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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Hello Baron. 'Mal de mer' (sea sickness), not 'Mal de mere' (Mother's sickness), and 'malfaisance'.
  2. This works for a javelin, not a spear, where the mass that counts is not only the weapon's mass. And the wound effects depends on the energy lost by the weapon in it's target, the width of the wound and some other factors.
  3. Yes, but except for very close range, with RQG's rule of engagement and move, this is less a factor, especially with: Correct. And you are right on this.
  4. In the other direction, the lowest I had is 0 (Zero): No successful roll in stressful conditions, so no mark at all.
  5. To give a more precise answer to the OP, the highest I remember with RQG is 37 exp marks on 'Defending Apple Lane': 10 for Combat skills (Broadsword, LH Broadsword, Battleaxe, Medium Shield, Large shield, Dodge, Composite Bow, 1H Short Spear, Thrown Short Spear, Thrown Axe), 16 for Non Combat skills (Climb, Ride, Intimidate, Orate, Sing, Battle, Customs (Heortling), Evaluate, First Aid, Meditate, Worship Orlanth, Listen, Scan, Track, Hide, Move Quietly), 3 for Passions (Honor, Loyalty Sartar, Hate Tusk Rider), 4 for Runes (Air, Fire, Moon, Life), 1 for POW and 3 Sorcery spells.
  6. Interesting. I've not thought to that. So do I, but Jeff's answer was 'Initiates don't fight. At all. ', hence my question. Yes, agreed. Good roleplaying opportunities.
  7. OK, but they are undead nonetheless, meaning not all undead are linked to chaos, unless I don't understand anything to Zorak Zoran's cult (which is fairly possible). It is (RQG p290: 'An initiate must become a vegetarian'). Why not shield? This is a purely self defense skill. Does that mean (RQG p290) that the line 'Chaotic foes are exempt from this protection' only means that chaotic creatures incapacitated by a healer's actions can be terminated by others? What about undead, which are by definition not living, or machines (Jolanti or nilmergs or god learner's artifacts)?
  8. On that point, RQ follows you, because a javelin does 1D10+1 (+1D2 on the average) damage, as the best bows (Composite and Elf) do 1D8+1 damage. The real advantage of bows are range and weight if you carry more than a few shots.
  9. I kept them separate because of Zorak Zoran's zombies, that are (seemingly) not linked to chaos. And, as stated by OP, CA 'provides quite explicit taboos with regard to life and living things, Chaos excepted' and 'Worshipers of Chalana Arroy practice total non-violence and take an oath never to harm a living creature' (Sourcebook p117). Fully agreed. Are Zorak Zoran's zombies linked to chaos? I am sure they are not. Is Delecti (himself, not his creatures/creations) chaotic? I am not sure. He is described as a God Learner sorcerer. Undead are creatures, but not living ones.
  10. Yes, of course: this does not harm anybody, sentient or not. Chaos, yes, because they are chaos. Undead, yes, because they are not living. With RQG, intelligent means having an INT stat. Zombies and skeletons don't have INT. Vampires have INT, but are not concerned because not living.
  11. In fact, this is already the case, because a Rune Lord uses a D10, and most probably has more than 10RP. The permanent cost is for him the 1st RP, the others being recovered at the next worship(s). No, they also are recovered as usual, but the initiate rolls a D100, which means the possibility of loosing all his RP and some or all his POW (and to fail if the roll is above POW+RP).
  12. Don't forget you start the DI procedure by permanently spending a RP. This is roughly equivalent to spending a POW. In fact, it is equivalent if you spend said POW to compensate for the loss of the RP.
  13. Another possibility is to treat said 'below 0' roll as 1, because the minimum rollable result is 1, but I prefer 0: Your devotion so much impressed your god that he thinks the original offering is sufficient.
  14. Yes. I can't see that rule being able to increase POW or RP, so any roll brought to zero or less would be treated as 0 and only the original RP is lost.
  15. Same for me. I miss it. Logically, a spell has no gaps, but in that case, a protection spell should apply in case of a critical, and it seems it does not.
  16. If I were to use Devotion as a modifier for DI, I think I would use the skill as an augment, and use the result of the augment roll as a negative modifier on the DI roll: For example, a Special on the Devotion (Deity) roll would normally give a +30% on the augmented roll. That way, I would apply a -30 on the D100 under POW (or POW+RP for priest) roll. It is thus still possible to loose everything because (for humans) you can not have more than 21 POW and 21 RP, and the max modifier is -50. For Rune Lords, I would probably don't change anything (straight D10), but the augment result divided by 10 is a possibility.
  17. I like the POF. Long life to the POF!!
  18. For me, this is right on spot. No, but if you are a lay member, you are more than just a member of a friendly cult: you are part of the cult, even if not fully initiated.
  19. And, franky, I have problems when I try to imagine a giant, member of Odayla's cult, taking part to a great hunt. For such a creature, Orlanth Thunderous seems easier, if only for size. They are, after all, the perfect living lightning rod, but would have trouble hiding and stalking.
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