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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Oh, so I misunderstood your point. Yes, you are right, but I think you can play on the conditions (target, trigger) to say 'the spell (which automatically works, because the spirit is bound) commands the spirit to do <programmed> task, in that case, 'cast fireblade'. I agree this is not written as such, but Scotty's comment gave me the idea. Yes, of course, but the point was to have an automatic casting of an active (in that case, Fireblade) spell. I think I will stay with Bladesharp.
  2. In RQ3, yes, but according to Scotty's answer (due to his position, I assume it is official), a trigger on an active spell won't work. This is why I went along his 'suggestion' of using a spirit casting the spell, directed by a triggered control matrix.
  3. You beat me on the line with this answer.
  4. I'm sorry, but BGB is not derived from RQ3, but much more from Stormbringer. There are some things that came from RQ, but the default rules (Major wounds instead of localized damage, variable armor, skill category modifiers, move for example) are SB ones, not RQ3's.
  5. In fact, BRP derives from RQ2, and RQ3 derives from RQ2/BRP. But the rest of your point is perfectly correct.
  6. Literally, in french, it means 'half-virgin', hence the derived meaning (in french as in english). This one, I didn't knew. Thanks.
  7. Yes, the munchkin in me sees a dagger with a fireblade matrix, a bound spirit, a control spirit matrix with a trigger (someone wields the weapon while shouting 'flame on' and a few linked MP to power the control spell. You even don't have to provide the MP for the spell, as it replenish by itself. No more problems maintaining the spell and a 3D6 damaging dagger. Quick to the egregious munchkinery thread. The only point is that you now have to wait for the SR and there is a roll to cast the spell, but it is worth it.
  8. Nice. Easy ruling that allows to avoid said problem. Completely agree.
  9. Very fine use. Completely agree. The rules don't say anything on the subject. Hence my 'In RQG, I'm not sure'. In fact, RQ3's rule were also silent on the active spells subject. It was purely our decision on it, to stay coherent on the spells cast by object. By the way, the 'No INT roll' is not a problem, because they have no POW, but are able to cast spells as long as they have a MP reserve linked (RQG p250, RQ3 Magic book p56), but I agree with you on the ambiguity and the designer's intention (who most probably didn't had a thought on it).
  10. In RQ3, no, because the sword cast the spell, not you. In RQG, I'm not sure.
  11. You go to 10+ when using conditions, linked spells and magic point storage. That allows for effect you can't have without doing it. In the case I have described, for 15 POW, you have a sword that casts instantly and without roll Bladesharp 4, Strength 3 and Coordination 3 when you decide it, and the magic points are already stored for 2 uses. You just have to refill when needed. When casting the spells, you need 10 SR if the matrix are linked, 3 rounds if you know the spells ore the matrix are not linked.
  12. In RQ3, yes, a lot. Most of our characters were full in Spirit spells, and created matrixes to free up some space. There is the added advantage to allow giving the matrix to another member of the group. We also created matrix with Magic Point reserves linked, and conditions on the casting, because it allowed instant casting with no roll. I had a sword which, when held and the wielder called for Orlanth's help, had an automatic cast of Bladesharp 4, Strength 3 and Coordination 3. Quite expensive (15 POW total), but very effective. In RQG, I did it once. My character is an Aeolian sorceror, and is creating matrix with his spirit spells to increase his free INT.
  13. With the spacing given by your link, that means a Sunspear can reach 4 or 5 persons when cast at a phalanx, which seems correct. If I remember well, Macedonian spacing is wider than roman one to allow for longer spears, but the classical greek phalanx was much tighter (similar to what I imagine Orlanthi shield walls to be), with very close ranks to allow for push. In that last case, the Sunspear would be a formidable weapon.
  14. Which, for an active Orlanth priest, can be difficult to make recognize (or prove).
  15. Not a problem if very few persons can know the spell. Otherwise, I fully agree with you.
  16. Yes, a hero point can raise or lower the quality of result by 1. The survival point of a NPC can only affect the result he receives, but can not affect the one a PC receives. Agreed.
  17. I still prefer your 'it depends on the situation'. I think you were right on spot with your example of attacking from several directions vs a line in a corridor.
  18. This is what I would consider to be the 'augment' made by the 1st character. This, I like. This, I don't like. It works for the success (but only 1 get to roll for experience), but in case of a fail, everybody has failed. I'm much more on the line of our desperate Windchild: It depends on the situation.
  19. As a former army guy, I can ensure you this is quite realist. This is why you don't try stealth with a large group of encumbered people, because at least 1 will be heard. You just try to avoid giving too large bonus to the guard. On the other hand, everybody in the squad is looking for problem and has instructions to warn others in case he spots something. But realist does not mean interesting to play, and I understand your point. I personally would use option 1, using the highest skill as leader for this roll. That way seems the best, considering the way experience works.
  20. In fact, In JB007, the Quality of Result was the main factor of the damage. You could easily kill someone with a Quality 1 (a critical, in BRP linguo), even with the lightest weapon
  21. French has no weird punctuation and accents. English is just missing some parts of the alphabet. By the way, Nick, your french on Deadcrows forum is more than correct (even if typically british). You should have no problem translating from ancient persian to modern french.
  22. What about shipping and handling cost: The weight should be close to 2 (metric) tons!
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