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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Yes, it could be possible to allow multiple parries only with shield. Not very realistic (I came from fencing, not SCA, and multiple parries with foil or epee are possible within 12 seconds), but would give the requested result.
  2. With current combat rules, there is no interest using a shortsword vs a broadsword (except for cost 25L vs 50L): ENC is same, SR is higher, HP are lower, base skill is same. With RQ3, you had same armor for broadsword and gladius (10AP). In addition, you also had a lower ENC (0.5 or 1 vs 2.0) and some interesting maneuvers with a higher SR or that ignore SR, with the added advantage of possible impales (with the gladius). For armor, light armor is cheaper, lighter and has generally a better modifier for 'Move Silently' as heavier armor often include noisy metal parts. In addition, as told by Soltakss, you may have a problem of social acceptance.
  3. You lucky guys. French language does not have this possibility.
  4. IIRC, the effect (but not the enchantment itself) was in Borderlands. Duke Raus's bodyguard had one.
  5. Even if I (politely) disagree with a good part of your post, this part is excellent. Well said.
  6. I've seen Indian police using wicker shields during violent protests. They took a lot of beatings, including by swords. The only problem was that they don't provide cover against tear gas. In Delhi, this is a problem, but in Pavis, much less.
  7. No, because you still need 3 SR between each attack. You can do 2, perhaps 3 attacks per round, but not more. But of course, that would mean 2 225% attacks or 3 150% attacks, but you will still parry only once (max twice).
  8. This was always true, but even more now with the multiple parry rule. Much true.
  9. I've never had an Humakti when playing RQ2, so yes, I believe you. With RQ3, gifts were chosen and there was a linked geas.
  10. Correct. Same for me. Agreed. White Bull campaign is fine, but not RAW.
  11. From what I have seen, most (not all as you described) rune rolls are decided by the player, not by the GM, but for the passions, my experience would tell about 50% for each. If you create RAW, the player choose most of the values of the runes (in fact, they choose everything, but some modifiers are coming from background/history), but choose nothing about the passions (except the default ones that comes from cult and homeland).
  12. No, because you choose to be Humakti or Yelmalion. Note that I don't like the fact that you now roll the gifts and geases. Same, you choose. No, because you don't choose the Passions rolls (and associated EXP rolls).
  13. I've never heard this story before you told it (it does not mean it is false), but I very much like the idea.
  14. I'm part of them. This is exactly the reason why I don't like passions. Agreed. Agreed, but the problem is not in the 'can', it is in the 'must' if you are above 80%.
  15. And for that, they were carrying everything needed to build the camp, including tents, altars and the (wooden) walls. Yes, the 30 km are for the (Marian) late republic/early empire legions: highly trained, well payed professionals, with good roads, fine tune logistics.
  16. I've never seen a hood on any french military clothing, even if I was in mountain corps (but I never seen arctic equipment), but this was 30 years ago, so can't say anything for current equipment.
  17. In fact, it was quite high. Louis XIV's armies were moving around 4km per day on the average during campaigns (according to Vauban), including all those activities. Napoleon's armies were around 10 km per day on the average, and this was a all time high since the end of the roman empire (whose average was, iirc, around 30 km per day). That does not mean an army can not move faster, but that means that to go faster, you need to bring everything with you, and you need extra people just to take care for the extra work, or you need roman 20 years veterans that do everything themselves. I frankly have no idea of how fast macedonian or mycenian armies were moving strategically. Agreed. This is in addition to the penalties I spoke about face covering (I never had a bull charging me during a fencing fight, although I completely missed a MBT during the night and wearing winter equipment around 50 meters from me when in the army).
  18. Yes. Especially for a large group of people (an army). Napoleon's army was the first one since centuries to move more than 5 km per day just because of this.
  19. After 12 years of quite high level fencing (with modern foils and swords): - A combat takes a lot of energy and attention. You can not keep fighting continuously for very long, or your capability to continue avoid hits is considerably lowered. A fencing fight is rarely above 15 seconds, and after 2 or 3 passes, you sweat. - A sword, even a modern one, has a weight that can not be counted as nil. A 1 meter thin metal rod brings rapidly your wrist too low to be usable. - A helmet with face covering reduces your vision, so don't complain if you don't see everything you expect to see. Same for hearing if not a modern one.
  20. As I am using RQ3 combat rules, sword trance has never been a problem: You may have 450% sword attack, but you still have your normal chance to parry, and even if your sword parry were increased, you still don't decrease your opponent attack chance and have a limited number of parry. A 450% sword attack will make you killed by 10 normal trollkin with 1H spear. Perfectly true, and if someone attacks during the 14th round, the spell does not goes off and your humakti just lost 14 attacks. The game is over. With RQG's combat rules, yes.
  21. IIRC, Jeff or Rick explained that RQ3 IP is firmly in Chaosium's hands now.
  22. This is exactly what I meant for western languages. Sorry if I was not clear enough.
  23. IIRC, western language were the same: 1 common written form for each language. Same for me. As during a time, lunar empire was seen as a mix between roman empire and USSR (perhaps because of the red color), it was quite correct, but not anymore. As SDleary explained, Tarshite is a Theyalan language, closer to Sartarite. With your analogies, it would be like Macedonian (close to Greek, but not quite the same language).
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