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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Same... because the -e at the end of English words is supposed to make the preceding vowel long... so, 'i' (as in 'eye').
  2. Let me clarify and restate - Grazer kids would be much better at riding than shooting a bow. I have no doubt that by the age of, say, 12, Grazers (and Mongolians) would be very competent with a bow (and other skills). But I still hold that their riding skill will still be considered much better. And then, there's the combat/hunting effectiveness of the bow. Sure, they'll be accurate (even while moving on horseback), but they'll lack the range and power of older Grazers/Mongolians. (of course, the type of bow helps here). I suppose the obvious question here should be - in the Grazer culture, they get +35% to Ride, but only +15% to Comp Bow. Do we agree with these? In addition, when adding in the Light Cavalry, they get another +35%, but only + 25% in Bow... again, do we agree? I do, because of what I wrote before.
  3. I doubt that. Grazer kids would be much better at riding than shooting a bow. Especially since the former is done almost since birth (constantly on horseback), while the latter requires strength and training.
  4. Apologies for my ignorance, but are Yelmalians allowed to ride horses in Sun County?
  5. Does Kuschile work with other mounts? If not, going to be a bit of a problem in most of Prax then...
  6. I think you're just horsing around.... (does that pun translate??)
  7. Why on Glorantha would they be good at Kuschile archery? Their ride is going to start at at least 75% for cavalry (base 05, culture 35, occupation 35 plus Agility modifier)... and, a PC can add another 15-35% for Cult, or 10/25% from Personal Bonuses. Kuschile starts at only 25% with a Geas...
  8. Agreed! And, mechanically, I haven't seen a clear explanation of how it works. Are you supposed to roll Kuschile for every attempt at an attack, and if you succeed, you then roll your normal attack? What happens if you fail or fumble? Is it for a whole battle? Is it for each arrow or round or...??? And, as you wrote, it seems much more logical to just up your Ride and Bow... or, ride into range, stop, let off a few arrows. and then ride off again. For a Geas, I'd expect an ability to fire at your normal Bow skill.
  9. I think you've just opened a can of worms. What part of a soul does a Kolati get when they Summon Ancestors? Or An Earth Witch? Or Kargzant shaman? or KL?
  10. It really isn't. Sure, a good GM is going to keep track of such things mentally or by notes, but Reputation is a number, and that number explicitly measures your fame (or infamy). You are confusing me.... You're basically agreeing with me, except I point out that the deeds are recorded as Reputation grows, and you're saying the GM would do the recording. You are correct that people won't know your qualities, but they will know how you express yourself (well, how things have turned out - things may not have gone as you've planned). "Reputation measures an adventurer’s fame, notoriety, and renown. It includes one’s lineage, and deeds both glorious and infamous... breaking an oath, behaving dishonorably, or committing foul deeds can make one just as famous (or even more so) than right action and heroic achievements." (p. 237, my emphasis). "It is possible to gain Reputation for an act and lose Honor for it, as well" (p. 239). Also possible to increase Reputation for doing something bad, but gaining honor - because people may lie, or misunderstand, etc.
  11. I beg to differ. Reputation is very much both whether you are known, and what for. Remember that when doing Reputation adjustments, the player should be recording what each is for. A successful ambush of a Lunar patrol would garner a bit of Reputation, and probably also lower Honour (going by what some on here think). Most Orlanthi would probably treat you better, not worse. Honour is not about what other people think of you, because you can do many dishonourable acts (thus, lowering your Honour), which people will never ever know about. (going by what has been said earlier by the Chaosium staff). Incorrect. I know the name, and even seen him on TV - but I can't tell you whether he's considered good or not. Thus, neither "universally" nor "loathed".
  12. Not quite. Spirits see spirits... on the spirit plane. Or if they have some sort of Second Sight. I would have the spirits in a binding only visible on the material plane, and only with that mystical vision (and, unless one had a special ability to go with it, wouldn't be able to tell what type of spirit was bound. Once it's out of the binding, then maybe.) After that, sentience is required, as well as caring. I would presume that most won't care enough do much about it... unless the bound spirit is special. Binding a local water nymph would probably get a big response from some, but an animal spirit won't. Binding someone's ghost probably wouldn't even raise an eyebrow, unless you knew the original person. (and, even then, the ghost may actually be happier)
  13. that's called Reputation.
  14. Actually, you can. A) Lunar cults will want the Moon rune to be high - which would give you +2 POW, which you could sacrifice for the RPs. B) According to some other corrections or similar, you only need the 18 POW to become a priest. You don't actually need to maintain that 18 after you are ordained.
  15. I just thought I'd mention that both Gorites in the Starter pack have Honour at 60%. I still think that what's considered honourable does differ, and is very much relativistic. For a Babeester Gorite, not killing that oathbreaker who has just surrendered would be dishonourable. For the Maran Gorite, not sacrificing that child would be dishonourable.
  16. For the standard 1-3pt Summon elemental, I don't think most cult members would care. For anything that's 4 points (eg, Thunder Brother), then they probably would - if a non-Initiate of Orlanth. If you are an Orlanthi, then I'd say the priests would take it as a sign of great things to come from that Initiate. But let's just look at what those entities can do - and in what situations. In order to manifest the deity, you need to either spend rune points to emulate the god in a specific (and very limited) way, or DI - (again, in very limited and specific ways). A(n intelligent) bound spirit would either need to cast a Rune spell, or DI... How are any other cult members even going to know that one of their spirits is bound while it's within the binding, and if it's unable to manifest??? I just ignore that, because it's no longer the Glorantha I love.
  17. I disagree with these to an extent. The first will depend on your rank, and the type of spirit you're binding. I doubt many Orlanthi are really going to go on a rampage if you bind Air elementals. But, they'd be somewhat miffed if an outsider had a Thunder Brother. (if an Orlanth Rune Master had a Thunder Brother, they might just congratulate them for having the blessings of Orlanth ). Re: the second bit... that would be acting in Time, and having that sort of awareness. Gods and Great Spirits aren't really known for acting on their own volition within Time. There should at least be some sort of triggering event before you get chased. And, again, I don't think it's that bad. Or Gods would be calling all those Spirits turned into ghosts.
  18. No. the binder can only use the spirit's magic points and spells if it has any. Hi @Scotty Would you please edit this? You first say "no", then confirm exactly the thing you said "no" to. (I acknowledge that the first quote from Gamesmeister is a little confused, esp using the POW, and "(its own or the binder's)" - as "its own" is superfluous) From what I am getting, when you have a bound spirit (regardless of where it is, for the most part), you can a) use the spirit's MPs, b) use the spirit's spells (as if the spell were in a matrix), c) get the spirit to cast its own spells (but targetting might be an issue), or d) command the spirit to leave the binding object and cast its spells or use its abilities, eg, spirit combat (if you don't have a Control spell on it, then it leaves after doing so. If it is still Controlled, then you can then command it to do other things within the time limit, including having it re-enter the binding).
  19. What about surprise attacks from the rear? And especially against the baggage or supporters of the column thats out front engaging in battle?
  20. I don't think this is correct. Although not specifically mentioned, I doubt it's true for most cults, as they are theistic not animistic (yes, I'm using RL terms which don't fully align with Gloranthan terms).
  21. One thing I would fine annoying about being in Waha is how half of the skill selection to be a Khan aren't on the Cult skills list - no Orate, Scan or Track, and the "another weapon skill" may or may not be a "tribal weapon". I hope this is corrected in the upcoming book! Certainly, there needs to be an 's' added to that last one. Can one be both a Khan and a Shaman/priest? Because it says Khans are also priests... this is confusing.
  22. Especially if it ends up getting your clan killed.
  23. Ate you suggesting that honour is only relevant in life & death situations ?
  24. I'm not suggesting there was anything wrong with that. It just changes the focus of the discussion from a generic "Waha is the worst" into (sort of) a more appropriate and accurate "Waha cultists are the crappiest murder-hobos" or similar. Sort of like saying "ZZs are the absolute worst in social/face games". Yes - and no. Depends on what type of game is being played a the table. If the GM and other players are playing that type of game, then it can work well. If not, then there's going to be friction.
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