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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. On top of the tales and visuals of a 5 mile long dragon eating an army and rising up into the air after emerging/exploding from a mountain within the past two years causing mass PTSD and a great many nations to fear dragon kind.
  2. If that is the rules as intended it is new with RQ G. The reason in past times that Humakt had no associated cults was because of his mastery of death. None of the other gods understand the incredible responsibly and honour that goes with this "understanding" To initiate to the cult used to be a cutting of ties with clan, family, and tribe so that they could deal holy death for the cult if needed without bringing kin and law/outlaw into it. Much has changed, but this changing... seems drastic. Cheers
  3. One could easily add a HR of hit location being rolled on a D10 by the prone individual making an abdomen shot the highest one could reach from the ground. It makes sense, adds a small penalty (harder to get a one-hit kill) is easy to remember and this penalty exists for other similar purposes already ie. attacking from horseback where one adds 10 to a D10. I think this has been RAW in past and current incarnations of BRP games. Cheers
  4. Keep in mind that this might be the equivalent of Nagasaki, and Hiroshima combined. Except the raids were launched by Australia with the only nukes they would ever get, and the US is no where in sight . Thankfully they managed to wipe out a majority of the Empire's magic and provincial military force throwing Tarsh into rebellion, ending a generation of occupation and now they have remnants of the empire's very divided (thankfully) attention. I would mention it without doubt. If not immediately the very first down time after the initial adventure.
  5. Ooh. this could be a very sad individual on the green lozenge in the game of LimbQuest ™! Adventuring, no thank you. Good morning! The kind of mindset required to stand on the bow of a catamaran guiding it into the unknown so far from land that it is almost as distant a memory as it is a reality. The tattoos focus the ur reality of this, imprinting it on the sailor and keeping the sailor safe and at home on the waves. This is what I was hinting at earlier on in the thread. To carry this on further the tattoos are maps and guides but not just to the seas but to the inner-self as well. Rooting oneself and ego within the broad reality of change and disorder which is his "waking world". Paradox (and therefore balance) Cheers
  6. Gads.... Closest I could come in a quick think is gelding or gold. Both hard... or Ged for thise who love the Earthsea Trilogy.
  7. that is easy... Glornatha: Glor (like glory) na (like the negative nah) tha (like the word that) oops that was a typo... my bad...
  8. Not quite at the need for house ruling yet. I am liking RQ G but when I do start, be sure that the closing rule Kloster mentions will be under the microscope. Until a better rule comes along, this is good enough. Combat in RQ 3 was rather good and while this may have been one of the weaker parts, it still beats many other systems hands down.
  9. Manitoba and NE Ontario have mosquitos that actually have SIZ. Newcomers have attempted to hit them with maces only to have the mosquitos rip the maces out of the newcomers hands and started to beat them. At which point you are incredibly happy to be playing a wizard with robes and you start smirking at the barbarians.
  10. The last thing that fat jolly old elf yelled over his shoulder as he harrumphed away was... "and don't even get me started on the beavers... Ho Ho Ho!" Cheers
  11. LARPing and the SCA used to be a thing here 20-30 years back (SCA still is I am sure) but the LARPing was all D&D style rules or Tolkienesque or nordic—all good, a weekend out in the park systems and ravines in costume. It wasn't RQ though... I read about Glornathan LARPing in zines and online only and thought it sounded cool but it all seemed to be happening in California (natch), Britain, Australia and Europe. None in the Great White North that I could see.
  12. Agreed Kloster and soltakss, strictly conjecture.
  13. If Ancestor Worship gives DI, I would assume it would have to be germane to worship of ones ancestors... perhaps the ability to manifest a great ancestor briefly... As the ancestor will not be in full possession (pun intended, surprise!) of his new senses a penalty mightt be in order.
  14. Zounds and gadzooks. missed that one but it does make sense snd might be worth a third of ones RP pool (assuming our standard beginner or a grizzled old herder). A trip to the temple for more than RP might be in order, expeditiously!
  15. All the great nations and races got together after a time of struggle at the ending of the first age and formed a council so powerful that it figured it could create a god. The Trolls and Dragonewts were not fooled and realized the pitfalls of creating a god and pulled out of the council creating the Broken Council. Still the Council created Nysalor the illuminated one. This curse was the misborn trollkin, and the heroquest of Cragspider Dissolv mentions did not succeed and bring back natural mistress race births but the consolation prize was the great troll.
  16. Game Master: "Statement of intent, please." Lhankor Mhy Sorcerer: "Hmmmm, cast translate,..."
  17. Found this years ago on Jane's Glorantha page, The link does not work but... Quoted from there: All references to "Sartar" were of course originally to "Scotland". Creek-Stream-River and Dragon's Eye references thanks to Nick Brooke.: much better than "shining river" and "purple islands", which didn't fit at all. Original words by Cliff Hanley Hark when the night is falling Hear, hear the pipes are calling Loudly and proudly calling down through the glen. There where the hills are sleeping Now feel the blood a-leaping High as the spirits of the old Quivin men. Towering in gallant fame, Sartar my mountain hame High may your proud banners gloriously wave. Land of my high endeavour Land of the Creek-Stream-River Land of my heart forever Sartar the brave. High in the misty highlands Out by the Dragon's Eye lands Brave are the hearts that beat beneath Sartar skies. Wild are the winds who’ll meet you Staunch are the friends who’ll greet you Kind as the light that shines in fair maidens eyes. Towering in gallant fame, Sartar my mountain hame High may your proud banners gloriously wave. Land of my high endeavour Land of the Creek-Stream-River Land of my heart forever Sartar the brave. Far off in sunlit places, sad are the Sartar faces Yearning to feel the kiss of mountain rain Where Praxian skies are beaming, love sets the heart a-dreaming Longing and dreaming for the homeland again Towering in gallant fame, Sartar my mountain hame High may your proud banners gloriously wave. Land of my high endeavour Land of the Creek-Stream-River Land of my heart forever Sartar the brave. Land of my heart forever - Sartar the brave. NB: The last verse is only found in the Pavis version of this song: it is unknown in Sartar proper. If we are stepping on toes bringing this back to life or if Jane, Nick, BRP central or disgruntled musicians, music lovers, scots, humakti or orlanthi need this to be taken down because of copyright issues give a shout and we will see it happen. Or directly contact the management. (can't spell his name by rote for the life of me, you will have to track it down or ask me to.) Bill
  18. Poor rules my butt. They had it comin'!
  19. Unless some one can find a smoking gun presenting a similarity twixt the RQ 3 and RQ RiG, the rules as written support your logical interpretation. It would explain why the rule would be dropped if it has. As I am demonstrating above, I am afraid that jury is still out...
  20. So many good answers here I will only dip my toes so as not to drown out good advice from all. I believe this is how a lot of us rule it, roleplaying and all. And in my option the correct choice, again role playing and all. Why would a temple just sell away its treasures (lest that was it reason to exist, the god of selling out)? By the game's rules (without the additional GM seasoning mentioned above), I am not sure that you have to do anything but pay the prove listed in RQ RiG to the correct temple of a non-hostile cult that has no reason not to teach to the spell and voila, you have the spell. If your god allows it, that is, does not prohibit the spell. See above Please, I am learning things I though i knew, (see other thread where I bone it... maybe, the jury is still out). me confused too.
  21. I played RQ three better than they... (fades to nothing...) shuts up... looks up for cloud cover and lighting... walks away slowly at first than quickens pace glancing at the sky with a worried expression every now again.. Finally breaks into a run whilst screaming "I didn't mean it............."
  22. Hey it happens, does not make it less funny that the great old ones boned it but...
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