now. Cheers
  9. Sounds like theology to me! I think yer on to something...
  10. Well cheers That is heartwarming. I had the same story a couple of years ago (RQ what, now, really! COOL)... when RQ 6 came out. Loved Borderlands and would love to hear about your tales on it. Like, did Daine die as a result of your actions or due to the author’s need/cruel whim?
  11. Have you caught Joerg, if so I am impressed, A hard thing to do, In any case, I do recall it like you do... A little later, no, looks like Joerg might well do it again. I’m used to it. He is tuff. And here comes another contenduh for the middle weight champeen ship bout, the bad new is I agree and that might just bring you bad luck against the champ. I have landed a few hits but nothing that stuck in my forays against Joerg...
  12. Just to make it that little bit weirder, if the tale wasn’t odd enough already... <grin>
  13. I know what you mean, but there is one other thing to make to even weirder. It seems that Greg Stafford may well have been the first customers for D&D (before it even came out). There are tales of Greg seeing a prototype while shopping around games himself and bought a copy,
  14. I hate to keep mentioning this stuff but I feel that some folk might actually be running this game. Spoiler tags are the respectful way to discuss details that players might want to avold.To do a spoilers simply type [Spoileroo] spelled as spoiler and place it in the brackets
  15. Not a worry, seeing as the clip came from a show usually panned by critics called Hee Haw, well let’s just say many might be called picky when it came to watching Hee Haw (but that was usually due to having taste). Salute!
  16. Spoilers please, seems a little over the top to give away the plot secrets.
  17. Alright boys load up that canon and let the g33k have it!
  18. Get used to doing stat blocks, They are a bear!
  19. Anytime I ever want to run such a setting back in the day I just used CoC (it was third edition at the time) and it worked quite nice.
  20. Editing a 40 page document which will be going into the Compendium and yes, I agree.
  21. In Pavis box the numbers are separate. from my notes so typos are mine... again... No notes on Pavis County but I would assume They are separate numbers again.
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