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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. Quite the problem considering they consider themselves the "standard". @Nick Brooke, can you pass this along to the powers that be... perhaps an incorrect box was checked during export. SDLeary
  2. OK, I spun up a VM with Windows 11 and can confirm this behavior in Acrobat Reader (fresh from the Adobe site, so latest). On Windows, if you use Edge, you can open and fill the forms correctly. SDLeary @MOB
  3. Come now! Dos no one think that "Come join the Mindless Zombies" would attract a crowd in the gaming industry?! πŸ™ƒ As far as site placement, perhaps giving "Looking for a game" a top level in the forums, with "Looking for..." for individual games underneath? I would agree, but is this site a Chaosium asset? Trifletraxor is still listed in pride-of-place in the Staff listing, and we still have sections for the D100 Family. I'm not sure these would exist if this was a Chaosium asset. That of course doesn't mean that they couldn't promote more on their site, just that they have less incentive because of lack of total control. I would certainly encourage them to put the site in a list of Gamemaster Reference Sources in the GMs Guide, if they haven't done so already. This is probably the best option, at least in the short term. SDLeary
  4. Seems to be working here with both macOS Preview and Acrobat. What PDF reader are you using? SDLeary
  5. My brain is so warped. I immediately visualized this as a comic panel for The Far Side!πŸ™ƒ Back to serious mode though; if you find out your source for certain, post the answer, I’d like to know for something that I’ve begun. SDLeary
  6. Depends on the aspect of farming that you are talking about. For the bulk I would say Knowledge (Agriculture/Husbandry/Ranching) [RQ3 Plant Lore, Animal Lore or a combination], but with a healthy dose of Knowledge (Natural History) [RQ3 World Lore], and Craft (Carpentry/Leather Working/Stone Working), Devise/Repair. Other skills that might come into play would could be related to bee keeping (I would class as knowledge)... SDLeary
  7. According to an Acrobat comparison summary, 3000+ edits: a little under a thousand replacements, a little over a thousand insertions, and a little under a thousand deletions; some styling changes as well. I haven't had an opportunity to go deeper into the report yet to see the extent of changes, however in the first few listings I did see version additions listed in text, and some typos. Lets leave @Jason D alone on this... He has Lords of the Middle Sea to finish!! πŸ™ƒ SDLeary
  8. IF you choose to make the change, I would like to suggest that you keep the current options in an Appendix. That way you serve the old and the new! SDLeary
  9. Next episode opens with them on a prison transport, approaching orbit of their destination, and then… SDLeary PS I’m imagining perhaps some Riddick style action.
  10. A thing, but pricey out the door. Though they do tend to be a bit less costly than most ink jets to run, but EcoTank printers cost even less to run than lasers. 🫀 SDLeary
  11. Just for reference, the quoted penalty on p.22 is if using BRP skill category modifiers. In that instance, the Physical category (where stealth related skills fall) has DEX as Primary (+1 / point over 10; -1 / point under 10), STR and CON as secondary (+1 / every two point2 over 10; -1 / every two points under 10), and SIZ as Negative ( -1 / point over 10; +1 / point under 10)... So not quite as simple as suggested, but not unreasonable either. I see no specific mention of a specific Stealth skill mallus for SIZ either on p.35 or on p.51 under the description of the Stealth skill. I'm not seeing any options in Cthulhu (nor CDA) for a SIZ mallus, so I would probably not introduce a fixed penalty. Better simply to increase the difficulty one level for SIZ over say 15, or to perhaps introduce a Penalty Die. SDLeary
  12. There may be a fixing agent that you can find, but I believe most are aimed at photography, so not sure how they would affect the writing surface. Sadly, I would say the best option would be a local copy shop, and their trusty laser printers (or go digital, with tablets all around. I'm sure your players will thank you! πŸ™ƒ ). What kind of paper are you using, and how long are you waiting after print to use the sheets? SDLeary
  13. Yes! But that's six months ago... and we have had a Chaosium Con! 😁 Answers to questions! Questions to answers! Answers to questions that were not asked! All should flow! πŸ™ƒ And its just been a trickle... πŸ˜‰ SDLeary
  14. "Rise... RISE I SAY!" Would it be possible to get an update on this game? Still on the radar? Any game reports from the recent Chaosium Con? @Jason D @MOB SDLeary
  15. Sadly they aren't, at least not the vast majority of them. Some of them have been republished in the Miskatonic Repository and Jonstown Compendium, but currently there is not a similar fan program for BRP. Was Daybreak Tomorrow the name of the monograph, or the one–shot you're speaking of? SDLeary
  16. If you are asking about the Cthulhu Rising website... it appears to have vanished into the aether. The Internet Archive appears to have been scrubbed as well, only the snapshot dates and times... clicking on things yields a lot of question marks where graphics should be (though to be fair this could simply be the Archive being the Archive... I'm not using Chrome right now). If you are asking about the Monograph... it's gone along with all other monographs. You may still find copies from time to time on Wayne's Books and NobleKnight. The closest thing currently in publication is River of Heaven, which just happens to also be by John Ossoway. SDLeary
  17. And, it will also work if you want to use it with Mythras or Mythras Imperative, though might need slight tweaks due to age. SDLeary
  18. What's in The Magic Book are the systems from RQ3. If you're looking for something a little different, you might want to look at the Magic World/BRP supplement Advanced Sorcery. Adds many interesting systems, from various older supplements such as The Unknown East by @lawrence.whitaker, and a few others. If your looking for a more Western/European take to magic, there is John Snead's system from Liber Ka, later republished as Enlightened Magic. SDLeary
  19. I have a vague memory of something along those lines, but can't remember if it was Sandy or Greg that it came from. SDLeary
  20. It would make the book a bit longer, but some of the tables could be rotated 90Β° and fill the page. At least, that way you wouldn't have to reformat so many. SDLeary
  21. In DTP, that's called a layout (or a spread)... and there is a line going down the middle where the two pages meet, one to left and one to right! πŸ˜‰ Pages still in portrait. LOL SDLeary
  22. A line of inquiry that should be played out in the BESTEST game for Mostali... Paranoia! πŸ˜† SDLeary
  23. No, more for easy navigation for those not using Word, or perhaps for those using Word, but not wanting to deal with all the Outlining nonsense. I can understand people using it because it makes it easy for them, or because its required by their work or a specific job they are on; but it makes it damn difficult to get from point a to point s without a lot of scrolling. Landscape... nah. Horizontal books are for pictures; the only word there to describe said pictures... otherwise my brain short circuits a bit! πŸ™‚ SDLeary
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