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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Replying a bit late, but the angled shape would not give the wanted result because with only one spell, they would not know the direction of the attack.
  2. Thanks for your mail. It worked with the mail address after clearing my cache. Thanks for your help. Kloster
  3. An additional problem: When I click on reset password, I never receive the mail giving instructions, although the mail address written in my profile is the right one.
  4. Hello, Since 3 days, I am unable to login on the forum, whatever device or browser I use. I am only able to use this computer on which I am connected since weeks. On all other devices, I am unable to login, getting a wrong password or login error. As the login and password are saved on my laptop and my phone, I know there is no error. I have changed the password from this computer, but no result. I have each time got my account locked, and I have used the security mail to change my password, but the problem persists. If an admin can look on the problem, I would be very grateful. Thanks and regards, Kloster
  5. It takes me from 3 to 4 hours to create a character. More probably 6 when helping a newbie player, because I have to explain the homelands and the cults.
  6. In Runequest 3, you can parry with your hands. The armor points of the parrying weapons are the AP of the arm, and the damage is not substracted from AP, but from the arm hit points. A successful Martial Arts roll adds 6 points to the arm HP. As far as I have understood, RQG is same.
  7. But for this one, you need 'detect sorceror that knows Geomancy', because I think they don't advertise, at least in Sartar/Prax.
  8. Yes. Yes. Yes. Completely agree here. Same for me. I accept 'detect poison', but ...
  9. Nice idea. In that case, yes, because you detect the psychic/mystic remain of the intent, not the trap itself.
  10. Yes, of course, both would detects: They are traps. This is why wide definition detects such as 'writing', 'traps,...) are difficult to use.
  11. and it would register at 'detect traps'. and it would NOT register at 'detect traps'. Those 2 points are why I allow 'detect traps'.
  12. If you can detect 'life' or 'unlife' which are concepts, you can detect 'writing'. It would detect substances that are poisonous to the caster, or, if you are devious and the caster is using a matrix, poisonous to the creator of the matrix.
  13. Detect Bronze, to recover used arrows at the end of a combat.
  14. Kloster

    Building Gringles

    Wahou!!!!!! Breathless.
  15. Hurricanes, or tornades, like in the american midwest. On facture, anti destructive wind, but those are coming to my mind.
  16. I've never heard about it, but have a try on 'The ring thing', especially if you accept the schwytzerdutsch.
  17. I do not have my BGB at hand, but with RQ3, another advantage for the sword/shield combo vs 2H sword is the amount of AP (12 for 2H sword, 16 for kite shield and 18 for hoplite), plus the fact that if you parry with your attack weapon, it's AP will go down much more rapidly. Another is the cost (320p for 2H sword vs 150p for the most expensive shield, that has 50% more AP).
  18. Those are normal conclusions.
  19. Sorry for the confusion. For your proposal, as I firmly dislike the multiple parry rules, I have no real opinion on them. I very much prefer staying with 2 actions per round among Attack, Parry and Dodge (not counting over 100% skills).
  20. In RQ3, yes, until the shorter weapon close the range (a maneuver named 'Close Combat'). Either the long weapon steps away and the combat continues with same range (and iirc everybody adds 1 to SR), or he allows the closing range (to maintain formation, or if he can't backs away) and after that, he has to wait for the shorter's weapon to attack to be able to perform his attack (RQ3 player's book P57).
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