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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. Yes, but then Str and Siz still don't matter as a creature without a DB is still a creature without a DB. This is the way BRP has always been, so I don't mind the fact. It is still one of those things that I try to work out in my mind once in a while. Pendragon solved this problem for example, but as a consequence reduced the differences between melee weapons, which is probably more "correct". SDLeary SDLeary
  2. This is something that has always troubled me. Though short of totally revising Damage Bonus and perhaps even the entire damage system, I don't see any way around it other than simply adjusting base bite damage for creatures. SDLeary
  3. So, they attack and bite and hold on (1/2 DB). Unless the victim is able to free themselves (Grapple rules with a penalty to the victim) then the attacking animal puts all their body into the attack on their next round (full DB). Now, considering the above, and the fact that a combat round in stock BRP is about 12 seconds, I could easily be convinced that the attacking animal deserved a second attack at 1/2 DEX where they could put their body into getting their prey down. I might not be so easily convinced in other d100 systems that use shorter time scales for melee. SDLeary
  4. Basically there is no mass behind a bite, thus everything relies on the strength of the animal. SDLeary
  5. Not quite, but it does fit into the system better; it's designed to create pulpy characters rather than Sword and Sorcery types. But looking at things, it seems eminently tweak able. In fact, I think you could engineer easily one that gave you a greater experience boost for a particular skill, ability, power type, etc. SDLeary
  6. Yes, considering the number of Traits there, you could easily pair that down. If you use Hero/Luck Points, perhaps the player may spend one of their starting points for a Trait at character creation. And yes. There are negative ones. This is understandable as this is Cthulhu. Hmmm... perhaps no hero point cost, allow each player to choose one positive and one negative trait at generation. SDLeary
  7. It seems to be one of the sources that is absent from the BGB, probably due to its rarity and license expiration, though it could also be due to the fact that the Root/Branch system and the Impulse System were not really well received, at the time. SDLeary
  8. Sorry, BRP forum so I assume people know. The supplement is Cthulhu by Gaslight, their expansion into the world of the late 19thC. There is a feat-ish system presented there that allows you to end up with characters in the LXG tradition. SDLeary
  9. In Ringworld, the category headings were used as a cap on many but not all skills. The base skill could not exceed the category value, any advancement beyond that had to be in a branch skill, which in other games would probably be called Specialization. The system itself was called the Root/Branch system. Certainly not what your looking for, but a decent example of how the "modifiers" can be utilized in a different way. If you can get your hand on a copy of Ringworld it might give you some more inspiration. It also had a somewhat interesting reaction system called the Impulse system. It was a bit cumbersome in play, but that could have been because our group was more used to the SR system from RQ. SDLeary
  10. In addition to the options presented by Pshychman and CthuluFnord, you might want to take a look at another. Blood Tide introduces Stunts to BRP, and seem to fit better into the BRP realm, and should be easy to adapt to RQ6 if you wish to use that. There is also a system in Gaslight that is somewhat extensive, but its been a while since I looked at it. SDLeary
  11. Arr! Excellent that is! SDLeary
  12. "The new BGB?" Have I missed something?! SDLeary
  13. Anyone have a read thru the stunts yet? Opinons? SDLeary
  14. Its designed to be used with the optional Fatigue System. p.261 Burden: This describes the awkwardness or relative encumbrance of the armor. The Gamemaster may use this value with the optional fatigue system. p.32 gives the option for fatigue and sanity. In the first column near the bottom of the option box is Simple Fatigue. Though never specifically mentioned, it sounds like an option for an option. SDLeary
  15. Well in this case things would be tracked on DEX... so perhaps only the DEX Rank penalty if the character didn't have the STR to wield the weapon properly as we are already factoring DEX as the primary reaction stat, that way the character is not penalized twice for a low DEX. Same would apply perhaps if it were factored into SR. Again, just a brainstorm... haven't really worked out the details. SDLeary
  16. I've looked at the Impulse system for a while... Impulse like tracking might work, but when we were playing oh those many years ago, all I can remember what a bear it was to track properly. SDLeary
  17. I have a brainstorm on this... new Strike Rank/Dex Rank -ish system.... Most BRP games have minimum Str and Dex requirements to use a particular weapon without penalty (presumably based on the weight/encumbrance of the weapon). Rather than imposing a skill penalty, what if failure to meet these requirements were applied to "Strike Rank"... based on DEX with the weapon penalties applied. Just a thought. SDLeary
  18. He is quoting Magic World. Things changed a bit for this focused Sword and Sorcery version. Its based on Elric 5e SDLeary
  19. Another thing to remember, tis Con season. They are constantly in and out of the office, and its only 5 people. So at times it takes longer than normal to resolve issues. Give it till next week. SDLeary
  20. Sorry about the long quote, haven't figured out how to split it up yet in the new forum. With regards to 4: Combat does seem to have been streamlined a bit. Do you think the reduction in time is due to the simultaneous combats(the ability for either party to damage during a particular attack), or something else? With regard to 8: Agreed. They could have handled its display a bit different though. Starting with the rolled characteristics and having the x5 and x5/2 in the smaller boxes would have made the in initial impression of compatibly stronger IMHO. As you noted though, there probably is a Cthulhu Character Sheet industry starting up as we speak. Something that seems a little vague though, or that I've simply missed in my first run-thru... If required to make a Hard or Extreme roll due to difficulties, how do those work out (based on your experience) with the degrees of success. Are they Hard and Extreme victories? If not, how would those be figured with the required rolls? SDLeary
  21. While many of the changes do not seem to impact game play or compatibility, I do have some issues with some additions. Luck, while an interesting mechanism, it introduces another nasty number matrix to the character sheet, and in the case of the current sheets, halves the space for the Sanity matrix. A cosmetic issue now really, but the two matrices are so close that I can see it causing bookkeeping issues, mistaking one matrix for the other. Bonus and Penalty dice are somewhat interesting, but feel somehow NOT BRP. Feels like some of the wonky mechanics that Fantasy Flight have introed into their games. Thankfully it uses a standard 10s die. Pushing rolls also seems somewhat redundant with the Luck mechanism. All in all, while it seems like it will be compatible, it also seems like the rules were changed for the sake of changing when in reality all that was needed was tightening up and better description and advice in certain areas. Rules Additions? I would have like to see the Character Traits option from Gaslight make it in as an option. Not quite Advantages/Disadvantages, but integrates much better with BRP I think. Sanity COULD be changed a bit, again as an option. I'd like to see it incorporate some of the ideas from the GORE system, Nick's and Ben's system from Uncounted Worlds, or perhaps Unknown armies. Something that lengthens the fall into madness, making it a longer darker road than a simple snap, save in extraordinary circumstances. SDLeary
  22. There is. IIRC though its in the GMing section, and is essentially talking about using POW (characteristic?) as Hero Points. SDLeary
  23. I don't mind the RQ6/OQ/Legend way of doing skills for a Conan style game, but fore something a little more down to earth I find starting values to be a bit too high. I am considering reducing the secondary stat to +1/2 Stat, and adding a -1/2 SIZ to some skills; as mentioned above, Climb is a good example. SDLeary
  24. If they have moved to InDesign CS6 or CC I think that distinction is gone and should minimize cost associated with creating an additional format. The program will automatically reformat. And, honestly, in ePub there is minimal layout. It is designed to free flow depending on the size of screen and choice of font. If the industry ever embraces ePub3, other issues should resolve too, such as better support for tables and anchored graphics and other media elements. I think the biggest barrier to adoption is the fact that the electronic book world is still fragmented. Do I produce for Kindle, or do I produce an ePub? SDLeary
  25. Well, that all depends on the flavor of BRP. RQ3 combined the effects of Specials and Criticals when you rolled a crit. So a Broadsword would get an Impale, max damage, and ignore armor. I seem to remember a small section in the BGB which mentioned this, but I don't have the book with me at the moment. Other versions of BRP did handle things like this differently. SDLeary
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