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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. While true, it is also true that combat isn't one continuous, never pausing series of attacks and parries. There are brief flurries of activity followed by short breaks to get distance, breath, re-size up the opponent, try to say something witty it scathing... Artificially, that could be broken down into melee rounds. Option B might be to start at 0, and count up one tick at a time until the combat is over... But, when would 0 actually start?
  2. Hit locations for weapons??
  3. I thought the Mig 3 stopped production in 1941..... "4667 – Monsters, 112 pages, Perrin, GS, Willis, Petersen, James, Henderson, 1987. " I created an Orc character from that book... also, I let him die because it wasn't Glorantha enough 😛
  4. Isn't that the whole point of having trollkin in combat?
  5. No. It's not about 'best parry vs the Great Troll" - they're all equally good on the field. It's the time, effort and changes to attention & focus costs that cause the deductions. So, you'd first be focussing on the Great Troll - then the first trollkin attacks, and you quickly parry that (having just moved your focus). You then try to focus back to the Great Troll in anticipation - however trollkin #2 attackis, and you swing to avoid that... finally, the Great Troll swings, and you've lost a good chunk of your skill because you now have to re-manouvre yourself to get into position to deflect that blow. If you want to half-heartedly parry, then you get half your parry %. I'm definitely more the latter... unless it's a Fumble, in which case it's usually obvious in the field. Just missing isn't, and so you either risk it or not...
  6. I thought I read somewhere that an Enchant (Rune Metal) would affect about 10 arrowheads.... 😕 (That's a rather odd emoji for confusion!)
  7. Roll a percentile... If it's a Fumble (say, on a POW x 5) then it's hit.
  8. I'd say no, simply because of the name of the spell... Enchant (Rune Metal), not Enchant (Weapon) or Enchant (Wood). So, it's only the head that's getting the enchantment in the first place!
  9. Ummm, wasn't there something about that in RQ3?
  10. I'd presume most humans don't know the origin of trollkin....
  11. However, I still think most humans wouldn't even know there's a technical difference between the various Mostali classes, and see a dwarf as a dwarf as a dwarf... They're all the same thing, so no "Iron" dwarf. As for Aldryami, I doubt that most would even know that Runners are basically the same thing as an elf (other than "forest creatures"). Green, Yellow or Brown... Harder to say. And depends on what you've personally met. "Marching Aldryami" is not a term humans would understand. Totally!!! If they even care much.
  12. Sacrificing to the wyter is quite different to sacrificing for the wyter.
  13. of those, only the Dark Troll v trollkin would I allow. Aldryami rarely leave their forests, and I doubt many humans would have any idea about the different types. Same with Mostali, again because so few ever come up from the ground, and of those that do, they tend not to go very far. So I think it highly unlikely that more than 0.001% of humans are even aware that there are different types. And none of the Elder Races are overly inclined to tell anyone else about themselves, almost like cult secrets.
  14. Or all the fun and hilarity of having a Trickster spirit as your wyter...
  15. I don't think an unwilling sentient sacrifice would be a good idea for your wyter...
  16. However... Mobility reduces SR by 1.. Not DEX SR. So, perhaps the 5SR to reload becomes a 4??
  17. However... As a priest, particularly in the outback, "temple time" is largely whatever you decide it is (as long as there's no negative impact on the rites, etc). Same with the tithing - there's quite a bit of leeway with how it gets spent, and as long as there's no great signs of obvious abuse if the temple funds (e.g., a little wine is ok, but getting hammered daily in the alcoves with your mates isn't) η - the fairly obvious excuse/cop out for most PCs would be the "maintaining the shrines" and "service the rural folk"... Or even "Go on a pilgrimage".
  18. That's because no-one in their right mind would worship a chaotic spirit...
  19. I'd suggest localisation. A god can feel the worship and respond from anywhere, whereas a spirit can't. (Of course, that does depend on how you play your spirit cults). (And thus, I'd be fine with the introduction of rules pertaining to limiting the power of Rune Spells outside of the entities domain. However, I recognise the complications).
  20. I would argue it's a dishonorable act, and they'd lose % in their Honour passion, making it difficult to attain the rank of Sword ... Even if that enemy is Chaotic (presuming that said chaos doesn't have other combat options). I think a question should be asked.... How low can.a Humakti's Honour go down to before they get excommunicated?
  21. That round handle looking thing is,a pretty obvious physical Chaotic Feature... Additional limb.
  22. Only if you played it that way originally. It still all depends on how you view what Rune Spells are. If they're just spells, and thus the difference between Rune, Spirit and Sorcery is negligible (except for how to acquire and cast), then sure - feel free to mix and match to your heart's content. However, if Rune Spells are your personal connection to that particular deity, and the act of casting is calling upon that deity to come to the middle world and extend its power, then combining Extension with other spells from other Rune pools doesn't make sense. And thus, your different heads can't really put their heads together... My personal take on that is that it feels more Gloranthan for the former latter* view - your god actually manifests in some small way when you cast your Rune Spells... (but maybe not enough to know who is using that RP) (thx @Dragon)
  23. Along with others, I don't see a problem with multiple cults within the same pantheon, and in fact I'd expect it even among NPCs. I'd be fairly surprised if the Babeester Gor wasn't at least a Lay Member of Ernalda, especially since I suspect that many take up the axe after having been a quiet Ernalda initiate for years, until something breaks. Asrelians would also be members of Ernalda, as would many Grain Goddesses. Yinkin & Orlanth. Elmal & Orlanth. Humakt & Orlanth. For that matter, Orlanth & Ernalda... I wouldn't go with any "prime" if just at Initiate level, although a Devotion/Loyalty Opposed check would make sense in your example. However, after Initiate level, whichever is the higher rank would be the primary deity, and should be followed first (e.g., both cults need a task done urgently, or two (or more) opposing commands). That sounds like MGF 😃
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