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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. For me, it is part of the battle of tactics.
  2. Yes, Megatraveller is also the oldest game I remember having this kind of system fully integrated with the global one. Yes. Yes, but in that case, Mugen is right: it is easy for an experienced GM to see it, but a beginner one will not see what is behind.
  3. You just discovered why the game I GM'ed most is Toon, and why I dislike GM'ing (but like playing) RQ.
  4. We don't play weekly adventures, but as most adventures are just a few days long, there can be several in 1 season, even when not breaking the 3 weeks per season that cause losses. This is especially easy when characters are deeply inserted in their community, and a lot of the adventures revolve around the clan, the town or hamlet and what is around (Tusk riders raid, stolen cattle, disease spirits,...).
  5. You forget that you also need to get enough rune magic before you are allowed to reach rune level, and the time needed to do this is generally much longer than the time needed to level up the skills. Now, you get only 1 POW check per season, meaning you need at least 7 seasons to have 7 successful roll to have the 10 requested RP.
  6. Yes. If core book rules are superseded by new ones and those changes are planed to enter a new print run, they should also be in the pdf.
  7. Same for me. The rule is exactly the same as RQ3's rules. I agree the modifiers are a bit higher, but not by much, so the chance to increase is not much higher. Probably much over 100. We had about 2 to 3 adventures per season (so 10 to 15 per year), with between 10 and 30 checks per adventure. Counting an average of 20, that means an average of 200 to 300 checks per year, and 100 if you adventure only once per season. Current rate of progress is much slower than previously. Correct.
  8. When can we hope to get a new pdf version?
  9. Same for me. We had humans, ducks, trolls and 1 dwarf. We had characters from Prax, Sartar, Heortland, Lunar Empire, Esrolia and 1 Kralorelan. We had a whole bunch of Cults, but no Eurmali.
  10. Correct, but they have POW, and the default roll is POW vs POW, so possible.
  11. IIRC, this is already the official rule, at least since RQ3.
  12. Yes, for me, this should work.
  13. Yes, obviously. This, I don't think. For me LM (and the other cults that teach or merely allow sorcery) know that they are using things (runes/techniques/spells) that don't come from the god itself but from something completely different. For me, a Malkioni say that the Invisible God created the life, the universe and everything (including the runes), but Malkion, as the first sorceror, discovered (and not created) the sorcerous runes and techniques.
  14. In the case of a skeleton, bones, obviously. This is exactly my point when I said 'No POW, No MP, so no target'. I like this solution: They are animated, so are a valid target, because they don't have no MP but 0MP: Attack with POW vs 0MP on the resistance table and no possible POW check. I will use it.
  15. I completely agree with both of you.
  16. For me, no POW nor MP means no disruption possible, because you have no target. The problem, as Anunnaki described, is that skeleton and zombies had and have not anymore.
  17. Correct. Logical, but as I said, I failed my roll.
  18. I don't know for dragon (just failed my 'draconic lore' test), but humans need to have their tongue split to speak Auld Wirmish, so I suppose dragonewts have.
  19. For me, yes. Sorcery is the same, source of power is the same, and mental constructs are the same. The would need to have a written common language, though. But once you have access to the rune(s) and technique(s), you can use them.
  20. With RQG, you have sword trance. With RQ3 and RQG, you have arrow trance. Both can drive you way above 300%.
  21. Agreed, it might work, is logical and coherent. But my experience is different: I tried several time to use this strategy, but the time needed to have the malus really count is way too long to get any chance of survival versus said armored tank, er, knight. with said experience and accompanying sword.
  22. One of mine used it, and it never changed the result of a single roll, because combat were sufficiently short to avoid the -1% per fatigue below 0 to have any effect. The next GM (a player in the game we used it) decided to discard it completely.
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