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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. I hope this will be the case, with a BRP Companion (all the additional bits from the BGB) to follow. However with their effort to not only recover the RuneQuest trademark, but the actual game as well, I'm not going to celebrate until I see a product. SDLeary
  2. I think BRP Essentials is ok. If they chose Worlds of Wonder, it would have to be much larger or part of a set, in order to give examples of said worlds. SDLeary
  3. To me, 2 is only viable if they continue to utilize the "normal" BRP rules. Otherwise you get a disconnect between the Essentials book, and the more advanced options. Now, they could revise the BGB also, tuning it with whatever core they decide on, but this would be a fairly large undertaking, probably on par with Jason's original effort. SDLeary
  4. Thats a nice map. I might order it for my wall. For online use I prefer this one though... http://orbis.stanford.edu The Furd guys and gals really did a good job on this. SDLeary
  5. They certainly need to get an entry level product out there so that people know it exists. At 32 pages, it could also form the core of another product, such as the proposed revision of WoW that has been suggested here and on other forums. They do need A BGB though, to integrate the options that have been out there. A two book set wouldn't be bad. Somehow I don't have the feeling that it will look like the BRP we now have, but probably more like an even further cut down version of RQ Essentials, or something like the CoC 7e Quickstarter. I could be totally wrong though and they clean up and rebadge the BRP intro that has been around for a while. SDLeary
  6. I imagine this book could form the core of WoW. God knows we have been bandying around the suggestion long enough on these and other forums. My guess though is that it will either be based on RQ6 (the book is apparently being called BRP Essentials) or on the modified version of BRP in Cthulhu. I would be surprised if it were BGB based. SDLeary
  7. Sadly, DnD is in a class by itself with regards to sales, so their per unit costs are way low. I'm not sure Chaosium could ever get to that level. I can see $50 boxes though. SDLeary
  8. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm clear. IF someone were to produce boxed sets or supplements though, the above is more what I'd be looking at. The only color that I might want in such a set would be any maps, or perhaps the odd full color plate. Sets that have everything under the sun, and then some are nice, but even more cost prohibitive. Perhaps companies that want to do special sets though might consider sleeves rather than full boxes. SDLeary
  9. This. For boxed sets I want Trollpack, Big Rubble, Pavis, Borderlands, Thieves World type boxes. Enough information of good quality to get you going with some support materials. I love Horrors, but it is somewhat extreme.
  10. It shouldn't be that hard. Pretty straight forward d100 game. I would say about halfway between Stormbringer/Magic World and BRP (I assume your talking BGB with RQ3 level options in place) in terms of crunch. SDLeary
  11. Well, yes, the GtG is rather dense in word count per page; a very nice three column layout. However, something else to consider is that it is a coffee table size book. SDLeary
  12. Perhaps they will keep Essentials around as a setting free intro to RQ. SDLeary
  13. I'm sure he will chime in after things at Gen Con have concluded. SDLeary
  14. I only want more emphasis on ducks if it is the long awaited Quck Pack! SDLeary
  15. This. And if anyone wants to play around... there is also the d100II SRD floating around out there. Make your own house version. SDLeary
  16. I would just like to point out that we have no real idea of what Chaosium's product line will be in the future, other than the fact that it will include CoC, RQ6, HQ, and BRP and MW. Being a lower priority doesn't equate death. We won't know the exact status of BRP/BGB or MW until they actually announce something. And just to add a bit of speculation to my own post... Most of the systems in RQ6 could easily be pulled out and placed in a revised BGB right along side those that are already there. Imagine the possibilities then! SDLeary
  17. Now now, keep in mind the changes have probably put this out a few more months. SDLeary
  18. Sorry, haven't figured out how to break up a code block yet, but here goes... You can use such mechanisms as a requirement for the bonus or the option to roll. They must convince you that the passion is relevant within the context of the scene, or they don't get the bonus or the option to roll for effect. As a GM, I would not use a Passion to compel the character to act in a particular fashion unless the value was over 80%. At values lower than this I would strongly encourage the player to think about how the character would act, but would leave the decision in their hands (this is similar to how it works in Pendragon), or if the way they react is extremely important to the story might ask them to roll. I would also suggest that you might not want to restrict to a single use. If you have woven a Passion into a story, how often its used will depend greatly on the situation, and the nature/genre of the game. In a somewhat realistic setting, if Mr. Evil Supervillan kidnaps the family of one of the characters, then their Love (Family) passion should be front and center, influencing just about everything that they do until the situation is resolved. SDLeary
  19. I had thought about that, but discarded it. I think that whatever happens it should be linked very closely to the passion and situation, the table is a bit too random. SDLeary
  20. How about.... You may simply take your Passion as a bump to your skill (say Passion /5 or /10). You may choose to roll, results yielding: Critical: add half your passion to your skill. You are Inspired, onto uh... glory!Success: add (Passion /5 or Passion /10) to your skill. Passion drives you on.Failure: subtract (Passion /5 or Passion /10) from your skill. Anxiety/apprehension/worry over the situation is clouding your judgement.Fumble: A psychological break has occurred. You continue to fight (if pertinent) without defending, attack your opponent when the issue was not physical to begin with; flee (opposite direction from opponent, etc.), run around, rave, etc.; or you faint, curl into a fetal position and suck your thumb, etc. Or any other effects that you and the GM come into agreement on that fit the situation.SDLeary
  21. AFAIK that is still happening. When that project first leaked though, it was presented as Malleus Monstrorum II. Unless there were two monster tomes being written concurrently! Either way, to me Malleus Monstrorum sounds better; All the Worlds Monsters sounding more like a supplement for that other game! SDLeary
  22. That would be one of the advantages to the Core/Companion models. You have the smaller Core, with a solid BRP base to it. I see this as a smaller book somewhere around 64 pages (The original "core book" in the Worlds of Wonder box set was 12 pages), large enough to provide a good base, but small enough to be inexpensive by todays standards and include one or two small adventures (highlighting different genres). The Companion would be longer, and would have additional Magic/Power options, Passions, Personality Traits, expanded equipment and weapons tables, Player and GM advice, and perhaps one or two more adventures and a list of seed threads. Then we could also have Genre books in the same physical format; Superworld, Futureworld, Fantasy World or some such. These would of course add all the special rules for those genres, but would still require the Core book. In fact I might even suggest taking a page from Evil Hat, and producing these books in Digest format; this of course would force them to be longer, but would also allow them to translate into the various e-pub formats a bit better. It would probably also reduce the printing costs. (Personally I prefer full layout, multi-column books, but can see the appeal of this format and the possible cost reductions associated with it.) Produced in Digest, either in paperback or hardback, they could be soled individually, or perhaps in special editions in a sleeve. Core, Super World, Future World, Fantasy World... sounds like a familiar product. The Companion then adds fiddly bits that not all might want... Perhaps Malleus Monstrorum gets produced in this format as well and becomes BRPs monster resource. SDLeary
  23. Actually, I might go the other way... a smaller book. Something that provided a sold general foundation, one type of magic/power, some basic tech, etc. I would then put all the fiddly bits, such as hit locations, passions, personality traits, other magic system, a build power system (superpowers?), etc. This would be the BRP Companion. The biggest trick here would be to determine what went where. But it would rekindle the tradition of a base game, then a companion volume (or volumes). It appears that Magic World is using this model, and I think it should be brought back out to the rest of the line. SDLeary
  24. I have thought about something like this too, but only for those that dual-wield, and only if they give up defense. Also, each hand is its own skill, so if the off-hand is lower, the penalty is to that value. SDLeary
  25. Future World is much more basic. It was one of the three genre books boxed in the Worlds of Wonder set, and is a series of add on rules to basic BRP (all of 8-10 pages IIRC) for space opera -ish SciFi. The other two books were Magic World and Superworld. As a result Future World is simpler, though Ringworld had some interesting bits to it. The Impluse action system, and Root/Branch skills. Both of these were considered somewhat cumbersome by the rank-and-file. In addition, Ringworld was the only BRP game to use Mass instead of Size. SDLeary
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