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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. Triff, I don't see a "Source" button. There is an option in the toolbar for Add Code. Is there a way to break up long quotes? When I hover over the top or bottom of a quote I see a red dotted line that has a carriage return button on it, and it loos like I should be able to drag up and/or down to adjust the quote size, but I can't drag at all. Running the latest version of Safari on a MBP. SDLeary
  2. I would separate Glorantha into its own section, as it isn't a game, but a setting. If they are directing people here from Glorantha.com then I would also suggest subsections within Glorantha for Heroquest: Glorantha, RQ: AIG, and 13th Age (though perhaps not this as it didn't seem that active). SDLeary
  3. Unknown, possibly all of them. It depends on how the BBC is handling the series. So far I've only heard of the single series. SDLeary
  4. No! Its better when we get things first! SDLeary
  5. I have think I detected some variation. Does anyone remember when he served as the Galley Slave? I remember that being before meeting Alfred. SDLeary?
  6. I know. Just providing a bit of background as to personality/social mechanics in BRP in general. And yes, they do appear in the Gloranthan Classics. In Griffin Mountain, pp.82-83, NPC Record Form. Listed as Personality Factors and Attitudes. IIRC, this was the first appearance in a supplement (c.1981). Prior to that I recall a magazine article (White Dwarf??) that talked about things in terms of trying to describe the odd dragonewt personalities. SDLeary
  7. Opinions? Being a history guy, I have my own pet peeves, but they are relatively minor. SDLeary
  8. This game should really be based on Cthulhu Rising! John! Put the web site back up! SDLeary
  9. Its not over yet! In the home stretch so you can still get in on it. SDLeary
  10. I think this has to due with exposure. Personality mechanics in BRP started out in RQ2 as a mechanism to help describe the personalities of Dragon Newts, moving from there to a GMs tool for general NPC description. Its still in the BGB, stuffed into the GMs section. These are what would become the Personality Traits in Pendragon. I'm not sure where Passions came from, but it could have been tied to Sandy's exploration of Pamaltella, and the Jelmere. It would be really nice if Chaosium further codified these in the base system and put them into the BRP Compaion. SDLeary
  11. Only if they can do it better than FFG... Warhammer feels like an abomination to me. SDLeary
  12. Come now! This is BRP! We don't level up, we just age gracefully! SDLeary
  13. In this particular instance though, with regards to brick and mortar game and bookstores, Loz is right. This is not a new phenomena. It has been this way in the game industry almost as far back as I remember it. In addition, the minimums that Alliance and others insist on often make it prohibitive for a small shop to experiment with new lines unless they have people coming in pre-ordering. The only real targets are small independent booksellers. The issue with them, is that they often have similar cash flow issues as small game companies. Its not really an issue of being negative, but at some point a business a business has to be realistic. If things haven't changed then treading the same path again only eats up resources better focused in another direction. Monitor things, such that if they change you can take advantage, but focus on what keeps the companies and their lines going. SDLeary
  14. Yup... only 5 or six people. Each with other things to occupy their time (Glorantha). Which makes it even more perplexing that they would try to create a NEW BRP, when the OLD BRP is serviceable and less expensive to manage while Chaosium is in the state that its in right now. If they had stated that it was their long term intent to switch over, it would be more understandable, but this seems to be something they want to accomplish relatively quickly; again while also managing CoC, and RQ, Glorantha, and day jobs if they have them. Complainers... so anyone who expresses a concern about the new direction a company they have supported for over 30 years is a complainer? Really? This is a public forum. We are here to discuss the games we like, in this case BRP based and inspired games, and the companies that produce them. I may not agree with the opinions of everyone here, or they with mine, but I don't see them as complainers. I see them as people who care about these games and companies expressing their opinions. SDLeary PS: Oh and by the way, some of us have jobs that require we work weekends, so some of us can't support the convention circuit quite as much as we would like.
  15. Actually, I think they did. Years ago, around here (SF area), both B&N and Borders had Cthulhu on the shelves. SDLeary
  16. Basically because it will be very hard for such a small team to support two different systems simultaneously much less three. IF BRP is being aligned around RQ6, then it would only make sense at some point in the future to "bring CoC back into the fold". Doing this sooner would make design logistics easier. SDLeary
  17. Well, now they have two different systems to support. BRP as it exists in CoC (still recognizable if you don't use the x5 characteristics), and RQ, which while similar is not BRP. It also means that there will probably sadly be ANOTHER new version of CoC in the not too distant future, which shifts the rules again... this time to RQX (shorthand for Not-RQ7). SDLeary
  18. Yes. If they stuck with BRP, support overall would be much easier. Now they will have to support two different lines. SDLeary
  19. <SIGH> This is what I was afraid of. SDLeary
  20. This seems to be slightly different than what was said by nClarke. Hmmm. SDLeary
  21. Very true, but it does have its Blog section, that has been used as a place for announcements for some time. Many of us in the Chaosium world have become used to looking there. And thanks for shedding more light on whats going on. SDLeary
  22. I think they are all d100, but not all BRP. BRP is a Chaosium system that has never been opened up. All the others are derived from mRQ, and the mRQ SRD, which was a re-write with... what was the quote "Similar system with different words"?? Nick, help me out here. In fact, mRQ was designed to be in direct competition with Chaosiums BRP derived games. A from the ground re-write to make sure the systems were similar, but didn't step on Chaosiums IP. Remember, BRP/RQ3 were in publication at the time as the 3 reprinted Basic Roleplaying books. So while certainly inspired by, there is no direct descent from BRP. SDLeary
  23. But the suggestions on Narration have existed to some extent for a while, with varying degrees of chunkiness. There was going to be more of this kind of suggestion n the Chroniclers Companion IIRC. And while there was room for further example, suggestion, and streamlining of Sanity, it certainly wasn't "broken". I also fail to see how the style of presentation of the stat block, and changing the characteristics to x5 would help in this fixing. The bonus and penalty dice are different, but fine and really don't change the game much, though does make it difficult to integrate older material which might list flat bonus' or penalties. SDLeary
  24. Honestly the compatibility is there, if somewhat hidden. The presentation is what will throw people off. Especially those new to the system. And yes, I agree. There seems to have been no compelling reason other than to simply change and or look different. SDLeary
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