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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. In RQ6 (and the mRQs), locations were in lieu of General HP, but not in the Chaosium days. cRQ 1-3 all had general HP and Locations. SDLeary
  2. Looking back at the rough sketch of a character sheet from the first Designer Note, I see separate spots for "Hit Points" and for "Mr. Man", the location chart. SDLeary
  3. Borderlands... The one of the big three that I don't have. SDLeary
  4. Just an FYI for those in the Bay... much of Games of Berkeley's back catalog is gone. The last time I was there, all I saw was RQ6 and supplements, an MRQ Vikings book, and a small physical copy of Legend (tons of Mongoose Stormbringer product though). It was much the same with the other Chaosium products (current copies only). SDLeary
  5. In a Street Level game, I can see a single skill in that range, and perhaps one at 75%. This gives the nascent hero something of note to start off their careers. Everyone is good at something. All other skills though should be notably lower, with a couple of skills coming in at the 50-60% range. Or perhaps even lower if someone wants to start off as the orphan who has just had their village wiped out. SDLeary
  6. Thats why he referenced lower starting levels as an option I think. Seeing your character advance and become someone that is recognized and has the potential to become a hero can be as fun as playing the hero, if you have the time. Playing Batman in a supers campaign can be fun, but so can playing Young Bruce Wayne. Having the option to do so is great and opens up the game. Perhaps Jeff, you should make sure that the new RQ has an Appendix. I mean, after all, isn't that where a lot of good options ended up in RQ2? SDLeary
  7. I figured as much, it was just a bit odd feeling as the other traits listed do seem to somewhat line up with rune aspect descriptions. SDLeary
  8. I have a question about the example in the design note. How can you tell again that she is ascetic? Is that the something that is a characteristic of Death in the sense of separation? If so, does this mean that an ascetic in the Kralorelan highlands would be strong in Death? SDLeary
  9. You might want to take a look at Cakebread & Walton's Renaissance. A BRP variant that is tailored for the Black Powder era. SDLeary
  10. Lets go back to your RQ2 book and look at the various requirements within the cult; Initiate Membership, RuneLord Membership, RunePriest Membership... None of them mention the need at the game level to understand or possess the power of a particular rune. Going a bit further, if you look at the Special Cult Rune Spells, none of them mention that rune knowledge is required. Again, such knowledge is somewhat implied, but not mechanically supported by the game. HeroWars did expand on this iirc, but I have the books in storage, so can't check to see how. Glancing back thru HQ1, everything is still couched in terms of culture and community. Affinities, Feats, magic in general has no runic affiliation other than that presented thru the controlling deity. There is a two page section just before the index that talks about Runes, and what they are associated with, but with no rules tie-in to say how to use them in a game. HQ:G on the other hand, has runic associations defined for the character during creation, and those define your personality and sources of magical power. SDLeary
  11. Yes and no. While this is stated, and while the statement is true for Glorantha, RQ2 really had no mechanical link other than the description of the gods and their associate runes. Possession/Knowledge of a rune was not required in the game to possess a gods magic, only an affiliation with the gods organization (initiation). This of course is implied, because there were tests to be accepted, etc. It was certainly the Meta aspect that was being shot for, but again the game really didn't support that kind of play by default. That level of integration wasn't achieved until HQ:G really, though I imagine that there were many games of HQ1 that did something like that. SDLeary
  12. Why really? RQ6 does tend to start skills a bit higher (a bit too high IMHO), but ultimately both model the effect of characteristics on skills. With higher base skills, or higher modifiers for the various characteristics things could be similar, % wise. SDLeary
  13. Tadashi seems to still be offering Different Worlds 2-17, and 31-46 on his site, at least as of the last update which is Oct 2011. SDLeary
  14. Whoops... perhaps I should read further back before I post!
  15. Sounds like a somewhat expanded Root/Branch system from Ringworld. SDLeary
  16. Loz, Is it a straight adaption, or are other changes being made? Is scope expanding to the Principate or Empire for example? SDLeary
  17. I would head over to the Design Mechanism forum site and ask this again, or cross post in the Runequest forum here (Loz is there more than here). IIRC, its scheduled to be reworked for RQ6. SDLeary
  18. Also available in the downloads section here. Arc Dream did say to share it! SDLeary
  19. Flintnail Dwarves perhaps? SDLeary
  20. I use something like this too. I have changed the name to Soul though, at least for fantasy. It also makes spell fumbles fun! SDLeary
  21. Magic World, using the Sentient creatures rules is a hit that I've heard about. SDLeary
  22. In this case, the NPC should still win. A critical is always triumphant. If the PC succeeds, AND the NPC succeeds, but rolls lower than the PC, the NPC has a partial success and would "know something is up". That is when I would say that the PC gets what they want, but the NPC then cuts them off, or is at least pissed with them and says that they cut them off. WRT to skills over 100%, just introduce a bump system (Masteries from HQ). Skills reset, start over from 1 and advance from there. The player may use the bump to bump in either direction, but cannot bump a special to a critical (at least in my version), or a critical to a special if they do not want to necessarily kill their opponent. SDLeary
  23. SDLeary

    New RQ skills

    You forgot the negative modifier... SIZ!! This is pretty much along my line of thought for categories and their use. SDLeary
  24. I like it this way too by default. I don't mind more powerful healing magic, but it does depend on the setting that I'm using. The more heroic, the more I like healing to be instantaneous. Though to be fair I've always thought Heal Wound and Heal Body to be something of a copout. These I prefer at rituals, taking HitPoint damage in minutes or perhaps even hours. On the flip side though, I would say that these would be instantaneous during a HeroQuest. SDLeary
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