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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Sorry to create a zombie thread (they thought it was dead but It came from the grave...bwahahahah—the thread that would not die). On that silly note, does anyone know if this email is still valid. I sent a request last week for info on those mags so it may well be something that is not often checked and I simply need to wait patiently...
  2. Yes to all the above jeffjerwin,. Though I am operating on most of the assumptions you mention I have until now overlooked the Lizardwood Asrelia aspect... good call. Might be some fun there,. So, on that note where might I find mention of the Vanak Spear HeroQuest? The Coming Storm has been invaluable, as a resource for a fellow member tribe and clan of the Jonstown Confederacy, the Cinsina and the RedCow as well as their neighbors. Of course John Hugh's work on the Far Point fills in many details on the northeast borders of the Torkani. The Zin letters you say, I will have to have a look see. The Haunted Lands and Into the Troll Realms from RQ 3 or Troll Pack from RQ 2 seems to have a fair amount of material that could help fill in details in the Battle Valley and Stagland areas as well as provide the caravan you mention. Now, you also mention something that I have not come across. The masked cult and the Shadowlords. Both Kitori or OOO affiliations from the old country? Cheers
  3. Well I have my Core Rules now, all my RQ 2 and 3 modules and tons of notes, got a player (one is a start). Now with the player I have has the good fortune/curse of being interesting". Said player has decided to play an Issaries Merchant and as I am running him as a solo I asked him to create a second character as well. Hmm God of Surface Darkness says he, well his brother will be an Argan Argar cultist and they willl both be Torkani. Well, the tons of notes combined with some great reference materiel alleviated some of the panic I felt of having very few notes on the good Torkani folk. A month later, between all the materials out there (old and new) and what I have as well, I now have a bit of a Torkani sandbox to play in. Next step is to populate it and then place adventures. That is the point of this missive, does anyone have suggestions of modules of any flavour (Questworld, Judges Guild, WD, DW, any variety of RQ or HW or HQ) that are Torkani centered of that could be adopted to that very misunderstood of Sartar Tribes, The Torkani. I have decided to start him with Greenbrass from RQ3's GM book. Not a very sophisticated adventure but one that gives a great variety of encounters including one that {Small Spoiler Alert!!!} ... should be avoided at all costs—demonstrating a key fact of RQ gaming. There are no levels or warnings that this part of the dungeon is the deep end that is the shallow. Game balance is just not as important in this game as in others. So again I am asking for adventure suggestions, published or otherwise. And I suppose I should ask if anyone knows of prominent Torkani I should note, Cheers all.
  4. Just don't lose that little tool or you will never get it to hold together... Oh, and more to the point, welcome Sweden. Ignore the horrible pun, we love your furniture. .
  5. a side note, perhaps if your trade is being a full time student (trainee) maybe those 4 seasonal experience checks could be in skills you have been training. 'Course no income and money going out each season... Cheers
  6. Personally I like the simplicity of RQ G A little odd for a RQ enthusiast to state, but... When one considers at the end of a year they can have easily pursued their trade for four experience checks, and adventured for 4 or more experience checks each season. That adds up to at least 8 skill checks per season or at least 40 a year That's not too bad. Now, I believe you can add one skill check a season or one Pow roll check or one stat check every 2 months. Works for me Cheers
  7. kinda/sorta [gr]... I followed many versions of spells manifesting arguments over the years and I must say I am a fan of how the effects are now incorporated into the rules but exactly how is left to the imagination of the GM and the players and I suppose the theory of MGF as well.
  8. jps, thank you for getting this off your chest so simply. Now I can get this off my chest. I have written (and tossed) three very long letters to express my feeling in regards to the great work Chaosium has done, continued to do under new names, companies and games, and now this incredible (though with sad undertones with the last goodbye from Greg) bringing together of the old band, some young turks and all those names I remember during the dark days that were only illuminated by the digest, great web pages and zines (Issaries, TotRM, all those fan pages... may I just say, WOW!). With my RQ 2 and 3 library, some classic Hero Wars/Quest resources and what little has now come out for RQ G, I believe I have the best game system known to man. Sigh, I suppose I should just have expected greatness and left it at that!. Cheers
  9. It ain't necessarily so. Though I mostly disagree with the direction that RQ RiG seems to be taking in making characters so much more powerful that their daily counterparts are (D&D anyone?), I have seen many comments from people high up in the Chaosium organism who have said that the players are extraordinary and that the average initiate does not have at least 3 RPs minimum and 3 Rune spells as well as all the spirit magics, etc that come with the office. That is kept for the extraordinary PCs. On top of that, your game may vary so...
  10. And thank you both! I read Pentallion's review and immediately bought the pdf. Have not had a chance to read a lot of it but I really enjoyed Red Cow despite never having played HQ (played RQ since '85). Knowing how much fun I had with RQ 2 and 3 I know I will enjoy RQ RiG just as much, and it is nice to know that the game that kept Glorantha alive throughout the dark days after RQ 3 collapsed still has much to give even to those who do not play it.
  11. How does one get just the upgrade and not order a new copy? cheers
  12. Greetings from north of Valind's glacier. Anybody know if we will be getting down loads of player's aids or should we make our own?
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