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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Martin, I will give that a look and may I recommends in return The Language of Night Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction by Ursala K. LeGuin This volume organizes 270 pages of gold by Ms LeGuin that should be read by authors of spec fiction and RPG game designers alike, and GMs as well. Sorry to sound like a should bite but if I don't keep it brief I could end up gushing a little bit too much about one of my heroes. Cheers
  2. Precisely the point I was making in my last point, Sir_Godspeed. And the reason of my praise. Not only was he thinking good gaming logic and you as well for that matter, just imo and possibly his and yours as well, but with a Glorantha Sensibility and having fun all at the same time. YAHTZEE We Terrans with our blue marble logic might look at a pronunciation query and try to solve the problem from a rational, logical, point of view. "On page 2,754 of the the Guide to Glorantha, Hell, the Red Moon and parts of Brithini lands lost to mortal eyes volume 35 (or the G2G, H, tRM, & poBlltmeawamoL-S v. 35, for short) it says spelled Pavis and pronounced... BAMBI... WITH AN X..? " Eh? I say a gloranthan, with obvious exceptions, would match our two previous posters et al who have no problem accepting many correct answers! Which village is he from. what generation... How...? Yeah I know it would complicate thinks so, just go with as much complexity as you wish . We used to take notes, "game friday used a cockey accent for bloke from Alone..." or whatever on 3x5 cards. Than transcribe the cards to our campaign logs. Or for true simplicity our pronunciation-phobic protagonists might just take their linguistic debates outside or to a bar where a good old fashioned donnybrook could be used unequivocally decide the issue. But here on the Green Marble I guess it is damn good idea to explore the question as to how to pronouce something and thankfully there will be many very good answers to this question here on Terra Firma (or not so firma here in BRP Central) as well as Glorantha Impossiblis. Cheers
  3. Bad Crel, quit pointing and laughing at the poor confused Storm Bull... I mean, what else could a Storm Bull be but confused under the circumstances. Up to a few seconds ago he was minding his own business, frothing at the mouth—you know—cult business, and now finds himself, annoyingly, at peace? And some runt of an Ernaldan Priestess is pointing and laughing? Very confusing, says our hero.
  4. You know, I like that answer. It makes good real World* sense. * Glorantha, that is. Cheers
  5. and I am coming at it as a nasty GM looking for ways to foil players:)
  6. we are talking egregious munchkinerry here, right? :)
  7. Holy Crap (an obscure western saint of expressing shock), I had entirely forgotten about this site. I used to come here in the nineties, re-acquaintence time. Thanks lordabdul.
  8. Truly worth mentioning. Nothing as good or as inventive. Bravo!. I hope my players appreciated my feeble efforts.
  9. Oh hell, any and all Pratchett disk world books that I have read and a few others I have not read that have been lost in L-Space as well as those I have read that have also been lost... as well as the handful of movies that have come out for starring our fave disk world heroes, you know death and the Post Master General and of course the .Union Organizer in charge of Golems... and a few golems...
  10. Unless you wish to micromanage the wyter doing its day to day duty and spending points that it would have to expend if it was not a slave to a band of murder hobos instead of being a spirit guide and support to a larger community as well, that pretty much sounds like the rules as intended and as written. Cheers
  11. Not a great leap is it, I'll bet an Orlanthi all who see this, think that, before reading the text.
  12. and if you're like me, not the last. Good luck and happy reading! remember, libraries and comfy chairs are dangerous! The Stones had to cancel a tour when Keef fell out of his comfy chair reaching for a book. :}
  13. You know David Scott, when I was playing in the 80s I was using this narrative technique to bridge where RQ 3 rules had gaps (even a great game like that had holes). Describing Sacred times, initiations, spirit combats,you know, not quite made up because it has roots in shamanism, and of course, paradoxically made up because that is how to weave magic in real world shamanism, within the power of the story.
  14. on a more than one use basis anyway, never did run or play rune levels or powerful sorcerers I didn't create myself (non char-genned) back in the day.
  15. Spoiler ahead Dream dragons ahead! :}
  16. I would hate to have people's opinion of The People of the Air coloured by this description. It has little to do with the book except how reenactors would be buggered after the sh#t went down. As said, I have no problem with you not liking The Folk of the Air. Chacun á son gôut. Just making sure that there is no confusion with the quote you made about that fine author cited above due to proximity with your other quote about not finding Beagle's work to your taste. The cited complaint you had about the other gent's work does not apply to Beagle's tale. I did not want a good read (The Folk of the Air) that humanizes its heroes and gods to be read as being the exact opposite, painting the re-enactors as vainglorious. Seeking clarity Cheers
  17. Well thats not Gaiman that's Gaiman and Pratchett which is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
  18. I'll let Louis and Ella say it for me.
  19. Absolutely anything by Gaiman, especially Sandman's first 8 or so issues! Though Gaiman usually does not write anything that would resemble sword and sandal fantasy (See his Sandman/Orpheus arc that makes a liar of me) most of his books could easily exist in the realms of Hero Quests.
  20. I can see that, it seemed to be quite shamanistic,
  21. Personally, the former.
  22. I would hate to have people's opinion of The People of the Air coloured by this description. It has little to do with the book except how reenactors would be buggered after the sh#t went down.
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