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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. and then as the camera pans back... A mammoth with a brown (and very large) package tied around its neck shuffles into view...
  2. The Place: A sad a lonely glacier The Time: Sometime slightly before the hero Wars About Tea Time Personae Dramatis: A sad and lonely ("and cold, don't forget cold") barbarian The camera zooms in... :... and soon it will be mine my precious, oh yesss sssooon it will be mine. Camera pulls away from this sad and tragic little drama.
  3. Or dare to enter the thread called "Prax and the thousand questions about the place."and ask about the lost LongNose Tribe... SAN rolls for the table! No,,, the horror, the horror...
  4. Interesting thought. Miniatures have advantages but cost of trying for a usable set has always had me using dry erase markers to locate positions on a battle map.
  5. Interesting, but a bit of a nysalor riddle. Diversity would only increase if one says it does (ZZ is different from Yelmalio cause I say so, ignore the fact that they both have the same spells), but in reality I suggest making all the cults the same or even similar does the opposite. I think that balance and diversity are not compatible. Cheers PS I know that I exaggerated the above examples to a ridiculous degree to make my point but I think it still stands.
  6. When Dorastor - Land of Doom came out SAN rules were offered as an optional set of rules to go with the madness of this chaos blasted region. The only question was how much SAN loss would a ghoul cause a battle hardened war vet.
  7. I think you might well mean more heroic . It is not very heroic if you are nor afraid of gearing hurt. When choices can get deadly the true hero steps forward.
  8. Well one day it will come to the great white north. It's good we are allied clans with the excited states and so close to them In terms of proximity.as well otherwise who know how long it might take. Gak
  9. Are you trying to scare me? ;) No, I believe he is trying to either scare the Lunar of possibly your grandmother.
  10. You got me on cults, I tend to set phasers on ignore when it comes to cults that are non-canoical. There has been more that enough material of absolutely every stripe to have to rely on questionable sources. Besides the HW cults scared me :) But my Glorantha absolutely has to have the Orlanthi Cloud types in TR as added seasoning to the weather tables of RG G. As to date the sidebars (page length but I believe I can call them sidebars) on clan and stead are the best I have seen. And the household goddesses and households wow How Do We Live? We live at Mahome’s Fire. If a stranger wishes to understand us, they have but to spend a season at one of our hearths. A household hearth is never empty, never silent, never still. All of life passes before Mahome’s sacred fire. Old men and women drowse for days before the coals, covered in children or cats, guarded patiently by the clay goddesses and ancestral idols that sanctify the hearth. The hearth- mistress oversees her sons’ wives as they attend to the day’s baking, teaching them songs of lust and healing, sharing the wisdom of her years... Thunder Reblels page 11 Did not get hearth life until I read this. Oh, for a TARDIS! Chees
  11. Agreed but thankfully there is a cheap alternative As pretty as the GS is I would have to say I got more out of an out of print PDF from the Hero War days—Thunder Rebels available for 6.62 cdn from the Gloranthan Vault (damn you demonic spel chekr, leave me Gloranthan alone!). Combine that with Sartar Kingdom of Hero PDF for 26.45 cdn and while no longer economical and in the case of Thunder Rebels no longer canonical definitely necessary for providing the feel of a Dragon Pass Orlanthi based RQ G game. For a few dollars more (6.63 cdn), add in Dragon Pass A Gazetteer of Keronfina . At least, I think so. Get the viking feel out of your mind when using Thunder Rebels and replace it with a Thracian vibe. That said I am very happy having the GS combined with the GtG and the AAA as background (not very economical at all, but I suppose at a very long absence I can give a boutique company a bit of hand up) and I feel ready. Cheers
  12. I was hoping when I gave you my answer way back when, that my faith in the maturity of both the games we play here and thus the forums and their denizens centred around those games was founded in reality and thankfully it was. I am very aware of what you are saying. Having trod boards, BBSs, forums and 'nets since the 80s I have seen my fair share of flames and most have started on topics a lot less incendiary then this one. The worst I have seen here is nothing compared to elsewhere. Great game company, great fans and a great refuge from the ickiness of the web. Cheers
  13. Not a worry, just had a FOMO feeling... how come everyone knows where the ... huh... what..? It'll pass. Thanx all.
  14. no alas, pulls up a sketchy site that does nothing.
  15. reasoned takes my hairy barbarian butt, just old! :)
  16. Ahh, I have not a clue which service Chaosium would be using. Cheers
  17. Got all that, but is this supposed to be a live tracking service, when I click on the number under tracking link it only refreshes the page.
  18. Well I have the tracking number where do I use it to follow my order, any helpers out there? Cheers
  19. The fact that this does not sit well with you speaks highly of you. I do not condone violence at a personal or state level but that is me (damn canadians!) and really neither here nor there and I do not want flames. I am just saying. The point is we are not playing in such a setting without slavery or violence (state or otherwise). You can justifiably ask if you should play the game at all. I have. Disturbing questions, and ones that a gamer might face in life as well as within a game are great. They lead to a potential for personal growth as one wrestles with such difficult thoughts and works though the crises these can cause. I like to think that a mature and responsible RPG should have a chance of asking such questions but that is not intrinsic to its value, which is entertainment. I was going to say "But really this is not the forum for such metaphysical calisthenics". but maybe BRP central is mature enough to handle this kind of thing. We'll see. Cheers
  20. Unconsciousness for adventurers and I would assume the equivalent for spirits. Adventuress recover mp at 1/24 of their total possible MPs an hour and require 1 MP to awaken and I would assume so do spirits.
  21. Seeing as we only have two thirds of the rules I would have to vote for the rest of the rules We need the Gamemaster's Book next of course. After that alas Drablak is correct, RuneQuestions as well as s good up to date errata sheet. After that, Cults. I have heard it often said that RQ did not really take off in many people's imaginings until Cults of Prax came out and gave colour and pageantry to the game.
  22. I coitainly hope you noted the comedy inherent in my lack of sympathy or even the old skool thingy i tacked onto my comment. Nah, step one ask for a road map and then rather then take our word for it (though that's a start) have a look around. The research I was referring to was knowing the type of grognards we are and that like vultures we would swarm down on innocent questioners like yourself. (and as to whether to take me seriously or not). Cheers
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