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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. 😜 Possibly - but again, we're left with a "how?" What were hundreds of Wind Lords capable of achieving? Because we certainly don't have anything in the rules to account for that.
  2. I was about to write something that would clearly cast doubt on this - then I thought about very wide roads.... how wide is permitted? I would presume, as wide as has been made... It's quite rare for a ship in open water to follow exactly within the same relative 'path' (as in, a line), but does go via a very specific route (hence, the OP question). Ships could easily veer hundreds or even thousands of metres "off course", while still remaining on the same general path. Tides would seriously affect this, as well as the aforementioned weather (eg, storms). If one leaves Nochet and heads south-east to the gap of the Troll Straits, how far are they allowed to veer off the straight line? 50m? 100m? 500m? What if they know that sometimes you go straight, and other times you need to swerve more - and you know that for this time you go straight... is it the same path? I'd probably..... make it a Shiphandling roll, with weather modifiers. The first roll needs to be by the caster (because they can't effectively cast the spell without knowing the actual path), and then regular rolls from the pilot. But then - I'm more simulationist.... I'm sure many other GMs would just handwave.
  3. Maybe they just ballsed up? or... 2D or not 2D - that is the question!
  4. Actually, I think your ideas are a touch to mechanistic real world for me. I think the question should be - when does the connection between the spirit and the body separate completely?
  5. I'm firmly on the side of "the PCs should be able to make it to superhero status". However, I'd also like to emphasise something that's been hinted at before (especially about Dorastor). Some have said that it's a place that heroes go to die... I'd like to emphasise that this actually means - it's a place where the GM can kill off the PCs. While making it to superhero level (and take on Harrek, Argrath, etc) should be possible - the actual chances of that should be extremely low, and I don't think the GM should be saving them just for this outcome. Game balance isn't supposed to be a think in RQ. There are things that will kill your PC in a second. There are clearly things that stop almost anything that your PCs can throw at them. But... again, the PCs should be able to take them on... successfully... eventually. The Crimson Bat was defeated. I'd like to see how. Because the NPCs written up so far who did it certainly aren't capable of that! And if the NPCs can do it, so should the PCs. Same with the Dragonrise... it should be possible. And there should be some some sort of rules that allow for that, which don't mean a complete overhaul of the RQG rules - in fact, they need to align with those rules for it to be consistent. I suspect that the Heroquest rules will allow for this, largely without any other additions required. But, again, GMs will need to be responsible about it. The real heroes have been on many many many HQs - and survived (and, one should suspect, in many of them - just! One bad roll, and it could have all been over. One super-lucky well-timed crit to save the day...). For every Harrek and Argrath, there are probably a few thousand corpses - the PCs could join them... or not! And I do think there should most definitely be times when that one (super-unlikely) dice roll is the difference between the PC surviving, and not. With great risk comes great reward... (Ps - Leika et al. isn't anywhere near close to 18th level... at best she's 12th, and probably closer to 9th. And RQG starting characters are about 5th, with RQ2/3 PCs about 1st/2nd)
  6. Although not wanting a long tiff... @Soccercalle's idea would also allow the authors to come back and edit after reading... An early release as a PDF without art could then be updated with the full (and edited) version later - and in dead aldryami version. Sure, an unconventional idea, but one that a few have suggested. Although... somewhat irrelevant, given that the decision has been made, and anything we have to say here will not make an ounce of difference.
  7. Mongoose is hated as a publisher ("creative differences" between Mongoose and Chaosium relating to Glorantha lore), but we shouldn't hate the authors themselves, particularly for the second incarnation of MRQ2 (by Lawrence Whittaker, who has done some good RQ work). In MRQ1 - Magic of Glorantha has a 25 page chapter on Heroquesting - about 5 pages of basic mechanics, and 20 pages more specific to cults - including rewards. MRQ2's Cults of Glorantha has three and a bit pages giving a general overview and some mechanics. However, under each cult is a small idea for a HQ. Note that MRQ uses some different mechanics in general, although they shouldn't be too difficult to convert. The general principles (such as using stations) are similar to @soltakss's work anyway, so if you have that, you'll basically be good!
  8. I can't think of any logical reason why it turn back to the original shape. There's nothing inherent in the shape of, eg, clay, that it has a form which it always tries return to regardless (other than via gravity when it's soft). However, what about the impact of hammering and heating which is so important when making arms and armour ? I wouldn't make them break or fall apart as soon as duration ends (without the successful craft roll), but would make them fairly easy to break, including for some things (statues, walls) under their own weight... but that's a chance, and thus a roll.
  9. Except that there are officially published rules... just most people here don't want to talk about the oft-hated Mongoose publications. I doubt the upcoming Chaosium variant will be overly different, as they have the same core ideas that have been discussed (and used) for decades, but there will be some relatively minor mechanical differences. Those core ideas include stations, opponents, success and failure results, and rewards, as well as a few example HQs, which pretty much align with what's been discussed above.
  10. Why would they need to "adventure"? it's standard occupational increase. (although that's 4 v 9).
  11. Unless they have Reflect happening (as either a spell or Chaotic ability) - in which case, your shaman now is out of the game 😛 Rune Points shouldn't be a bottleneck... If you can successfully DI, then you should be able to add additional RPs (like a Heroquest, but without needing the rules). Also, DIs can increase stats, or Species Max... If a Gift (with commensurate geas) can do it, I don't see any good reason why a DI couldn't. Similarly, we have rules for Shamanic abilities (and taboos). Although we don't have a specific spell for it, there's no reason why a shaman can't take along a couple of others with them to visit the greater (or even lesser) spirits, and similarly, should be able to acquire some of those abilities for themselves (with successful Orate or Bargain, and the normal sacrifices of POW etc).
  12. Why isn't it Command/Summon Movement (with maybe a Man Rune thrown in?) Why a matrix? Why not just the Inscriptions? You're lucky they haven't found the new LM spell "Intellect" which doubles INT (similar to the other stat doubling Rune spells like Charisma and Bear's Strength) 😛
  13. seriously??? Humakt is the biggest party killer of them all... "Hey everyone, come to my place Friday night, and we can all talk about death, and I'll tell you about this great duel I fought a few years ago... (again)"... No thanks!
  14. Maybe - the Bully didn't sense anything at all... and thus, perhaps it's time for the GM to quickly slide an ogre into the local townsfolk....
  15. I would imagine Passions would need rolling... both sides using Loyalty.
  16. My B.A. is in Philosophy... double major...
  17. You stink! Badly!! And you're covered in mud and filth and other crap... (granted, that's pretty much the same in most small villages, but if you want to go into more civilised places, you'd better clean up! And, you've probably only got 1 set of clothes while you're out adventuring...).
  18. Ummm - that would be me 🤪 2 master's degrees, in fact... nad I didn't really care too much about either. (I did them to improve job opportunities - and the second mostly because I could get credits from the first - and it sounds good on my CV).
  19. However, you're now bringing in a whole big kettle of extra fish, as now you've decided that gods can actively participate in decision-making within the middle world. That would have quite a few repercussions you may not want. It would also mean that the god would know that the Ogre is an Ogre, and thus Chaotic....
  20. Firstly, it says "join", not "initiate into", do being a Lay Member would qualify, and not draw attention. Secondly, they might be able to get into Humakt.
  21. Just being pedantic (but relevant ), your Ernaldan wouldn't go hunting those, because they already have 1 day per week.
  22. Just being pedantic (but relevant ), your Ernaldan wouldn't go hunting those, because they already have 1 days per week.
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