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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. I would like to make what you suggest more simple. Just say two. Have the players choose the checks for the two most significant events of the session (period since the last time they were allowed to roll checks). Perhaps INT, or the average of INT and POW allow additional checks to be rolled; say an additional check for every three points (or fraction thereof) above 10. This would give most the ability to roll three, a few 4, and on rare occasions someone with 5. I would leave EDU out of this, as in games that have it, it is much more the characters wisdom, what they know, rather than reasoning ability. No additional stats please! If we compiled all the stat suggestions from this board for different circumstances, we would probably have almost as many as we have skills! SDLeary
  2. Actually, I think a lot of this has more to do with the mindset of game players than it does with the system. You could easily make a cook, a librarian, a farmer, and on with BRP. Most will not like these characters though, as they do not fit into the bog standard for adventuring. You could start out with a premise for the characters. Something along the line of ...you are all from the same village, and NONE of you are nobles or warriors. Several BRP supplements also have things that approximate feats talents that could be pulled in if wanted. SDLeary
  3. I use mook rules too. Normally a single hit, regardless of damage amount, will take them out of the fight. Their Sergeant tracks as normal, unless they take a Major Wound, then they are out. SDLeary
  4. I've been thinking along the same lines. This could be especially fun if the mishap occurs as the result of a summoning! SDLeary
  5. Mainly in form of edition. The Glorantha Classics series is material from the late 70's thru mid 80s that was originally written for RQ2. The HQ Pavis book is updated with a great deal of material that is not directly tied to a system, with a enough information to tie things into HQ. I would actually recommend both. The HQ Pavis book for the city, and the Classics for Big Rubble, as there is no Big Rubble book yet for HQ. This also gives you the advantage of seeing what has changed over the years. SDLeary
  6. If you can weather why 80, then I suggest you try to get down to Endgame on occasion. A fine establishment with a nice varied calendar. SDLeary
  7. True, but they have to be very careful in how they describe things. For example, how do you Quest for a mythical Rune? Of course it can be interpreted as study, devotion, and hard work, but explain that to someone new to the system and try to make it sound exciting. SDLeary
  8. Only mildly tested so far, no regular group here. But so far so good. SDLeary
  9. I'll have to listen to the podcast then, because if it is a Rune Quest, then that means the runes are probably a thing. The whole kill a guy and take his runes was somewhat off-putting. Now if we are using something along the lines of opposed runes as traits, and those tie into the magic system, then I could probably get behind that. ... Off to listen to ToMA I guess! SDLeary
  10. Yeah, of course this is probably work very well. The unwritten reason I ditch the MP is because I've come to the point where I still like crunch, but also want to track as few stats as possible each round. In my "house system" (such as it is), I use the San track for everything... simply renaming it Soul. Tracking both MP and San at the same time is somewhat off-putting. SDLeary
  11. Its not that they can't work magic any more, just that they have become bonkers enough that they can't channel their own energy. Thus they need an alternate source. The common alternate source (sacrifice) generally gets them into hot water at some point with the authorities, or with the local townsfolk who tend to supply the batteries. Tap would also be a good source here, and could get you into the same social hot water if you HR and say that the "sacrifices" continue to walk around as souless beings. SDLeary
  12. So a pen and paper Video Game! Hope you guys can pull this off better than Mongoose did. SDLeary
  13. Sanity should be recoverable, depending on what caused the loss. As I suggested, San Points would return. Characteristic San would only come into play after a severe shock. Presumably those that are insane enough to not be able to cast magic will have increasingly resorted to sacrifice to gain points to use. SDLeary
  14. Dispense with Power Point/Magic Points and simply use the Sanity track; spells cost San Points. This means that over time the magician will become more mentally tired, and thus more subject to shock from monsters and others vectors. If you are using spell skills, or spells as skills, a fumble in casting automatically causes a San check, or a fight/flight shock test (think Unknown Armies), or some other mental issue that seems appropriate. SDLeary
  15. I would suggest an Absolute Value kind of stat. Honor, opposed by Infamy. The sum of these being Renown, the higher of the two values providing the favorable or unfavorable outlook. I'm not sure that Balance would be of use in this situation, because Honor often requires action outside what one would consider Balance. If you want to go this route, perhaps Honor, Balance, Notoriety, then as above. Or, you could go OldSchool and use Law, Neutrality, Chaos. SDLeary
  16. Ambition can be a Corruption, so they are somewhat on the same side of Honor. SDLeary
  17. You could still try HQ though. Nameless Streets is a supplement by Charles Green would give a good introduction using a Noir setting. You could use the book to play a pulp type game very easily.
  18. This. Also remember how deadly d100/BRP can be. Renaissance isn't quite as deadly as stock BRP, but it can still come up and bite you. Make sure the characters have an option OTHER than fighting. SDLeary
  19. I think that is probably the case, yes. Many like the game, but it is a bit deadly if you try to do things in a DnD fashion. Us old guard folks normally came to it right from DnD, and were very very happy that powerful magic was there to mitigate TPKs. I never really thought about that when playing though, and have a nice string of offed characters! SDLeary
  20. I certainly would. The information is still very useful. I would say that these books are effectively 95% rules free, not surprising given the crunch level of HQ. SDLeary
  21. For many, its not the POW (characteristic, not points) expenditure, its that for those that are not priests, this type of magic (or if you will Divine Miracle) is only of single use. After, a non-Priestly character must go back to a temple and sacrifice another point of POW to regain the spell. In the games I was in, POW fluctuations were such that I never saw this as an issue, until my character was in the middle of Pamaltella with no temples around. SDLeary
  22. I imagine that ALL the magic will be different. Greg never seemed to be happy with how magic was portrayed in RQ2. SDLeary
  23. Not so much. RQ2 is a reprint, a nostalgia piece. The new RQ will be based on it (as was BRP at first), and I imagine that the specifically gloranthan tweaks will make it look a lot less like it than we imagine. I have to think that Magic will be completely different for example. It might also use single percentile skills rather than 5% chunks. SDLeary
  24. What about ticks for special occasions then. Say Specials or Criticals give you ticks, but this is on top of normal advancement. Though I must say that advancement based on skill use has always made much more sense. I also don't ever remember tick hunting being an issue in the games I was in. SDLeary
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