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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I do as much improvising as I can to stretch a module ( like to buy 'em myself) as well as make it ours, so I like to think of hooks from various sources literature, movies, real life, player's bios...and be ready to throw them down as needed. Downtime, new towns, initiating new characters, players bios. Cheers
  2. More quick notes Fleeing down alleys, across rooftops a side scrolling adventure a la prince of persia. The kids know the landscape well enough that they get auto skill augments (neighbour hood lore, the huge shadow cat in that yard will bound out of his tree after someone jumping in that particular yard just in time to crash into the soldier jumping in whilst chasing the first jumper (as this worthy gets away) Neighbourhood lore and memory (that roof over there ... only jump from the left side of the chimney it is very easy to make the jump there and the right side has a hole you watched being repaired this morning and an adult soldier would fall through. A gandalf like figure who leads the kids the party to come in 1610 GST as they flee Boldhome in 02. He takes out the biggest bosses in a flash bang way but the kids have to get the small fry.
  3. Many advantages here, Perhaps as an adult he might try to remember things long forgotten in the rush to get away (successful or not depends on campaign arc's need). Can he get in this way and avoid the ... (insert conflict) waiting at the Boldhome gates Other items come to my mind so I would think it should spur some thought for you as well. Cheers
  4. Ooo, I am running in 1611, just after sacred time, so this might well be of interest to me as well. There might be a way of rewarding adventurers that in 1610 GST {your Gloranthan Standard Time} ask for x as part of their current chargen. Let them play out small pieces of the flashback escape where a child might succeed at base skill rate (plus character mods if you wish higher skills). Do not forget to augment with loves and other passions (possibly as auto successes roll for crits, special and fumbles) to help low skill checks get made. So, settings, a diplomatic envoy from a neutral state or cult fleeing the war and a child trying to stow away amongst the hub bub of animal handlers, guards families, etc of the envoy's flight. .Adventures in troll tunnels, no or little living conflict. but working in low light (no light, terrifying) situations, crossing underground streams and not getting carried away . tight turns... Rainbow mounds and Shadows on the Borderland have rules and situations to plunder for this, just a few thoughts.
  5. Thank you, a cup half full type... And it does seem to take long. Still telling the Chasoium boys and girls day after day that we hate their products and why we do and and and... really? I would much rather say, hey, here is a problem found it, now do I get a no-prize? ...and why we think it is a problem, and how we would fix it and could you look at it, peers or management either will do, and tell me how to fix it for this weekend's game and I will help you next time. You know, good old community like we have here, just don't forget to let the designers join us, They're gamers too. Cheers
  6. Alas, we might be hosed until RQ8 for it all to come together. A lot of new rules being put together by a lot of new people, doing it under the scrutiny of many many many grognards all making demands. It is a complicated beast and it won't be the first time that hobbyist have had to get together, form ranks hold hands help each other and even help the hobby's designers as well (what, help those billionaire bastiches (as the main man always says) what have they ever done for us, huh?). In the end it (RQ G) holds together pretty well for an old girl with a fresh coat of paint. and where it doesn't we can make it work. No problems, been there done that and ruined a few t-shirts with spilled cokes and doritos. Cheers
  7. Much better than BRP Bill and Ted if you ask my not very humble opinion. Not so excellent, d()()d!
  8. Wait, no... that makes sense. The Beatles would have to be a Troll's favourite band!
  9. John Lennon and Yoko Ono are Snow Trolls.... this is beginning to get very strange...
  10. ...and that is why I figured I would approach and poke you with a stick, sharp end first, (I aint as dum as I luk, luc, seem!) to see if you wold attack or... I mean you seemed reasonable despite the foamy mouth.
  11. And I would say, nature of nurture... on average the women of my local are as strong as the men... Intelligence... again equal... on average... The outliers still exist. The strongest member is a man, Good point.
  12. or some kind munchkinerry... oh yer highness, dinna see ya there.
  13. Duke Raus and his priest Daryli Godspeaker, were ancestor worshippers by default in the Borderlands sandbox. I believe Raus came from the Empire lands of the Redlands and his ancestors were from Kostaddi, which alas I know nothing about The GtG v.313 page 313 had more.
  14. It does seem a bit histrionic and I will not get into my politics in this forum (would show a major disrespect to the forum, as well as its denizens). But do note that everyone here is using the same respectful principals. You disagree with me and pull out a considered and adult rebuttal. styopa worried he might cause a shitstorm so he watched his words carefully even while crafting the incendiary piece it became. Hats off to styopa for broaching a dangerous topic with care. Come back styopa, the pitchforks are faked and we didn't even knot the nooses (gads what an disorganized mob). The forum's denizens reacted well, I have yet to hear any one calling out "off with his head!"? I appreciate that. So how does one debate sensitive matters and not get noticed. I hope one does not. Yelled at? Only if the provoker deserves it but I am sure such an individual could be approached and asked what they meant first (while loosing a peace knot on one's sword). Allowed free reign to scream obscenities, and things to fowl to imagine? Nah, that's the world outside of this forum. I only hope that reason can touch all participants, with compassion (hate to say the word but...) being the guide. As to the argument on stats.. haven't an opinion. Well yeah I do. soltakss* ... as is his wont is correct. But, my opinion only, let the table decide. So would you buy Diana having a 23 STR? * soltakss, why does the spell checker hate your name so? four times it insisted on typing "slots" (see it did it again, i typed "dolts" and... I DID NOT TYPE THAT... damn spellchecker)...
  15. At least a 22 and let's not talk about her RQ3 APP.
  16. I have often argued in like manner. Show me the corpuscles, the cells, the mitochondria of a Glorantha native. The Runes, perhaps. the others, if they even exist...
  17. Ah, but Ian, in the 20 or so years that other game systems have been available for Glorantha, I have only played RQ G, and KoDP. Still. page for page, I wonder if I have more HQ than RQ... G2G is tipping the scales.... but... I had to think about it... but RQ still wins Nonetheless, if you keep putting out the fine Glorantha products I have seen for HQ I will keep buying them, whether or not I ever play them as originally intended. Cheers
  18. Wish I could cite the details but I remember reading Greg once replying,." We like women!" to the question why Chaosium and RQ had such reverence and place for women both as characters and players compared to other '80s games. Cheers
  19. Well, I am liking what I am seeing! Nice on ya, boys. Not ganging up on ya styopa, In fact, usually I love reading your opinions. But somone has to be on the losing end of this stick and it sucks its you, but... Without being nasty, alas you are on the wrong side of history as well as MGF here. If a woman wishes to play a Princess Diana of Amazonia why ever not. She shan't achieve said stats if she must roll as a member of the distaff side. Or say I wish to play tim the enchanter™, well I say... ":What... is you favourite colour???" PS I have only one other thing to say You should see the women of the union local I work with and just how strong mentally as well as physically they are! It would amaze you Cheers
  20. And if not the deity, the neighbours who wield much more power than any deity in the territory, Hmm, I see the possibility of reputation for temples. I like it. Could be used for any building. taverns and inns come to mind..
  21. Basic Rules to The Royal Game of Ur (from Wikipedia) Diagram showing the most likely direction in which the players race to move their pieces off the board, with "safe" spaces shown in blue and "combat" spaces shown in green[16][17] Less likely, but possible, course in which the players double back over four squares of the middle section, thus making the game longer The Game of Ur is a race game[14][4][6] and it is probably a direct ancestor of the tables, or backgammon, family of games, which are still played today.[4][18] The Game of Ur is played using two sets of seven checker-like game pieces.[11] One set of pieces are white with five black dots and the other set is black with five white dots.[4][13] The gameboard is composed of two rectangular sets of boxes, one containing three rows of four boxes each and the other containing three rows of two boxes each, joined together by a "narrow bridge" of two boxes.[19] The gameplay involves elements of both luck and strategy.[11] Movements are determined by rolling a set of four-sided, pyramid-shaped dice.[11][13] Two of the four corners of each die are marked and the other two are not, giving each die an equal chance of landing with a marked or unmarked corner facing up.[4][13] The number of marked ends facing upwards after a roll of the dice indicates how many spaces a player may move during that turn.[20] A single game can last up to half an hour[11] and can be very intense.[11] The object of the game is for a player to move all seven of his or her pieces along the course (two proposed versions of which are shown at right) and off the board before his or her opponent.[21] On all surviving gameboards, the two sides of the board are always identical with each other, indicating that the two sides of the board belong to each player.[13] When a piece is on one of the player's own squares, it is safe from capture,[17] but, when it is on one of the eight squares in the middle of the board, the opponent's pieces may capture it by landing on the same space, sending the piece back off the board so that it must restart the course from the beginning.[17] This means there are six "safe" squares and eight "combat" squares.[17] There can never be more than one piece on a single square at any given time,[22] so having too many pieces on the board at once can impede a player's mobility.[23] When a player rolls a number using the dice, he or she may choose to move any of his or her pieces on the board or add a new piece to the board if he or she still has pieces that have not entered the game.[21] A player is not required to capture a piece every time he or she has the opportunity.[24] Nonetheless, players are required to move a piece whenever possible, even if it results in an unfavorable outcome.[21] All surviving gameboards have a colored rosette in the middle of the center row.[13][20][19] According to Finkel's reconstruction, if a piece is located on the space with the rosette, it is safe from capture.[20] In order to remove a piece from the board, a player must roll exactly the number of spaces remaining until the end of the course plus one.[21] If the player rolls a number any higher or lower than this number, he or she may not remove the piece from the board.[21]
  22. No pressure... mon! Here's a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Don't Worry Be Happy In every life we have some trouble When you worry you make it double Don't Worry Be Happy Don't Worry Be Happy, now ooo ooo ooo, ooo ooOOooOO
  23. The Royal Game of Ur This looks like a game that could be played, treasured, passed down, consulted as an oracle*. It came from Ur about 3 millennia ago to the British Museum, today. Myself, I am thinking of relocating it to the green lozenge for my game sometime just before the Hero Wars™, about teatime. Picture from an article at Mental Floss by MARK MANCIN Ihttp://mentalfloss.com/article/62089/11-ancient-board-games From Wikipedia The Royal Game of Ur ...also known as the Game of Twenty Squares or simply the Game of Ur, is a two-player strategy race board game that was first played in ancient Mesopotamia during the early third millennium BC. The game was popular across the Middle East among people of all social strata and boards for playing it have been found at locations as far away from Mesopotamia as Crete and Sri Lanka. At the height of its popularity, *the game acquired spiritual significance, and events in the game were believed to reflect a player's future and convey messages from deities or other supernatural beings. The Game of Ur remained popular until late antiquity, when it stopped being played, possibly evolving into, or being displaced by, an early form of backgammon. It was eventually forgotten everywhere except among the Jewish population of the Indian city of Kochi, who continued playing a version of it until the 1950s when they began emigrating to Israel. The Game of Ur received its name because it was first rediscovered by the English archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley during his excavations of the Royal Cemetery at Ur between 1922 and 1934. Copies of the game have since been found by other archaeologists across the Middle East. The rules of the Game of Ur as it was played in the second century BC have been preserved on a Babylonian clay tablet written by the scribe Itti-Marduk-balāṭu. Based on this tablet and the shape of the gameboard, British Museum curator Irving Finkel reconstructed the basic rules of how the game might have been played. The object of the game is to run the course of the board and bear all one's pieces off before one's opponent. Like modern backgammon, the game combines elements of both strategy and luck. A graffiti version of the game carved with a sharp object, possibly a dagger, was discovered on one of the human-headed winged bull gate sentinels from the palace of Sargon II (721–705 BC) in the city of Khorsabad.
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