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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Thank you I believe it is all coming back to me, Simon Phipp, did you not have a web page containing a theory tying Delecti Druluz & Vivamort together or was that another?
  2. Oh fine take away the basis of one of my best speculations with fact and reality. I hope you enjoy you advanced game of Attorneys and Accountants (A A&A 1 ed. for short). Phtttt!
  3. Cheers Phil, that seems to fulfill all needs, no? No spoiler and a hint about what's inside.
  4. Considering the cost of some 40 year old module still runs to a buck or two and they are still commercially available. I would ask that you reconsider your argument. You are not saying that people who have just invested big in classic RQ are not welcome here are you?. I propose a test of your theorem, just post entire classic modules. I am sure Chasoium might agree with your 40 year statute of limitations. So in summary, RQ 2 modules are no longer current, You would prefer no spoiler alerts and it seems you might wish to use stronger language then silly with me. n'est-ce pas? Again I could answer but I shan't. I do, permanent, check, magical check, yeah it qualifies... They are commercially available from chaosium... Now keep in mind, I said I was not looking for flames... Cheers
  5. I tend to play at a much lower level but the image of farmer getting pissed off and tossing lightning around the greydog inn... It has appeal, I don't deny it. You just have to know that the local Eurmali, Brigpiece, would be around somewhere.
  6. Makes me want to write, 10 input "Hello World!"
  7. Fantastic, above and beyond (true or not). You did not mention east islanders and sailors. Both 2nd and now 3rd age, I would imagine they would uniquely contribute to the fine art of tattooing... I'm willing to bet Sandy would like this.. I think my mostali are most definitely going to be steam punk! Body mods, yeah I can see that. Great! Fine thread!
  8. That explains guardians of the galaxy, don't it?
  9. Dam your sense of humour g33k, 16 hours later and I'm still chucking! Can we give the nice newcomer his thread back, please:)
  10. soltakss you old nerd, how exactly does one achieve such a result?
  11. Snip Wow, exactly what I was asking for! Joerg screams out above the crash of storm... The Kraken Has Been Released!
  12. Don't get me wrong, I am not sure I should give away plot points that big in a specific way. Discussing i a general way... that intro module for very new comers... surprise there are no large magic items or imo most modules do have big shiny magic.. Naming a module, telling exactly what and where and when with a bit of how... I get a bit queasy at this point and I don't exactly mean my stated aversion to spoilers. It seems wrong. Is it just me? Again, not a flame just a valid question. Would Should such threads exist? Should they have large spoiler alerts? Am I being silly? Cheers
  13. I do but I am not sure I wish to name the module (s) without a big spoiler alert. Why ruin a game for some poor group? The money spent, the time taken in reading learning copying, transcribing maps, laminating, playing all at risk because of loose lips, I think not. Not being surly and I mean this in a positive way. My editorial opinion. cheers
  14. I think it would be easier to list those adventures or modules or sandboxes that do not give an opportunity to gain a permanent magical effect. Nope, can't think of one. Wait, Green Brass the freebie from RQ 3's GM book. And some on Alan Lavergne's solo modules... Cheers
  15. I would say the political stuff that g33k gives encompassed this question. I can't think of anything to add politically, still a little sedated from a trip to the doctor yesterday so I might chime in later should anything come to mind.. More to add off topic, but you have had enough off topic so have a look back through these threads. There is gold here. Laminate them and put the in the centre of the table. Some one asks what the weather is or what not send then on a search for the info to involve them in your Glorantha (ancient heroquest which makes it a little more their Glorantha). Can't get any truer than that! klescer, if I contributed in any way to your confusion in magic, I apologize. I try to give good advice to new GMs. I used to be one and the rudimentary nets and bbs threads we followed were very primitive compared to today. Thankfully, I came from a 60's/70's childhood love of war-games so parsing this amazing amount of data for rpgs was kind of easy. But I sure would have loved to be able to ask a question or two in near real time. Or seen your videos for that matter. Cheers
  16. Some say I've gone too far (bwahahahaha) that I'm mad. Okay y'all say it.
  17. Yay! BARKEEP, MORE BEETLES Thanks send 'em to tall dark and ugly over in the corner... the one who looks a Beetle Herder, yeah that one. Cheers
  18. The caper nay woulda worked on a Humakti, ye ken. (although a frothing at the mouth Humakti should be easily achievable, insult his sword)
  19. Fair point all, I infer that Tywyll and many of us who come to Glorantha from RQ are very new to Wyters. Could some of you great old ones in the know expound a little on why the wyter matters as much as Jeff and the rules are saying. (oh shit what have I done asking these bums a question like that, isn't that like Liam Neeson crying, "Release the Kraken!") ahh, sotakss I share yer pain!
  20. Speaking of LeGuin I am surprised to not see any works by Campbell here. Too much of a low-hanging fruit?
  21. I have always played what I thought were canonical rules that NPC's get the same checks as players unless stated otherwise (can't think of an exception off the top of my head). At least some spirit bling, yo! (pimp your fetch)
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