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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. I just happened to open to a page/section where it had it (via a route I hadn't been able to explore due to poor rolls). So, yes, there's at least one in there (which I subtly referenced). For this, I gave the players* the option to roll, and then (As per the core book), the chance to override it if they wished. (Bowen, both chose the same option..... Dishonorable cads!) (* as per the "who's bought/used the SS" thread, I'm introducing a couple of Chinese uni students to the game.. They generally alternate choices and rolls)
  2. Not so much a correction, but... In the Soloquest, I don't get why there's not an Opposed test between V's Honor and Hate at 128, because it would be extremely appropriate at this point.... This seems especially valid as many wouldn't try for the swimming earlier, and thus get this option then.
  3. Then he should be sensible and do what every other god does, and steal it from someone!
  4. A couple of things. Firstly, the Associate Cult replenishing is *Only* for the Seasonal or High Holy day... So, only one extra per season. Which is sort of nice if they're 4 weeks apart (maximum from season to season), but sucks if it's the following day (except to top off the replenishment). Secondly, I'd allow the presiding official to augment the other worshippers Worship, as.it's largely just a "watch, listen, and repeat after me" thing. And as a single roll - if the presiding official gets a crit on their worship, then not only do they get extra RPs back**, but the flock increases their chances. (So, dumping lots of MPs when leading increases.everyone's chances to get more points back, thus making you more popular!) Which also means having a high Worship has some benefit... Sure, drop some MPs to increase base RP replenishment. But if an extra 50-80% could increase the amount you get back, then I'd suggest it would become a must-have. (GMs could also rule that you can only double your Worship through MPs...making those popular priests and God-Talkers even more valuable) (** Yes, I'd allow that. Maximum renewal for the occasion) This is largely irrelevant if you can only increase every season anyway, especially with the MP bonus being used. Also, Worship is an "Occupational" skill that can be increased without a tick anyway.
  5. Unlikely... Unless it's a very leafy tree and there's no wind at all. (With the irony being, in casting the Darkwalk, part of the manifestation of Orlanth would be an accompanying breeze).
  6. I was thinking of mentioning that, but I thought that they wandered around in groups with a big statue. Maybe that's just an image in my head from one of the KoDP games??
  7. Also consider - Orlanth, the wind, who has Movement as a core Rune... mobile priests should be fairly common. Not to mention that during the Lunar occupation, they're not allowed to have Orlanth worship around anyway, so they're unlikely to be tied to any particular place. Even after the occupation has ended, and the rebellion succeeds, there'd be need for priests to travel the land to initiate the youngsters and bring back the Wind to people's lives, and become more active and prominent.
  8. I see it as - the Associated deity has taught the primary deity how to use that power, so that primary deity will obviously manifest as themselves. However, they still need to use that particular Rune to make that power manifest. (The Associated spells are a little mis-labelled, as they're still coming from the primary deity... Like "Oh, look what I learned from X the other Age")
  9. Could you create an undead werewolf that could still change???
  10. 😕 Source? (With quote and page number)
  11. I bought the Starter Set almost as soon as it was available, mostly with the hope of introducing some of my colleagues to it (who normally play D&D). Unfortunately, I was too lazy to organise anything during the recent Spring Festival break (bad me!) However, last Tuesday, I got a couple of students at my uni (part of the university boardgames club, and general gaming group) to participate. One had played some D&D and CoC, and the other was completely new to RPGs (and, largely, to board games as well). Both are Chinese, and thus English is their second (or third) language, and so I GM'ed the Soloquest, making a few alterations to the script for easier understanding. NOTE - MILD spoilers below (but, given that you can run the Soloquest many times and have vastly different results, it shouldn't be too bad... different choices and rolls...) I started by giving them a general intro to the game, character sheet, stats, etc. The CoC player was about 20 mins earlier than the newb, so that went fairly quick. A couple of bad rolls had Vasana embarrass herself in front of the Starbrow and her generals, get a bit rebuffed/ignored by Vinga, and the only thing that took a hit during the Lunar charge was her pride. A 03 to the abdomen, OTOH, was enough to put her out, and meeting Daka Fal.... We stopped just as the White Lady priestess was chanting away. To be continued next Tuesday! A note to Chaosium.. the Starter Set (and probably all Chaosium products) are great for native language speakers of the language they're printed in... but somewhat difficult for non-native speakers! Maybe something to consider....
  12. I get it. It just unnerves me, in that it reminds me of the logical fallacy of Division... all parts of a whole have the same properties as the whole...
  13. Except when it is... Your Yelmalian who can't use Fire suddenly joins a Fire cult at full percentage. Or a Valind worshipper joins a Darkness cult. (FWIW, I'm not a fan of this Fire/Sky combination either)
  14. Personally, I'd make it as posters choice. Is one more focussed on getting in a good hit (no reduction, higher Crit), or getting around the opponent's defences (reduction, modify defender's parry)? (Edit - "poster's choice"??? What the...??? *player's choice)
  15. That's exactly what I was about to write, as i was going through the above! You've been focussed on doing X (swinging a sword, firing an arrow, etc), and now you want to cast a spell. It's not merely enough to look at or touch (or both) your spell focus and start casting - you've got to spend a bit of mental time to put yourself in the right state of mind. For me (in RL), that can be as short as a single breath... so, about 5SR.
  16. Yeah, I thought of that. But they'd need good contacts to get it, due to lack of Association (although, no good reason not to be an Orlanthi as well). I take shield to fall into the "other weapon" category. Still not part of Babs though.
  17. "Shield??? Shields stop you dying. Why are you carrying one? Didn't I put a geas against all shields???"
  18. Except... We're forgetting the myth and magic of the world. What GM would say a DI from a Humakti Sword couldn't halve the weight of a shield?
  19. There's no logical (or even good.... barely acceptable???) reason why they don't exist. And, thus, I extrapolated... A large wooden shield has 16HP, so one would assume that a large bronze shield should be at around 20-22, given that the small versions have 50% more... Add another 50% for Iron, and you'd be at about 30, and then double that for the Gift - 60HP... (of course, you could always just have a wooden backing with a thin later of metal) I don't see a good reason for limiting the availability of sizes either, given that those making the shield would also make the armour and the weapons. And if you've got the iron available to make a full suit of plate, then you could instead make a large shield...
  20. Do that to an iron shield, and you're around 50 AP.
  21. How could she have True Axe when she doesn't even have the Truth Rune 😛
  22. That's not actually correct. We just haven't been given stats for them in current publications. There's obviously no good reason why we couldn't have them.
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