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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Good way to get them involved in the colymar arc as well, thanks, I can use that myself. I think we got something, high five? Cheers
  2. well perhaps (your Gloranthan Solar Time) the critical word was "your". cheers
  3. And upon the 14th day of the third season (that being the season of Earth when Ernalda and all her earthly kin rain bounty down upon their faithful) that all celebrate that mathematical wonder of Addafix Calcuii of Karse's slightly less famous temple of knowledge. This worthy sage impressed all his brethren by putting to sleep the entire city ring of Karse by expounding for 23 and a half hours on how the 14 day of the third season (yada, yada, yada Earth) become 3.14 and... you know I am really not sure, it was at this point that I fell asleep. In any case, the only good thing as far as the non-Lhankor Mhyan are concerned was that he explained his theory with what was easily to hand in Earth season. the heavenly pie, perfect in its circularity! To this day all celebrate Pi day (Addafix was a good mathematician but a verey pour spelr)! One can find Eurmali also celebrating in their own unique way by hitting pompous sages right in the pusses with a big merengue pi. Cheers
  4. That would suck for some poor low level fyrd member pulling short straw and being on patrol and encountering a very sturdy very dangerous looking bunch of murder hoboes, but of rank and obviously by the standards they carry tied to people of greater rank. The militia grunt is thinking of bed, fishing, his kids anything but the fact that fucking up here can mean more than his head but could bode ill for his clan should he fail his culture lore in "welcoming" the strangers. Then, as his heartbeat and sweat his very terror can not get anymore obvious they fail the Hospitality Test, They obviously mean to harm the clan. What does one do... The correct answer is his duty, this is way above his pay grade, He is to accompany these strangers to his next higher up and somehow alert them to his discovery but...
  5. and a Great Troll, but not the only one (would that be "old" one?)... and me too says Yoko! But we are getting ahead of the story....
  6. To those who love Roger Zelazny, am I alone in seeing a whole Jack of Shadows vibe here... the world is broken, the dead keep walking back from where the dead go and return to their life, some petty some not so much. It's a long hard slog and the weak do not make it. The analogy does not go much further but this will do for now.
  7. If HreshtIronBorne, will permit what seems a bit of thread drift... not much and it gets back on track immediately! Awesome, than you might have some insight into a little puzzle that has been picking at me There is a passage from thunder rebels page 34 that I have always wondered about... It's the Hospitality Test and how it seems to be a spell. But what powers it, says I. So might this be powered by a wyter? and seeing as the source is no longer canonical, do you think this interpretation will carry through to RQ G? Just opinions would be fine, but if anyone actually knows and would like to chime in, that would be lovely too! The military applications of this are not to be overlooked, better than passwords or asking about denizens of a town and/or their sporting heroes to pass guard posts in out world. Friend of Foe, advance and be recognized my hairy northern butt. Cheers
  8. And a new legend was born as was the strangest HeroQuest™ that the Lozenge had ever seen... We now return you to your previously hijacked thread...
  9. Yeah makes sense, I am a bit ahead for your average RQ player in these new things but I have been reading them in the digest for 1 or 2 decades and a friend gifted me with some classic HW/HQ materials at the time that RQ 6 hit the shelves and talk of RQ in glorantha was heard in the lands... greg and steve were coming back being whispered in dark alleys. Well since RQ G was announced I have been struggling to get my old game in order in time to incorporate all the new and failing miserably (don't look in that dungeon, its under construction). Now its time to start grasping the new realities as it were. Great, I will have a look. Cheers
  10. Good answers Dave, They also makes sense from a real world magical reality as well. (yes these words can exist in a single sentence without time and space collapsing be nice or set phasers on ignore if you must this will be the only flakey sentence you will have to endure in this post). What sources are you referencing. Your material is a little too dense to be checking up on sans citations. Not that it needs checking but, again it is quite a bit of material. Is it all from play and knowledge gained from playing or are yo a bit of a scholar of the of HW/HQ stuff. Again, thanx for the answers, It makes it easier to evoke the mental images required to run our games until our references of all things good and Gloranthan arrive. Cheers
  11. This is often mentioned as a roman game (ergo the name) a viking game, something definitely in the iron age of our world, but wikipedia hints of older origins... making me think of a couple of Lunars sitting under an apple tree on a rise. Below them the mass of stinking barbarian slaves... Not good for spit says the first and moves a piece boldly to the centre of the board. Aye says the second a waste of good skin if ya ask me. He counters moving a piece tentatively on the side of the board... Yelm's Beard, its hot today,, care for some vinegar. Nothing beats the heat like it? No, I want to get home (pushes a piece) to my missus an our orchards, the cider ah the cider, not like the piss these wind worshippers drink... Gotcha now! From our real world FAQ: Wikipedia... Latrunculi History Sources The game of latrunculi is believed to be a variant of earlier Greek games known variously as Petteia, pessoí, psêphoi, poleis and pente grammaí, to which references are found as early as Homer's time.[1] In Plato's Republic, Socrates' opponents are compared to “bad Petteia players, who are finally cornered and made unable to move.” In the Phaedrus, Plato writes that these games come from Egypt, and a draughts-like game called Seega is known to have been played in ancient Egypt. In his Onomasticon, the Greek writer Julius Pollux describes Poleis as follows: Among the Romans, the first mention of latrunculi is found in the Roman author Varro (116–27 BC), in the tenth book of his De Lingua Latina (“On the Latin Language”), where he mentions the game in passing, comparing the grid on which it is played to the grid used for presenting declensions.[2] An account of a game of latrunculi is given in the 1st-century AD Laus Pisonis: These fellows seem to illustrate the game better then anything else so... NTchedworth1 Published on Jan 9, 2012 SUBSCRIBE 372 Roman dice games - how to play Latrunculi. Download more free resources from nationaltrust.org.uk/chedworth-roman-villa/learning/ Cheers
  12. Goo goo, ga joob, Hey, Yoko, can ya bring tha bag, cheers. You don't happen to know anyone who likes to beat things with sticks do ya, I mean with a bit of swing, doncha know?
  13. Oy, that's pretty good mate, Want to join me bawnd? (said in a very bad Liverpudlian accent, one so bad it could cause a war!)
  14. Journey to the Centre of the Earth, 1864 Jules Verne,, of course. Should be a twist or two here
  15. So I infer that there should be a story that defines what it is and how it interacts with the clan first (spidey's origin story for lack of a better analogy) followed by stats after...
  16. Thanks, I forgot. I have not played in a very long time, It not being available for OS X or linux (my os s of choice). Oops
  17. When playing King of Dragon Pass, it seems that a majority of wyters my clans had helped in real ways. A cauldron that amongst its many powers would always have a bowl of porridge for the hungry no matter how bad the famine. A sewing wheel that... well, Or the red bulls that sired especially good calves, of Red Cow fame. . Would one imagine a majority of Wyters are warlike or more peaceable. Cheers
  18. Snip Great stuff Well though out and articulated! I don't even have to agree with you to enjoy that and have it make me think.
  19. I do as much improvising as I can to stretch a module ( like to buy 'em myself) as well as make it ours, so I like to think of hooks from various sources literature, movies, real life, player's bios...and be ready to throw them down as needed. Downtime, new towns, initiating new characters, players bios. Cheers
  20. More quick notes Fleeing down alleys, across rooftops a side scrolling adventure a la prince of persia. The kids know the landscape well enough that they get auto skill augments (neighbour hood lore, the huge shadow cat in that yard will bound out of his tree after someone jumping in that particular yard just in time to crash into the soldier jumping in whilst chasing the first jumper (as this worthy gets away) Neighbourhood lore and memory (that roof over there ... only jump from the left side of the chimney it is very easy to make the jump there and the right side has a hole you watched being repaired this morning and an adult soldier would fall through. A gandalf like figure who leads the kids the party to come in 1610 GST as they flee Boldhome in 02. He takes out the biggest bosses in a flash bang way but the kids have to get the small fry.
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